Oslo Cancer Cluster la ut dette på nytt
What a day! The Kristian Berg Symposium, «Innovative Approaches for Cancer Targeting», at the Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo universitetssykehus turned out to be very successful with >150 attendes. Santi Nonell learned us about the importance of light from a evolutionary perspective. Tayyaba Hasan (Visudyne) and John Lambert (Kadcyla) both behind world-wide approved drugs, gave wonderful talks and stressed the importance of research and innovation. And much more by: Anne Simonsen #Endocytosis & #Autophagy, Kristine Young-Halvorsen from Photocure, Anders Høgset from PCI Biotech Holding ASA, Ole-Jacob Norum #Sarcoma from Oslo universitetssykehus, Jonas Einarsson from RADFORSK, Anette Weyergang from Oslo universitetssykehus & RAB Diagnostics and finally Kristian Berg with 40 years in one slide/«20 min» #CancerResearch #Photomedicine #Innovation Kjetil Tasken Eirik Malinen Big Thank you to Oslo Cancer Cluster for co-arrangement.
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