This Privacy Policy, as updated from time to time, explains how the International Olympic Committee (“IOC”) processes personal data in the context of its digital activities. For example, websites, mobile applications, connected TV applications, registration systems, digital marketing, online professional services and business resources, as well as engagement and information services that are each managed by the IOC alone or in cooperation with other members of the Olympic Movement. We refer to these activities as the “Services” in this Privacy Policy.

It also details how the IOC processes personal data that it receives from other organisations, or via cookies and similar technologies that are integrated into another organisation’s digital properties for the benefit of the IOC.

Other organisations may launch and operate websites, newsletters, e-commerce platforms or other services that are (a) related to the Olympic Games, Youth Olympic Games or to the Olympic Movement’s activities, or (b) feature Olympics-related content. Such sites and services are operated independently from the IOC and are not covered by this Privacy Policy. We therefore encourage you to read the terms of use and privacy policies that are applicable to those sites and services. If we collect or otherwise receive personal data through them, this will be indicated in the site’s or service owner’s privacy policies and/or terms of use.

PRIVACY POLICY UPDATE: This Privacy Policy was last updated on 12 March 2024. The update has been made to reflect the following material changes:

  • To provide you with a more seamless Olympics experience in relation to the Milano Cortina 2026 Winter Olympics, we have made changes to the account sign up and sign in process. You will be able to use the same credentials to create and access your user account on platforms managed by MiCo 2026 as well as on platforms managed by the IOC. “MiCo 2026” means the Milano Cortina 2026 Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

For the purpose of managing your user account, both MiCo 2026 and the IOC will have access to, and are responsible for the protection of, the personal data that you provide when signing up for, or signing in to, your account on their respective platforms. Please see Annex 3 of this Privacy Policy for more information. MiCo 2026 and the IOC are otherwise separately responsible for the personal data that each collects via the platforms it manages.

You can contact the IOC through the IOC’s dedicated portal to exercise your data protection rights. You can also contact MiCo 2026 directly through

  • This Privacy Policy has also been updated to state that the IOC will share your personal data with MiCo 2026 where the IOC collects your consent to receive marketing communications from MiCo 2026.
  • In addition, if you have created an account on platforms managed by MiCo 2026, we may share with MiCo 2026 the data that we collect about you when you engage with our Services. MiCo 2026 is an independent controller of any such data that it receives and which it processes for its own marketing-related purposes.

Who are we?

When we refer to ‘’we’’, ‘’our’’ or “us” in this Privacy Policy, we mean the IOC. We also mean the Olympic Foundation for Culture and Heritage (the “Foundation”) and the Organising Committees for the Olympic and Paralympic Games (the “OCOGs”) where the IOC processes data jointly with them. Annexes 2 and 3, as updated from time to time, provide further details on where this is the case.

The IOC is a private, not-for-profit, international organisation recognised to be of public interest by the Swiss authorities and constituted in the form of a Swiss law association, having its registered office in Maison Olympique (Olympic House) 1007 Lausanne, Switzerland. The mission of the IOC is to promote Olympism throughout the world, to lead the Olympic Movement and to ensure the regular celebration of the Olympic Games. To learn more about the IOC, its goals and activities, please consult the Olympic Charter and the IOC Principles.

The Foundation manages the Olympic Museum and the Olympic Studies Centre in Lausanne, Switzerland.

An OCOG is responsible for organising an edition of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. Each OCOG is based in the territory in which its respective Olympic and Paralympic Games shall be hosted.

When we refer to “you” or “your” we mean those individuals whose data we collect through the Services, or whose data we receive from other organisations that we work with.

Our role in the processing of personal data

1. Data collected via the Services

The IOC is the data controller of data that is collected through the Services except:

2. Data collected via third party sites and services

Where the IOC receives information that has been collected by other organisations, the IOC is a data controller of the data it receives. This applies to personal data that is collected via websites and other digital services owned or operated by:

  • each OCOG (including the Paris 2024 Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games (“Paris 2024”) and the Milano Cortina 2026 Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games (“MiCo 2026”)), and
  • other commercial organisations that are permitted to sell and promote Olympic-themed digital services or to use the Olympic Properties.

