Really exited to be part of Bergen Opportunity! The program is run by Bergen Næringsråd (chamber of commerce), and aims to develop more talents and role models with multicultural backgrounds to strengthen the region's position as international and inclusive. Each of the participants a mentor. who will follow the participant through the programme, providing advice and guidance, acting as a door opener and helping to expand networks and knowledge of the business community in our region. Looking forward to work hard and improve :)
Spenningen er utløst! Mentor- og utviklingsprogrammet Bergen Opportunity for innvandrertalenter i Vestland er i full gang. Av 250 søkere er nå 18 deltagere valgt ut, og deltakerne har møtt hverandre og mentorene sin. I samarbeid med :Bergen kommune Vestland fylkeskommune NAV Vestland (Bjarte Hysing-Olsen Aida Cisic-Dizdar Årets deltakere: Htay Win, Ewwlina Janowska-Miasik, Maryuie MeeNilankco, Charles Aleksander Ravndal, Mirigul Mosa, Anu N., Lina Mackeviciene, Mouchine el Khamlichi, Artūras Kukštys, Jarko Tijssen, Vidya Oruganti, Evgenia Kozlova, Justyna Węglarska, Yevhen Herman, Anthea Van Parys, Ilona Pajaczkowska, Zebib Zemichael Tesfazghi, Monica Secci Bergen Opportunity