Paris 2024 Media Kit

Paris 2024

To assist you with finding the answers to your questions as quickly and effortlessly as possible, we are providing you with the following list of links and other information we believe will be of most use to you during the Olympic Games Paris 2024.

General information


Rules and Codifications

The Olympic Movement

Factsheets and Reference Documents

Historical and factual information

The Olympic World Library provides access to 40,000 publications, including 15,000 e-documents, including the Official Reports of the Olympic Games since Athens 1896.

If you are looking for historical or factual information on the Olympic Games and Olympic Movement, kindly contact the Olympic Studies Centre:

IOC and Paris 2024 publications

Websites of future Olympic Games and Youth Olympic Games organisers

Press releases

To subscribe to IOC press releases and information for the media, please register here.


For an extensive selection of photos available shortly after each IOC event, please follow us on Flickr. To request archive photos and footage, please contact our Images team at

Paris 2024’s Content Library is the place to go to download brand assets, generic venue images and video of Paris 2024 media events for editorial use. It can be accessed before and during the Games. To request an account, please email, stating your given name, family name and media organisation.


Broadcast quality videos related to the IOC’s institutional activities can be accessed and downloaded for free from: IOC Newsroom.

This does not include sports and ceremony coverage from the Olympic Games Paris 2024.

Social media

IOC Media X is the primary breaking news platform for the IOC’s institutional activities, with the latest updates, announcements and positions. Institutional videos and live streams are available on IOC Media YouTube.

Links to all Olympic social media handles can be found and followed on this page: Olympic Social Media feeds.

Please take note also of the Official Olympics Social Community Guidelines.

Media requests

Should you have any communications questions related to the IOC or the Olympic Games, please contact the IOC Media Relations and Olympic Games Communications team:

Should you have any questions related to the broadcast coverage of the Games (with the exception of audience ratings), please contact the OBS Media team via this online form.
