Forsidebilde av Grieg Edges
Grieg Edge

Grieg Edge


Bergen, Hordaland 2 023 følgere

Grieg Edge is the dedicated innovation unit within the Grieg Maritime Group

Om oss

Shipping has prided itself on being the most environmentally friendly way of transporting cargo. It is time to take it further. Industry disruption, climate change and shifts in customer behaviour demand a new approach. In Grieg Edge, we aim to identify and develop new business opportunities within shipping and related maritime segments – always with sustainability as a requirement. We aim to discover, understand and ultimately solve customer problems – alone or together with partners. And we intend to use the most efficient tools to design sustainable solutions for a new tomorrow.

2–10 ansatte
Bergen, Hordaland
Privateid selskap


Ansatte i Grieg Edge


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    We are grateful and proud that Arriva Shipping, AT Skog SA, and Viken AT Market AS have placed their trust in our innovative ammonia-powered General Cargo ShortSea vessels. This 7,800 DWT self-unloader is part of a revolution in the maritime industry: it is highly energy-efficient, fitted for electric power, and equipped with a dual fuel engine that is ready to use ammonia from day one. We will deliver this vessel to Arriva Shipping in 2027, and from then on, it will transport Viken AT Market's cargo from Norway to harbours all over Northern Europe - with a fraction of the emissions short sea vessels emit today. Partnerships are key to success when navigating the decarbonisation of shipping. We couldn't have better partners. Thank you for believing in us! Read more here:

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    As the emerging market for green ammonia continues to develop, we are happy to announce our partnership for green ammonia production in Florø together with Fjord Base Gruppen. 🌍 🚢 The companies signed a Letter of Intent to evaluate the opportunity for a green ammonia facility in 2022, and are now further developing the project with focus on required infrastructure, grid connection, permitting and technical development. Please see our website below for further information.

  • We’re one step closer to building the MS Green Ammonia! 🎉 Today, the Norwegian government funding scheme Enova SF announced an 80 million NOK investment support to make MS Green Ammonia emission-free. "We have developed the MS Green Ammonia project with Pilot-E support since 2021. We are pleased that Enova is now supporting the continuation of the project with investment support," says Vidar Lundberg, Managing Director at Grieg New Energy. This innovative project is designed to fulfil the growing demand for green ammonia in the shipping industry. The MS Green Ammonia serves as a green ammonia distribution and bunkering vessel, capable of transporting up to 5,000 tons of ammonia per trip to various customers. Its design offers significant flexibility to adapt to changing market needs and includes both ship-to-terminal and ship-to-ship bunkering capabilities. This versatility allows the ship to effectively meet a wide range of customer requirements. Read more at:

  • Dagens tildelinger fra Enova er viktige for å lykkes med dekarboniseringen av skipsfarten i Norge. Vi er utrolig stolte av å være med på GreenH AS's prosjekt med å gjøre hydrogen tilgjengelig langs hele kysten. Gratulerer med tilliten fra Enova SF! Spesielt synes vi det er spennende med prosjektet på Slagentangen, der vi har en mer direkte rolle i vårt partnerskap med Green H, North Ammonia, og Esso Norge. Hydrogenanlegget på Slagentangen vil være et av de første i verden som overfører hydrogen direkte fra anlegget til skip. "Sammen med våre partnere har vi jobbet med å etablere en grønn maritim energi hub på Slagen siden 2021. Vi er svært glade for at ENOVA støtter hydrogen prosjektet vårt", sier Vidar Lundberg, managing director i Grieg New Energy.

    Viser organisasjonsside for GreenH AS

    2 722 følgere

    GreenH tildeles 391 millioner i Enova-støtte for etablering av anleggene i Bodø, Kristiansund og Slagentangen 🎉 Vi er veldig stolte og takknemlige for tilliten Enova viser oss ved å gi oss denne støtten. Nå er vi et stort steg nærmere å levere grønt hydrogen rett til skip, lastebiler, luftfart og flere andre sektorer! ✈️🛳️ 🗣️ Som Morten Solberg Watle sier: “Vi er veldig fornøyde. Hydrogen er nødvendig som alternativt drivstoff for å kutte utslipp. Markedet ville ha håndtert dette skiftet selv over tid, men uten støtte så ville det ikke skjedd noe nå. Det er viktig å få på plass en infrastruktur for fylling av hydrogen langs kysten. Båtene går ikke fra A til A, men fra A til B og C." For Bodø og Salten vil anlegget på Langstranda bety svært mye. Her tildeler Enova 129 millioner kroner i støtte. Det betyr enormt mye for den videre fremdriften av prosjektet i Bodø, som vil være det første av sitt slag og kompetansen fra dette prosjektet vil være svært viktig for fremtidige hydrogenprosjekter. 🌏 – For Bodø er dette en gledens dag. Hydrogenanlegget vil skape mange arbeidsplasser, og det gjør byen vår til et knutepunkt for utvikling og bruk av fremtidens drivstoff, sier ordfører Odd-Emil Ingebrigtsen i Bodø Kommune. Målet med Enovas støtte er å etablere de første fungerende verdikjedene for hydrogen i Norge, som et springbrett for videre utvikling langs hele kysten. 🌊 Denne støtten er en stor tillitserklæring som vi setter enorm pris på, og nå er vi klare for å brette opp ermene og ta fatt på neste fase av prosjektene! Med støtten fra Enova i ryggen, ser vi frem til å jobbe videre med utviklingen av anleggene våre. 🤝 Vi vil rette en stor takk til Grieg Edge, NorSea Vestbase og Esso Norge for samarbeidet på prosjektene, og Enova SF som har gjort disse hydrogenprosjektene mulig. Med denne støtten har vi muligheten til å bygge ut anlegg som ellers ville ha måttet vente lenge. 📍 Skal man få kuttet utslippene raskt, trengs det hjelp for å komme i gang. 🌱 Nils Kristian Nakstad l Petter Olsen Bertheussen l Grieg Maritime Group | Norsk Hydrogenforum | Maritime CleanTech | Miljøstiftelsen ZERO | | Torghatten Nord AS | Sigmund Ø. Størset 🔗 Les hele artikkelen her:

