Merry Christmas from #Ambiensteam!
Usługi w zakresie energii odnawialnej
Warszawa, Woj. Mazowieckie 4643 obserwujących
Boutique renewables advisory firm. Environment. Strategy. Permitting.
Ambiens is a leading Polish RES consulting company managing and advising environmental, social and permitting projects. Since 2008 we have been successfully supporting photovoltaics as well as onshore and offshore wind farms on every stage of life cycle. From environmental impact assessment and development through due diligence during M&A and financing processes to taking care of environmental issues on construction and operational phase. Over 100 wind projects across Poland including Baltic Sea give us unique practical perspective. We support transformation of Polish energy sector in face of global trends and climate challenges.
- Witryna
Link zewnętrzny organizacji Ambiens
- Branża
- Usługi w zakresie energii odnawialnej
- Wielkość firmy
- 11–50 pracowników
- Siedziba główna
- Warszawa, Woj. Mazowieckie
- Rodzaj
- Spółka prywatna
- Data założenia
- 2008
- Specjalizacje
- Renewables, EIA, Environmental Impact Assessment, Wind Energy, ESDD, Due Diligence, Environmental and Social, ESG, wind energy, onshore, offshore, photovoltaics, PV, permitting i development
Kędzierzyńska 9
Warszawa, Woj. Mazowieckie 04-915, PL
Tadeusza Wendy 15
Gdynia, Woj. Pomorskie 81-341, PL
Pracownicy Ambiens
Emiliano Buranello
Michał Kaczerowski
CEO & shareholder at AMBIENS - offshore wind & renewables advisor: environmental & social compliance management / independent Lenders E&S consultant…
Błażej Nowak
Ornitolog w Enina
Katarzyna Kamionka-Kanclerska
A biologist with 13 years of experience in field research, specializing in bird inventories. I am known for my independence, creativity, and strong…
We are looking for a Consultant experienced at Lenders advisory to take a lead of further environmental and social compliance area development and management of related projects. Our exclusive national experience and hands-on consulting brings further opportunities, both onshore and offshore. The specialised, more dedicated Team is intended to respond to the market demand for independent environmental and social due diligence during financing or to support sponsors in the project preparation and implementation of action plans / management systems. We highly value the experience that a new person will bring and create autonomous conditions for further ambitions, while constant caring for a practical approach based on individual relevance, which distinguishes us in the Polish market. IFC - International Finance Corporation, EBRD, European Investment Bank (EIB), The World Bank, IFC Europe, Equator Principles, etc. #ESDD #compliance #ESAP #LTA #LESA #ES #ESG #ESMS #ESMP #SEP #NTS #PerformanceStandards #RiskManagement #Labor #ResourceEfficiency #Community #LandResettlement #Biodiversity #IndigenousPeople #CulturalHeritage #LivelihoodRestorationPlan
Ambiens ponownie to opublikował(a)
At the invitation of Ministry Ministerstwo Funduszy i Polityki Regionalnej I had the pleasure to sharing my thoughts on the transformation of the domestic energy sector in the context of Poland's 20 years in the European Union. I recommend the interview with Artur Adamczak, where I talk about, among other things, #greendeal, RRF (KPO), and what Poland's energy sector might look like in next 20 years. You can find the Grupa Wirtualna Polska realization at #AmbiensTeam Ambiens
We are strengthening and expanding our #Biodiversity and #Survey Team. In Q4 2024 three fantastic individuals have joined #AmbiensTeam bringing different experiences and competences. Katarzyna Kamionka-Kanclerska as Biodiversity Consultant is responsible for analysis, nature impacts and mitigation measures. She holds a degree in Biology with a specialization in Animal Biology from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. With over 13 years of experience in field research, her expertise includes the #biology and #ecology of breeding #bird species, the relationship between vertebrate communities and environmental structures, and environmental #monitoring. She has completed several research internships at institutions in Sweden, including Grimsö Wildlife Research Station SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Author or co-author of 10 scientific articles published in renowned journals in the fields of ecology and nature conservation. In recent years, she has also been actively involved in inventory work in the Białowieża Forest, in projects carried out by institutions such as: the Regionalna Dyrekcja Ochrony Środowiska w Białymstoku, the Lasy Państwowe, the Forest Research Institute, the Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie, and the Polish Academy of Sciences. She is currently completing her doctoral thesis at the Uniwersytet w Siedlcach. Milena Stefaniak, a graduate from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, specializing in breeding and #protection of companion and #wild animals. Vice-president and currently Honorary Member of the Scientific Circle of #Zoologists of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. She has several years of experience in #inventories, nature #supervisions and environmental #monitoring, formerly of protected areas (e.g. N2000 ‘Kampinoskie Bagna II’), more recently mainly of linear investments. She is entering the adventure of renewables and #energytransition at Ambiens, combining sustainability with care for nature, as she says. In her position at Ambiens as Biodiversity Consultant, she is mainly responsible for the coordination of #fieldwork and the quality of the acquired data. Jan Brożek, a graduate from the Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie - Master of #Animal Science and Postgraduade student at #ESG and #climate transition. His first professional experience was in the research and technical area at the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS working on molecular #neurobiology. At Ambiens, as a Junior Biodiversity Consultant, he supports #analytics, #data processing and innovative solutions in #AI and dedicated #languagemodels. We are excited about the growth of the Team and the new challenges in a larger group, amidst even broader inhouse expertise.