See paragraph 3 “Collection of data through third parties” in the section “What information do we collect?” (below) as well as Annex 3 for more details.

What information do we collect?

1. Information that you provide to us

You provide us with information, including personal data, when you use the Services. In particular, when you register for the Services and create a user account, communicate with us, request, use or otherwise interact with a service or other initiative that we provide, complete certain transactions or subscribe to B2B Services or B2C Services, promotional communications or media alerts. “B2B Services” means those Services that are online professional services and business resources. “B2C Services” means Services that are engagement and information services.

a) Registration data

Creating a user account is not always necessary to access our content. However, certain professional services, business resources and event registration services as well as certain personalisation options, transactions, functionalities or activities (e.g. games, contests, sweepstakes, newsletters, and e-commerce,…) that are offered through the Services may require that you register with us and provide certain information about yourself.

Registration is governed by the terms of service at as well as any additional terms that are presented when you interact with the Services (together these terms are referred to in this Privacy Policy as the “Terms of Service”).

If you create a user account, you will be asked to provide personal data such as your email address, place of residence, age information, and password. You may be able to use this account for all Services, although user accounts for B2B Services are different to those accounts created for B2C Services. Certain Services, like Athlete 365 (, are focused on athletes and we may ask you to provide information about the sports you practice, your team or your participation in the Olympic Games or Youth Olympic Games.

Account creation on the website and associated mobile application

Individuals such as fans can register for an account on the website and associated mobile application. If you register for this type of account, we will collect the personal data that you provide to us as well as information that is automatically generated through the online registration process (more particularly, data generated through cookies and similar technologies). This personal data typically includes your email address, place of residence, age information, password, acceptance of terms and unique identifier, and may include further information such as your zip code, favourites, and any consent that you provide to receive marketing communications.

We will process this personal data to manage your account, including for the purposes of identity and access management in connection with your account, to send you marketing communications, and for other marketing purposes (such as creating user profiles, and building and targeting audiences).

When signing up for such an account through the Paris 2024 Games Time section of the website, or via the associated mobile application dedicated to the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Paris 2024 and the IOC will process your personal data (i) as joint controllers for the purposes of account management and (ii) as independent controllers when sending you marketing communications and for other marketing purposes (such as creating user profiles, and building and targeting audiences).

b) Data necessary to provide you certain Services

Certain Services require that you provide information about yourself. This is the case, for instance, in respect of:

  • the B2B Services that we make available to other Olympic Movement stakeholders, or
  • the Services that enable you to register for or apply for accreditation to the Olympic Games, Youth Olympic Games or other events organised by us, as well as the Services through which you may book travel and accommodation related to these events.

You may also need to provide your information in order to use the Services through which you can procure goods or services from us or participate in any game, contest, sweepstake or other fan engagement opportunity.

In these different situations and where necessary we will inform you more specifically about the information we need to collect in order to provide you with the requested goods or services and of any other conditions applicable to the processing of this personal data. The information needed will vary depending on the nature of the Services. It may include information such as: first name, last name, business organisation, job title, physical address, phone number, nationality, travel and accommodation details, passport or ID card number, credit card information, height and weight information, size of garments or shoes, allergies and food habits.

c) Communications data

If you communicate with us and/or request any information or service from us, we will use your account information and any other information you may provide to us (such as email address, phone number, and the content of your communication or request) in order to respond to you.

2. Information that is collected through cookies and similar technologies

We use automatic tracking mechanisms like cookies and similar technologies to collect certain data while you are browsing our Services, or when you visit the sites or services of other organisations that we work with. A cookie is a small file, stored on your browser or computer hard drive, which is used to collect data about your interactions with websites and other digital properties. For example, information about your device (browser type, operating system, language, unique device identifier), network connections (Internet Service Provider, IP address, time zone), browsing history including date and time and pages visited, as well as general location such as your city and country.

You can disable cookies (except those cookies that are strictly necessary) or manage cookies using the cookies settings available on each of the websites or other digital properties through which the cookies are set. You can also manage cookies by configuring the functionalities of your internet browser.

To know more about our use of cookies on the Services, and how to manage your consent to cookies, please consult our Cookie Policy at Where our cookies are placed on third party sites or services, you should consult their cookie policies and consent management tools.

