It’s amazing! We’ve just launched recruitment drive at AUCTANE! We’re looking for IT specialists to join our teams in Zielona Góra and Wrocław. Open positions include: ▪️ Software Engineer ▪️ Database Engineer ▪️ DevOps Engineer ▪️ Web Applications Developer ▪️ Engineering Manager ▪️ Data Engineer ▪️ Software Engineer Intern If you’re looking for a job where you can: 🧘 Achieve a healthy work-life balance 📈 Have time and resources to develop your skills 🤗 Get support for your passions and ambitions This might be the perfect opportunity – apply now! All details are available on our website ⬇️
Tworzenie oprogramowania
Zielona Góra, lubuskie 2848 obserwujących
Poznaj AUCTANE i dołącz do naszego zespołu. Zapewniamy dużo wyzwań, przyjazną atmosferę pracy i światowe technologie.
AUCTANE to pierwsza w Zielonej Górze firma mogąca poszczycić się mianem globalnego lidera na rynku e-commerce. Od roku 1999, tworzymy i rozwijamy systemy informatyczne dla rynku eCommerce. Systemy te, szeroko wykorzystywane przez sprzedawców eCommerce na wielu kontynentach, integrują się z tysiącami usług oferowanych przez setki dostawców logistycznych na całym świecie. Od 2021 roku jesteśmy częścią grupy kapitałowej, która realizuje nową, wspólną dla wszystkich spółek strategię rozwoju. Od teraz, wszystkie nasze zespoły na świecie działają w ramach jednej dużej organizacji z nowym szyldem AUCTANE. Taki model współpracy pozwala nam wykorzystać synergię wiedzy, umiejętności i doświadczenia wszystkich koleżanek i kolegów na świecie. Teraz jeszcze sprawniej i szybciej będziemy wprowadzać nowe produkty i serwisy do zarządzania przepływem towarów i danych na rynku ecommerce. Technologie AUCTANE wspierają każdy etap procesu sprzedaży e-commerce: już od momentu wyboru opcji dostaw(dom, paczkomat, lokacje PUDO, sklep...), poprzez przygotowanie przesyłek na magazynach, dalej transport przesyłek przez dostawców usług logistycznych, śledzenie i agregacja informacji o statusach dostarczenia przesyłek, jak również wsparcie procesu zwrotu zamówień przez odbiorców. W zielonogórskim oddziale pracuje obecnie ponad 200 osób, które wraz z całą firmą rozwijają się, poszukując nowych możliwości i usprawnień.
- Witryna
Link zewnętrzny organizacji Amazing AUCTANE
- Branża
- Tworzenie oprogramowania
- Wielkość firmy
- 201-500 pracowników
- Siedziba główna
- Zielona Góra, lubuskie
- Rodzaj
- Spółka akcyjna
- Data założenia
- 1999
- Specjalizacje
- Delivery Management Software, eCommerce retail delivery, Customer Experience, Carrier Integration, Parcel Track & Trace, eCommerce Delivery Options, Retail analytics, Cross border delivery management, eCommerce Returns Portal, Logistics i Multi-carrier Management
Zielona Góra, lubuskie 65-127, PL
Pracownicy Amazing AUCTANE
AUCTANE at Boiling Frogs 2025! On March 15, we’re heading to Boiling Frogs in Wrocław! 🐸 As a Gold Sponsor of this event, we’re not only supporting the IT community but also actively recruiting! ⚡ Looking for new challenges? 💬 Want to chat about career opportunities at AUCTANE? 🌎 Interested in working in Wrocław on cutting-edge software for the logistics and e-commerce industries? Stop by our booth or catch up with someone from the AUCTANE team—we’ll be there in biiiiiiig numbers, and you’ll spot us easily in our signature hoodies! 😉 We’d love to tell you more about our IT projects for global giants, our tech stack, and the challenges we tackle every day. Or maybe you just want to drop by for a casual chat? We’re always up for talks new technologies and exchanging experiences! See you at Boiling Frogs! __ More about the conference: Current job openings:
Howdy y'all! 🤠 We've been waiting for this! Our annual Winter Party isn’t just about team bonding. It’s also the perfect moment to reflect on everything that happened last year. And a lot has happened! As they say in the Lone Star State, "go big or go home!"