Iberdrola Polska teamwork with Ambiens is a brilliant example of the potential that lies in combining global traditions and incredible industry history with local specialization and knowledge of the domestic market. We are looking forward to new joint direct tasks, although they are not the first, as our paths have already successfully crossed several times before – says Paulina Potyra-Kaczerowska, Ambiens COO. We value long-term relationships, and we enjoy building tailor-made and customized collaborations. This is when the project orientation method works best, with people of different competence and experience but similar motivation and purpose behind them. Iberdrola is a leader in the energy transition and one of the largest energy producers in the world, focusing today on are photovoltaic installations, energy storage, onshore and offshore wind farms and cable pooling. #Ambiens, on the other hand, has more than 15 years of experience, with 134 onshore wind farms, 13 offshore projects, more than 10,000 ha of large-scale solar PV, as well as PtX and energy storage installations.
Bats are going into a winter sleep called hibernation, while we aren't slowing down in efforts to protect them effectively at the energy transition.
🦇 XXXI Ogólnopolska Konferencja Chiropterologiczna w Smardzewicach za nami! 🦇 Nietoperze 🦇 od lat są najbliższą mi grupą zwierząt, dlatego uczestnictwo w tej konferencji z ramienia Ambiens w dniach 25-27.10.2024 r. było dla mnie jak co roku bardzo cennym przeżyciem. Poruszano tematy związane z badaniem i poznawaniem ekologii tej skrytej grupy zwierząt, przedstawiano skuteczne rozwiązania wspierające ich ochronę oraz dyskutowano o możliwych działaniach, które długofalowo mają przynieść coraz większą świadomość ich potrzeb. Zaprezentowano także bardzo ważne prace dotyczące korzyści, jakie ochrona nietoperzy, naturalnych „środków owadobójczych”, wspierających między innymi rolnictwo, może przynieść także dla nas. Wracam jak zawsze z głową pełną wiedzy po licznych prezentacjach, spotkaniach i rozmowach w kuluarach - mamy w kraju niesamowitych specjalistów, których zaangażowanie w badanie oraz ochronę tej skrytej grupy zwierząt nieustająco podziwiam i wspieram. Jestem także niezmiernie wdzięczna organizatorom - Centrum Biologii Cyfrowej i Nauk Biomedycznych Biobank Łódź, Wydział Biologii i Ochrony Środowiska Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Ogólnopolskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Nietoperzy i Regionalna Dyrekcja Lasów Państwowych w Łodzi - za wspaniałe przygotowanie tego wydarzenia. Do zobaczenia za rok na XXXII OKCh w Szczecinie!
The second phase of Polish #offshorewind is entering an exciting stage. - Michał Kaczerowski points out and lists the key issues. It is not only the start of permitting and strategic decisions of early development but also the #partnering processes that are essential in this scale investments. Theoretically, there are 10 offshore greenfields in the transaction pool with a total capacity of about 9GW. Openness to cooperation is announced by both ORLEN S.A. and PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna, owners of 5 seabed permits each (PL: PSZW).
This week we had an unexpected visitor to the Warsaw office. Together with our guest, we wish you a great weekend. #ParusMajor
#Ambiens is first and foremost a company of people. It is they who, with their knowledge and experience, try their best to advise our Clients. One of these people is Bartłomiej Jerzak – an Environmental Consultant, who in his daily work uses the skills he gained, among others, during his PhD or his work at the Henryk #Arctowski Polish #Antarctic Station.
We are carrying out a #siteassessment for #battery energy storage systems #BESS of about 3ha for one of the leading international energy companies. #Ambiens activities are oriented towards energy #transformation and a project-based approach to #decarbonization. We support development, permitting or compliance and DD issues not only for large-scale renewable generation sources but also for transmission, distribution investments and those stabilizing the system, regulating prices and balancing non-steerable sources, i.e. various types of energy storage #PtX. Meanwhile, the European Commission has approved a €1.2 billion (>5.4 GWh) Polish scheme to support investments in #electricitystorage facilities to foster the transition to a net-zero economy. The scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework (‘TCTF'), adopted by the Commission on 9 March 2023 and amended on 20 November 2023 and on 2 May 2024.