3. Collection of data through third parties

You can register with us by using the information of an account you hold with a third party such as Facebook, Google, Twitter and Apple. If you choose this option, you authorise these organisations to provide us with some of the personal data they hold about you so that we can use it to create your user account with us. The personal data shared with us will depend on the third party services that you use to register with us and on the scope of the information you allow those third parties to share, but typically it includes your first name and last name, user name, phone number, unique identifiers and access tokens, e-mail address, date of birth and preferences (e.g. pages you have favourited or saved).

In some scenarios we authorise third parties to launch and operate Olympic-themed digital services or to feature Olympic Properties within their websites or other digital services. For example, the Olympic Shop operated by Fanatics, Inc. and its affiliates under authorisation of the IOC and OCOGs (see, for instance, the EU version of the Olympic Shop here These third parties may share information that they collect about you with us, for example your first and last name or unique identifier, your email address, your stated marketing preferences and data about the webpages you visit and the Olympic-branded goods or services that you purchase. In such cases, the sharing of information with us will be specified in, and carried out in accordance with, the privacy and cookie policies issued by these third parties.

OCOGs, in particular Paris 2024 and MiCo 2026, share the personal data of their users with the IOC. In such cases, their sharing of personal data with the IOC will be specified in, and carried out in accordance with, the privacy and cookie policies issued by each of the relevant OCOGs.

4. Information manifestly made public

Content offered on our Services may include information manifestly made public such as competitions and results, biographies about Olympians and other athletes, coaches and other persons involved in the Olympic Games, Youth Olympic Games and other major sports competitions, who are newsworthy and whose stories contribute to the mission of the IOC and the Olympic Movement. This information was disclosed by athletes and other concerned persons in the context of their participation in Olympic Games, Youth Olympic Games and other sports competitions, interviews and other media events, media publications or through other means and was compiled by us, in cooperation with International Federations, National Olympic Committees, Organising Committees for the Olympic Games and Youth Olympic Games and other Olympic Movement stakeholders.

How do we use the information we collect?

We use the information we collect about you and your use of the Services and, where relevant, your use of third party sites and services, to:

a) facilitate your use of the Services, enable your registration and authentication, and manage your user account;

b) maintain and develop the Services;

c) gather statistics to help diagnose problems, enhance your experience of the Services and improve the quality of the Services;

d) ensure the security of the Services and make sure that the Services are used in compliance with our Terms of Service and applicable laws;

e) carry out fan and audience analysis and other marketing activities. We analyse your interaction with our Services (including the communications we send to you) and your interaction with third party sites, services and advertising (where permitted by those third parties’ privacy policies and terms of service). This enables us to build a profile of you and your interests and browsing activity. When building user profiles we may also combine the data we collect about you with the data we receive from other organisations. The data we acquire may enable us to analyse or predict certain aspects of your personal situation, such as your preferences and interests, and such information may be appended to the profile that we hold about you. For information on the data we receive from third parties see the paragraph above entitled “Collection of data through third parties”. By better understanding our users, we can build campaign audiences that include you or people who share a similar profile to you, and deliver relevant advertising and other content (to include marketing communications) to those audiences via our Services or platforms managed by other organisations.

f) allow you to participate in any game, contest, sweepstake or other fan engagement opportunity which we make available through the Services or through other organisations that we work with, and for the purposes of administering these initiatives (assessing and confirming the eligibility of participants, awarding prizes to the winners etc.);

g) provide you goods, services, information, or content that you have requested;

h) communicate with you, including by answering your questions and requests, sending you communications related to your user account and our Terms of Service and, if you have opted-in or where the law otherwise permits, send you promotional communications (including by email and other electronic channels) about the Services, our activities and the activities of the Olympic Movement and its partners, while offering you the possibility to opt-out from such communications at any time; and

i) show and measure advertisements on the Services, on third party services like Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter and on the sites and services of other organisations that we work with. If you are a user of the third party sites and services mentioned in this paragraph (i) as well as a user of our Services, we may, by sharing information with those third parties, serve advertisements to you (or people with a similar profile to you) via their sites and services.