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  • A couple of weeks ago, incredible news surfaced in the media: The EU granted Ocean Oasis and the DESALIFE project six million Euros.   We have been investors in the Ocean Oasis adventure for almost three years. We have witnessed the team's ingenuity and dedication and are confident in the project and its ability to deliver.   The recent news delivered in their press release and the many media articles in the following days are well-deserved. This is also great news for everyone looking for more sustainable ways of securing clean water in areas like the Canary Islands.   This autumn, Ocean Oasis plans to raise capital to take the next steps. If you want to learn more about them, we are more than willing to share our experiences. Don't hesitate to get in touch with our CSO, Kjerstin Hernes, for a chat.

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    We are happy to announce a 171 MW grid capacity reservation ⚡ for our Eydehavn Green Ammonia project in Arendal, Norway. The capacity is reserved with Glitre Nett and Statnett SF. With the establishments in Arendal kommune, North Ammonia positions itself towards an emerging market for green fuels for the maritime industry both in Norway and in North-West Europe. 🚢 Please see our website below for further information.

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    We are happy to present our Annual Report for 2023. The report combines the reporting of our financial, environmental, social, and governance situation. This is important for our organisation's behaviour when working towards a more sustainable future. With a consolidated profit before tax of USD 30.7m and the ordering of four highly efficient newbuilds, 2023 was a strong year for us. Most of our revenue comes from freight income, recorded as time charter hire in the financial report. In 2023, total revenue amounted to USD 179.1 million, a decrease from USD 319.3 million in 2022. "After all, 2023 turned out to be a financially strong year for us. We expected a lower result than the all-time high of 2022 and delivered 30.7 million USD before tax. This is primarily due to the Open Hatch market slowing down after the peak in 2022. As our business is weighted on long-term contracts, the fluctuations are less dramatic, and there is a delay relating to the ups and downs of the market," says our CEO Matt Duke. The report is also a big step towards complying with the European Union's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards. It also includes a new section on the EU Taxonomy and our report relating to the Norwegian Transparency Act. You can see some "highlights" of the report underneath. Read more about 2023, our financial and ESG results, our plans, and the report itself on

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    We are excited to announce that Ahnick Bhunia has decided to join us as our Technical Lead. Ahnick is an authority in his field, with a track record of 16 years in hydrogen and its derivatives, LNG and Gas Processing.    With Ahnick taking the lead on the further technical development of our first green ammonia facility project in Arendal, we are confident we are on the right track.    Please visit to learn more - and do not hesitate to get in touch. 

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    Today, we are excited! For the first time, we are organising an International Women's Day event for friends and colleagues in the maritime industry in Bergen. This year's Women's Day theme is "Inspire Inclusion." Are there better ways to be inspired than to hear about others' successes? Learn new things from the brightest? Adjust your perspectives by people who see things a bit differently? Half of the employees in our land organisation are women. 40% of our management group and our Board of Directors are women. Two in ten of our employees in technical positions are women. Do numbers mean anything? Onboard our ships, 3,6% of our seafarers are female. Onboard management has almost 9% women. Do the numbers tell the whole story? We don't have the answers. Still, we know that talking openly and listening to others will help us move forward. Today's event will hopefully inspire our guests - and maybe also show that inclusion is possible and attainable. It will take work, an open mind, and a readiness to change. Happy International Women's Day. #InspireInclusion #InternationalWomensDay M.N.Kathleen Offman Mathisen (She/her), Mads Nordmo Arnestad, Siv Remøy-Vangen, Paul Chr Rieber, Pia Meling, Jannicke D. Steen, Kjerstin Hernes, Maren Lodden

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