Publications Office of the EU
Releases and planning - EU Vocabularies
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Recent releases and planning

Our reference data catalogue keeps growing in volume to serve all EU institutions. New datasets are registered and the existing metadata is continuously updated. Some of these changes happen under the direct control of specific stakeholders and others follow the policies set by the Interinstitutional Metadata and Formats Committee (IMFC).

Recent publications listed below contain various distribution formats generated for respective versions. They also include release notes and comparison files allowing users to identify the differences between the current and previous versions.

Preliminary releases editorial

Datasets and vocabularies are continuously updated or new ones appear. Before being officially published, some of them are passing through a preliminary draft phase. The list below shows preliminary releases of possible future publications.

These preliminary releases are published for information or test purposes only. They mark work in progress and have not been fully implemented yet. Neither the Publications Office nor any person acting on behalf of the Publications Office is responsible for the use that might be made of these preliminary releases.