Who do we share your information with?

1. Information that is made publicly available

We make certain personal data publicly available via the Services or through third party sites and services. For example:

  • where the nature of the Services demand it. Services such as online games, contests, or sweepstakes may involve the publication of personal data, such as game play data in league tables or winner announcements; and
  • where the Services feature news stories and other editorial content about, biographies and sports competition results of, Olympians, other athletes, coaches or other persons whose activities are relevant to the IOC’s mission.

2. The IOC, the Foundation and OCOGs

The Services are provided by the IOC and, where applicable, the Foundation. We share your personal data among us for the purposes highlighted in this Privacy Policy. Annex 2 of this Privacy Policy provides more information about where the IOC and the Foundation work together to process your personal data.

Where expressly indicated in this privacy policy, we share your personal data with OCOGs. This includes personal data collected through the Services (for example, where you subscribe to receive promotional communications from OCOGs) or by other organisations that we work with.

Annex 3 of this Privacy Policy provides more information about these OCOGs, the situations in which we share personal data with them and the purposes for which they may use such data.

3. Our service providers

We rely on a network of professional service providers who are working on our behalf and help us to operate, develop, secure, promote and measure the Services and our advertisements. The services provided by these organisations include, in particular:

a) customer data infrastructure, platform development services and general IT services;

b) hosting services;

c) cloud-based services for customer identity and access management;

d) customer services, customer relationship management and other communication and marketing services, such as gamification;

e) analytics, audience and advertising measurement services;

f) email communications and push notification services;

g) third party web and social media services through which we serve our advertisements; and

h) services to manage user access requests and cookie consents.

In order to deliver these services to us, these organisations will process your personal data. These service providers are bound by strict confidentiality obligations. The service providers will retain and use such personal data for as long as they are working for us or until you decide to delete your account or unsubscribe from the Services. A list of our main service providers (including, for each service provider, their contact information) is provided in Annex 1 of this Privacy Policy.

In some cases, the organisations we work with may act as data controllers of your personal data. For example, third parties that assist us with the serving of advertisements, and those third parties authorised to launch and operate Olympic-themed digital services or to use our brands. These third parties are typically governed by their own terms of service and privacy policies, which we strongly recommend you read.

4. Events-related services, contests, sweepstakes and other services

Our Services can be used to register for and participate in games, contests, sweepstakes or other fan engagement opportunities, or to apply for registration or accreditation to attend the Olympic Games or other events organised by us, or for booking travel and accommodation in relation to these events and services.

In certain situations, the provision of the services requested by you may require us to share your personal data with third parties (e.g. CarlsonWagonlits Travel and other travel or accommodation providers, organising committees, or governmental agencies,…). We may also share your information with third parties when some of the Services such as games, contests, sweepstakes or other fan engagement opportunities are available on third party sites and services or where we engage a third party to assist us with prize fulfilment.

Other services that you request from us may also require that we share your information with third parties assisting us with the delivery of such services, such as Olympic Movement entities (International Federations, National Olympic Committees or OCOGs…), academic institutions, or other delivery partners. We will specify in the Terms of Service or other user-facing information the categories of third parties with whom your personal data may have to be shared and other conditions applicable to such sharing of information.

5. Offers and services from our partners

From time to time, we will offer you the possibility to receive services and communications (including communications related to products and services) from selected third parties, such as our commercial partners and other constituents of the Olympic Movement. In case you opt-in to such services or communications (or can otherwise lawfully receive communications from them), we will share your personal data with these organisations.

Upon your consent, we transfer your e-mail address to the International Paralympic Committee (“IPC”) for the purpose of promotional communications about the Paralympic Games, the Paralympic Movement and the related initiatives of IPC partners. The IPC will process your personal data as a separate data controller where you decide to subscribe to the IPC’s promotional communications. Should you wish to opt-out of the IPC’s promotional communications, please contact the IPC directly.

6. Legal disclosure

We reserve the right to disclose personal data we hold about you if we are required to do so under applicable laws or pursuant to any judicial or administrative process and, to the extent necessary, to investigate, prevent, or take actions in relation to unlawful activities or a violation of our Terms of Service.

