How do I join oSTEM as a professional member of oSTEM?
To become a member, simply navigate to and click the "JOIN" button in the top right. From there, you can fill out a profile and gain access to our member center and career portal. If there is an existing professional chapter in your city, select it as part of the registration process. If not, you can select “global member” and connect with other members globally in the organization. Please use a personal email address, rather than a school or work one, as this will be the primary point of contact from the Professional Membership team.
Why should I become an oSTEM professional member?
How are oSTEM professional chapters different from other affinity or professional groups in my area?
We don’t aim to replace or replicate these organizations. The objective of an oSTEM Professional chapter is to fill whatever gaps are missing in your city for LGBTQ+ STEM professionals. This may include opportunities to hold development workshops on resume writing and interview prep, informational sessions on local issues and voting topics, or simply social gatherings for you to meet others in STEM fields.
How do I join or start a chapter in my city?
- Reach out to the oSTEM Professional Membership team. We are here to assist all professional members, especially if you are forming a new chapter! We have many years of experience supporting professional members and leading chapters ourselves. Email the team at to get started.
- Start small with people you already know. Gather some colleagues at your workplace (particularly if you have a LGBTQ+ ERG), possibly for a lunch to describe what oSTEM is. Tap your social networks and ask friends to share with their own ERGs at their jobs.
- Plan an event! A social at a local bar or free gathering space could work. Just call ahead to see if they have space to host.
- Start a listserv and/or social media page (e.g. Instagram, LinkedIn) to get the word out when you have the event. Once you have registered your chapter, the oSTEM member portal is a great way to connect with chapter members and share events.
- Formally apply as a chapter. Not as hard as it sounds. Once you’ve had a few events and have regular attendance, create a founding document and set a date to hold a vote (we recommend keeping the process simple.) Your elected leaders should then fill out the application HERE and submit the charter via the provided link in the application, which includes information on what your goals are as a chapter and when you will elect new leaders. Check out our Sample Chapter Constitution and Bylaws.