Forsidebilde av Finnfjord AS’
Finnfjord AS

Finnfjord AS


En av verdens mest energieffektive produsent av ferrosilisium og mikrosilica

Om oss

Finnfjord produserer ferrosilisium, mikrosilika og elektrisk energi. Vi er et privat norsk-eid kjemisk prossessverk med et integrert kraft-varmeverk i metallproduksjonen. Finnfjord omsetter for ca. 1 milliard kroner og har 130 ansatte.

51–200 ansatte
Privateid selskap
Ferrosilicon, Energy, Microsilica


Ansatte i Finnfjord AS


  • We are honored to receive the 2024 Sustainability Award from Metalshub! At Finnfjord, we push industry standards by rethinking CO₂ reduction. With one of the world’s most energy-efficient ferrosilicon plants, we’re now advancing algae technology to capture CO₂ from off-gases. This award encourages our efforts to become the world’s first CO₂-free ferrosilicon producer. Sustainability is a team effort, and collaboration across the supply chain is key. A big thank you to Metalshub, our partners, and customers who share our vision. Let’s keep making the world greener and more profitable!! #SustainabilityAward #Decarbonisation #Finnfjord #GreenSteel

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    🌍 Can heavy industry truly be sustainable? Finnfjord AS is proving that it can. With a bold vision to become the world’s first CO₂-free ferrosilicon producer, the Norwegian company is leading the way in energy recovery, emissions reduction, and transparency. At Metalshub, we’re proud to support Finnfjord by providing the digital tools to showcase its sustainability efforts, connect with like-minded buyers, and streamline procurement. Brynjulv Gjerde, Commercial Director at Finnfjord International, and his team are committed to driving real change in the industry—demonstrating that sustainability and profitability can go hand in hand. 💡 Learn how Finnfjord is making it happen: #Sustainability #Digitalisation #Ferrosilicon #Decarbonisation #Metalshub #GreenMetals

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  • Today, we had the pleasure of welcoming Minister of Business, Cecilie T. Myrseth, to our plant. It was a great opportunity to discuss the pressing challenges facing European industry, including market tariffs, energy costs, CO₂ regulations, and the impact of low economic activity. At Finnfjord, we are committed to innovation and sustainability. We were proud to show her our energy recovery plant, which significantly reduces emissions and increases efficiency. We also shared our plans to use algae to capture CO₂—a groundbreaking initiative that not only helps the environment but also transforms CO₂ into healthy feed for farmed salmon. We appreciate the Minister’s time and interest in our work!

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  • Our close collaborators at UiT- The Arctic University of Norway have written a very interesting opinion piece in DN, comparing the algae project at Finnfjord with the electrification of Melkøya. Melkøya, where Equinor operates LNG production, faces a significant challenge with its annual emissions of 900,000 tons of CO2. To meet international climate agreements, these emissions must be significantly reduced. The government has proposed electrifying the facility, but this has met with opposition due to concerns about electricity prices and sufficient renewable energy. An innovative solution is to use CO2 emissions from industrial processes for the production of microalgae through carbon capture and utilization (CCU). Microalgae, which contain valuable nutrients, can be used as feed for both humans and animals. The technology has already been tested at the ferrosilicon plant in Finnfjordbotn and has proven to be effective on an industrial scale. This alternative can significantly reduce CO2 emissions while simultaneously producing sustainable feed, supporting the government’s goal of increased sustainability in the aquaculture industry by 2030.

  • Studenter fra Midt-Troms - se her! Næringsforeninga Finnsnes og Senja inviterer til Studentfest før jul. Her vil næringslivet i Senja fortelle om hvilke muligheter som finnes i arbeidslivet i regionen. Samtidig for dere mulighet til å bli kjent med andre studenter fra regionen. Det er begrenset med plass - så det gjelder å være snar å melde seg på!

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  • Finnfjord won the Norwegian final in Capgemini’s Nordic Sustainability Tech Award 2024!! The consulting company Capgemini annually awards its sustainability prize to businesses in the Nordic region that use technology and innovation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit climate change. This year, the prize went to Finnfjord for the collaborative project we have with UiT The Arctic University of Norway, where we use algae to absorb CO2 from the off-gases of the ferrosilicon process and convert them into valuable raw materials. We are proud and happy to win this award, and we greatly appreciate that others notice the work being done in the Algae Project!!

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  • Brynjulv Gjerde recently showcased our zero-emissions roadmap at the Fastmarked Ferroalloys conference in Istanbul. In collaboration with UiT- The Arctic University of Norway, Finnfjord has pioneered an innovative method to capture CO2 using algae. These algae thrive on light and CO2, making the off gases from the ferrosilicon process an ideal environment for their growth. Moreover, the algae are rich in valuable fatty acids, making them an excellent ingredient for farmed salmon feed.

    Vis profilen til Brynjulv Gjerde

    Commercial director

    At Fastmarkets Ferroalloys conference in Istanbul 2024 presented different approaches to reduce direct CO2 emissions in the production of Ferrosilicon. Finnfjord in Norway and RIMA in Brazil uses local opportunities to achieve this. Through a local developed process to produce algae for fish 🐟 farm feed or an amazing forest 🌳 operation to make charcoal. Carbon capture and utilisation is the future!!

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