How do we protect your personal data?

1. Data security

We use technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against the risks of damage, destruction, loss or unauthorised access, in accordance with applicable laws.

2. International transfer

We may process your personal data in a territory other than your place of residence. We adopt measures as required under applicable law to ensure your data will be given the relevant protection.

The personal data we collect will usually be processed in the European Union or in Switzerland (which provides a level of protection equivalent to the European Economic Area according to the European Commission Decision of 26 July 2000). We may, however, transfer your personal data to third parties for the purposes and legal basis for processing highlighted in this Privacy Policy (see the section above ‘Who do we share your information with?’). Some of these third parties may be based in countries that, like the United States of America, do not provide in their laws for a level of protection of your privacy equivalent to that applied within the European Union and Switzerland. We adopt measures as required under applicable law to ensure your data will be given the relevant protection. Before transferring data from Switzerland or the European Union to other countries, we implement safeguard mechanisms recognised by Swiss and European regulators, in particular standard contractual clauses.

3. Age limitation

Users who are not of legal age for data protection purposes or for the purposes of receiving our Services (according to the laws of the territory in which they reside) must obtain the consent of their parent or legal guardian before using our Services and the IOC reserves the right to request proof of such consent and/or of the age of the user at any time in case of any doubt. You can learn more about our age requirements for data protection purposes here: If you become aware that your child has provided us with personal data without your consent, please contact us.

4. Data retention

We will retain your personal data only for the duration necessary for the purposes identified in this Privacy Policy or as required to meet our legal requirements.

Where your personal data has been collected through a section of the website or associated mobile application dedicated to a specific edition of the Games, and where necessary to achieve its long-term mission to promote Olympic Movement and preserve the legacy of the Games and maintain user engagement, the IOC may continue to process such personal data even after the relevant OCOG (such as the Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games as established by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the Japanese Olympic Committee) has stopped its own processing of the data. The IOC will continue to process your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Legal basis for processing your personal data and your rights

We mainly process your information to perform our obligations under the Terms of Service but, in certain cases, we rely on an alternative legal basis. We have detailed below the legal bases on which we process your personal data.

Please note, however, that we adapt our legal basis for processing if the laws of the jurisdiction where you reside require us to do so. In particular, in territories where we must rely on a legal basis other than what is detailed in this section, your acceptance of this Privacy Policy constitutes your consent to the data processing activities described herein.

1. Contractual necessity

Contractual necessity applies where you accept our Terms of Service and justifies our use of personal data in the following instances:

a) Providing the Services.

b) Letting you participate in any game, contest, sweepstake or other fan engagement opportunity which we make available through the Services.

c) Managing registration and user accounts.

d) Securing and developing the Services.

e) Communicating with you in relation to the Services.

f) Providing you with goods, services, information or content that you have requested.

g) Sharing data with selected third parties who may provide you with their services.

h) Transferring, storing or processing your data outside Switzerland or the European Union, including within the United States of America and other countries.

i) Providing you with accreditation, accommodation, transport and other services or information which you have requested from us.

In these cases, you have the right to port your data.

2. Consent

We also process certain personal data based on your consent, which you can withdraw at any time, for the following activities:

a) Sending you marketing communications, including via digital means, where your consent is required.

b) Placing cookies, both via our Services and certain third party sites and services, where your consent is required.

In these cases, you have the right to port your data and to withdraw your consent.

3. Legitimate interests

We also rely on our legitimate interests to provide secure and efficient Services that are consistent with our Terms of Service, and so that our visitors, partners and fans can receive high quality Services and enjoy Olympic-related content corresponding to their interests. Legitimate interests constitutes a legal basis for the following activities:

a) Making available through the Services publicly available information related to the Olympic Games, Youth Olympic Games, Olympians and other athletes, sports and news stories.

b) Providing the Services and personalising your experience of the Services by customising certain features based on your interests.

c) Managing registration and user accounts.

d) Securing and developing the Services.

e) Communicating with you in relation to the Services.

f) Providing you with the goods, services, information or content that you have requested.

g) Transferring, storing or processing your data outside Switzerland or the European Union, including to or within the United States of America and other countries.

h) Sending you marketing communications, including via emails, in cases where you can lawfully receive such communications, unless your consent is required by law and in which case the applicable legal basis on which to send you marketing communications is consent.

i) carrying out fan and audience analysis, creating user profiles, and building and targeting audiences for marketing purposes (such audiences to include you and people who share a similar profile to you). When carrying out fan and audience analysis and creating user profiles, we combine the data we collect from users (through their interaction with our Services and third party sites, services and advertising) with the data we receive from other organisations. The data we acquire may enable us to analyse or predict certain aspects of your personal situation, such as your preferences and interests, and such information may be appended to the profile that we hold about you. User profiles are used by us to build campaign audiences according to user characteristics, preferences and interests, and to target those audiences with relevant advertising and other content. As part of its marketing strategy for the long-term promotion of the Olympic Movement and the protection of its legacy, the IOC has a legitimate interest to better understand and find ways to develop its relationship with, and to reach its, existing and potential fans.

j) Evaluating the performance of the Services as well as third party sites and services.

k) Sharing data with other organisations who may offer and/or provide to you their services, and with OCOGs who may use this data to better understand their fans, evaluate the performance of the Services, personalise their services and products and communications and, to the extent legally allowed, send you direct marketing, including marketing related to their products, services and partners

l) Sharing your information with third parties including law enforcement authorities where we suspect unlawful activity.

In these cases, you have the right to object to the processing of your information or ask us to restrict such processing.

4. Compliance with our legal obligations

We may also invoke our legal obligations as a valid ground for sharing your information with judiciary or law enforcement authorities, if we are ever obliged to do so and according to applicable laws.

In such case, you have the right to object to the processing of your information or ask us to restrict such processing.

Your rights and how to exercise them

1. Your rights

You can exercise your rights of access to, rectification, deletion and portability of, your personal data, limitation and objection to its processing, as well as your right to not be the subject of decisions based solely on the automated processing of your personal data, where appropriate, before us. You also have the right to withdraw your consent at any given moment. We may require evidence of your identity before we are able to respond to your request. If you live outside the European Union, you may also have rights under applicable laws in such jurisdiction. Please contact us via the means described in paragraph (d) of section 2 (‘How to exercise your rights’) (below) if you have any questions in connection with exercising those rights. We reserve the right to decline a request where the legal conditions are met and in particular where the request made to us is manifestly unfounded or excessive.

2. How to exercise your right

a) User account details

To access or rectify your personal data, please log into the account you created on the website or associated mobile application and use the settings functionality to make adjustments to that account.

b) Unsubscribe from IOC marketing communications

To unsubscribe from IOC marketing communications, you can adjust your settings in your user account or click on the link displayed at the bottom of our marketing communications.

c) Requests that relate to ticketing

If you have a request that relates to ticketing, including how to update the login credentials that are needed to access your ticket(s), please contact the relevant OCOG.

d) Contact us
To exercise your data protection rights or the rights of your child, or for any question related to this Privacy Policy, you can contact us through the IOC’s dedicated portalor contact our Data Protection Officer.

e) Data Protection Officer

You can contact our Data Protection Officer at the following address:
Data Protection Officer
International Olympic Committee
Maison Olympique (Olympic House)
1007 Lausanne

Alternatively, you may use the IOC’s dedicated portal.

f) Referral to supervisory authority

In cases where the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) applies, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a European Union supervisory authority, in particular, in the territory where you live, place of work or place of the alleged infringement. Where the UK General Data Protection Regulation applies, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office. Where the Federal Act on Data Protection of 25 September 2020 applies, you have the right to refer the matter to the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner in Bern, Switzerland. Where other laws apply, you can contact us according to paragraph (d) above to lodge a complaint.

g) European Union representative

The IOC has appointed Olympic Broadcasting Services S.L. Calle Torrelaguna 75, Madrid, Spain as a European Union representative pursuant to Article 27 of the GDPR.

Third Party Environments

In the course of providing the Services, we may provide for or make available dedicated external links to third party websites or environments. These external links are typically found on some of our websites and our mobile application, and redirect you to the websites or environments of some of our partners, such as social network providers (for example, Snap Group Limited).

You acknowledge and recognise that we are not responsible for these third party websites and environments, including, but not limited to, their content, the information contained therein and/or any other applications included therein, as they do not belong to our Services or the Olympic digital ecosystem. In addition, you understand that your personal data may be collected by a third party and/or its partners when you click on external links redirecting you to that third party's website or environment. We are not responsible for the collection or any subsequent processing of your personal data by a third party and/or its partners when you click on external links.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

When we make changes to this Privacy Policy, we will revise the “last updated” date below and the changes will be effective immediately upon posting. We will inform you in advance where such changes impact your rights as a user of the Services or where required by law, for example by posting a notice on the Services or by sending you an email communication, so you can review our revised policy and decide whether to continue to use the Services or not. Your continued use of the Services following the posting of the changes will constitute your acceptance of such changes unless you exercise your rights as described in this Privacy Policy. We encourage you to review our Privacy Policy regularly.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 12 March 2024.

International Olympic Committee, Maison Olympique (Olympic House), 1007 Lausanne, Switzerland,

Olympic Foundation for Culture and Heritage, Quai d’Ouchy 1, 1006 Lausanne, Switzerland

ANNEX 1: List of our main service providers


IOC Television & Marketing Services SA (Switzerland)

Contact information

Olympic Channel Services S.L. (European Union, Spain)

Contact information

Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL (European Union)

Contact information


Deloitte Consulting AG (Switzerland)

Contact information

Deloitte Consulting LLP (US)

Contact information EMEA Ltd/ Inc. (USA, European Union, Switzerland, Japan)

Contact information

VML MAP A/S (Denmark)

Contact information


OneTrust (European Union, Germany, Switzerland)

Contact information


Meta Platforms Ireland Limited (Ireland)

Contact Information

Google Ireland Limited (Ireland)

Contact Information


SAP/Gigya (European Union, Switzerland)

Contact information


Call Center Guys Inc (Canada)

Contact information


Deloitte & Touche LLP (US)

Contact information

Microsoft Inc. (European Union, Switzerland)

ANNEX 2: Joint Control in Services


When the Services relate to the Olympic Museum or the Olympic Studies Centre, the IOC and Foundation act as joint controllers for the purposes of facilitating your use of the Services, enabling your registration and authentication, and managing your user account, and providing you goods, services, information, or content that you have requested.

For the Services that relate to the Olympic Museum or the Olympic Studies Centre, the data generated by cookies will be processed by the IOC and the Foundation, acting as joint controllers.

ANNEX 3: Activities involving the IOC, OCOGs and other organisations within the Olympic Movement

The IOC often works with other organisations within the Olympic Movement. In particular, the OCOGs that are each responsible for organising an edition of the Olympic Games or Youth Olympic Games, official marketing partners, rights-holding broadcasters, National Olympic Committees and international sports federations.

In the case of OCOGs, for example:

  • the IOC may host the official website or manage the official app connected to an edition of the Olympic Games or Youth Olympic Games;
  • the IOC may share certain of its IT resources (in particular, systems that support account creation and management) with an OCOG so that users can benefit from services that are jointly or independently provided by the IOC and OCOG; or
  • the IOC and OCOGs may appoint the same third party to sell Olympic-related merchandise or services.

Where these activities entail the processing of personal data, we will provide additional information about the roles and responsibilities of each of the organisations involved, as required by applicable laws. Such information will be provided in this Annex 3 (as updated from time to time) or, for short-term activities, provided at the point of data collection.

Activities taking place as at the date of this Privacy Policy

1. Sharing of IT resources

To improve user experience, the IOC, Paris 2024 and MiCo 2026 use common IT resources, in particular an identity and access management system.

Account creation on platforms managed by OCOGs

The identity and access management system mentioned above supports user account creation and management on the Services, as well as on certain digital platforms that are separately managed by:

  • Paris 2024 (for example the website, and Club 2024, Terre de Jeux and Génération 2024 platforms) (the “Paris 2024 Services”),
  • MiCo 2026 (the "MiCo 2026 Services").

Where you have created an account on the Paris 2024 Services or MiCo 2026 Services, you can use the same credentials to create and access your account on the website and associated mobile application. And the same will apply where you create an account on the website or associated mobile application and subsequently create or access an account on the Paris 2024 Services or MiCo 2026 Services. As a result, (i) Paris 2024 and the IOC, on the one hand, and (ii) MiCo 2026 and the IOC, on the other, will have access to - and the IOC and the relevant OCOG will share between themselves – your personal data for the purpose of identity, access and account management, including to avoid any account duplication and/or to ensure accuracy of the personal data related to your account.

With respect to the management of accounts that are created:

  • on the Paris 2024 Services (and to the extent such accounts are supported by the shared identity and access management system mentioned above), the IOC and Paris 2024 are joint controllers; and
  • on the MiCo 2026 Services (again, to the extent such accounts are supported by the shared identity and access management system mentioned above), the IOC and MiCo 2026 are joint controllers.

In its role as joint controller, the IOC is responsible for maintaining the common IT resources that are used for such account creation and management.

The legal basis for the processing of personal data in connection with this activity is contractual necessity.

Paris 2024 and MiCo 2026 are separate and independent data controllers with respect to other processing activities that they each undertake in connection with personal data collected via the platforms they respectively manage.

If you wish to exercise your rights as a data subject in respect of the above, you may contact the IOC through the IOC’s dedicated portal. For other questions about your account on the Paris 2024 Services or MiCo 2026 Services (for example, questions about the availability of the services and login errors), please contact Paris 2024 or MiCo 2026, as applicable, at the address for Paris 2024 or for MiCo 2026.

Account creation on an OCOG-specific section of the website or associated mobile application

As mentioned earlier in this Privacy Policy, when signing up for an account through the Paris 2024 Games Time section of the website, or via the associated mobile application dedicated to the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Paris 2024 and the IOC will process your personal data (i) as joint controllers in order to manage your account, including for the purposes of identity and access management in connection with your account, and (ii) as independent controllers when sending you marketing communications and for other marketing purposes (such as creating user profiles or building and targeting an audience).

2. IOC’s collection of a marketing communications opt-in

The Services may feature a means by which you can opt in to receive marketing communications from one or more OCOGs. If you choose to opt in, the IOC will share your personal data with the relevant OCOG(s).

The OCOG(s) (each as an independent controller) use this data to send you marketing communications, including marketing related to their products, services and partners.

The Services shall include an opt-in to the marketing communications of each of Paris 2024 and MiCo 2026, including newsletters and other marketing related to their products, services and partners. Paris 2024’s and MiCo 2026's respective privacy policies provide more information about how they each use personal data as well as the rights of data subjects, and can be found here: (for Paris 2024), (for MiCo 2026).

3. IOC’s onward transfer of data to OCOGs

The IOC and the Paris 2024 Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games (“Paris 2024”) have authorised Fanatics, Inc. (“Fanatics”) to sell official Olympic merchandise. In accordance with the Fanatics Olympic Shop privacy policy (see here:, although the version of the policy that Fanatics displays to you will be determined by your region), Fanatics shares the data of shop visitors with the IOC, which the IOC then shares with Paris 2024. In particular, the IOC shares the data of shop visitors who purchase a product which features Paris 2024 branding or is otherwise related to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, visitors who reside in France, or visitors who have provided their consent to receive Paris 2024 marketing communications.

In addition, if you have created an account on services offered by Paris 2024 or MiCo 2026, we may share with Paris 2024 or MiCo 2026, respectively, the data we collect about you when you engage with our Services.

Each of Paris 2024 and MiCo 2026 (as separate and independent controllers) use this data to better understand their fans, personalise their services and products and communications, carry out behavioural analysis and to analyse traffic performance, or as further described in their respective privacy policies.

The sharing of data, as described in this paragraph 3, with Paris 2024 or MiCo 2026 is based on Paris 2024’s and MiCo 2026's respective legitimate interests unless, in the case of MiCo 2026, your consent is required by law and obtained, and in which case the applicable legal basis on which we share personal data with MiCo 2026 is consent.

Paris 2024’s and MiCo 2026's respective privacy policies, which provide more information about how they each use personal data as well as the rights of data subjects, can be found here: (for Paris 2024), (for MiCo 2026).