—so we took this to heart for our party as well. At this point, we could wrap up by saying, what happens in Texas, stays in Texas. But we all agreed—this deserves to be shared with the world! AUCTANE Ranch In January, over 100 cowboys and cowgirls from AUCTANE put on their hats, turning the Ochla heritage park into a full-fledged honky-tonk! The event officially kicked off with Paweł Przybyła and Kasia Dwornik on stage. Country music filled the air, while the tables overflowed with food and a variety of… let’s say entertaining beverages. Under the Watchful Eye of the Texas Ranger The dance floor could be filled in two ways—either with dancing or with a classic bar fight. Chuck Norris may have shown us how to do a spinning kick, but line dancing seemed like the safer option. Especially since we had professional instructors keeping an eye on us. New Skills Unlocked What’s a company event without some serious training? That night, we picked up some office-essential skills: hat-throwing, nail-hammering, and lasso-roping. Now we just wonder how these will come in handy at work. Oh, Lucy… We also held a best costume contest. The undisputed winner? The fabulous Lucy. Unofficial sources tell us that the jury was particularly swayed by her dazzling smile, subtle makeup, and… perfectly trimmed beard. A huge thank you to everyone who helped organize this event. It was flawless and truly in AUCTANE style. And since everything is bigger in Texas, let this party be a teaser for what we have planned this year—big, bold, and impressive. But to find out more, you’ll have to stay tuned. Yeehaw!
🎉 In the coming year, we wish you much success, the fulfilment of your dreams and perseverance in the pursuit of your goals. But remember - every goal is easier to achieve #together. 😊 So surround yourself with supportive people who will motivate and support you - just like we do at #AUCTANE. Together we can achieve even more. 💙 May the #NewYear bring you inspiration and energy, as well as a group of great people who will be your strongest foundation. 💪 See you in #2025! 🥳
May the magic of #Christmas bring you peace and joy! ❤️ This holidays, we wish you warmth, joy and peace. May this special time with your close ones be filled with love and moments to remember. 🎄✨ We encourage you to take a break from your daily responsibilities and spend these days #offline. This is the perfect opportunity to recharge your batteries, appreciate the little things and enjoy #moments with your loved ones. 😊 Merry Christmas from the #amazingAUCTANE team 🙂🎁
At #AUCTANE, giving back to the community is an important part of our culture. That's why we created #VolunteerDay - a day off for #charity - which our #Spartansteam decided to use to help those in need. The Spartans dedicated the day to making dumplings, which were then sent to the Eateries in #ZielonaGóra. Here's how they summed it up 👇 🗨️ 'Today was a bit different at work - aprons instead of tracksuits, rollers instead of keyboards, and the smell of pierogi in the air! 🥟❤️ The whole team came together to make dumplings. It's not only a great opportunity for integration, but also a chance to do something good for the #localcommunity. Our hand-filled dumplings went to a local restaurant to support those who need a little warmth and home-cooked taste in their lives. We are proud to be part of this initiative and believe that even small gestures make a big difference! Thank you to the Spartans team for your dedication and kindness! Your work brings #joy not only to you but also to those who will benefit from this help. This is a beautiful example of how we can support our local community - and we strongly encourage you all to do so. 😊
On the 13th of December, another session of the #AmazingTechFreaks series took place, with Adam and Przemek sharing their knowledge of #automation in #softwaredevelopment. 🤓 Attendees had the opportunity to learn about the tools, technologies and processes that enable automation in #applicationdevelopment and #testing. Adam and Przemek showed how our teams deploy code to production every day, at any time, significantly speeding up the software development process and improving #quality. 📈💻 The atmosphere was, as always, conducive to the development of knowledge, the participants were curious, and we were once again reminded of how many ambitious people there are at our local #university. 🙂 Thank you all for your participation and to Adam and Przemek for preparing such an interesting lecture. 😊 Uniwersytet Zielonogórski Biuro Karier Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego #WydziałNaukInżynieryjnoTechnicznychUZ
🎁 Just before Christmas we have prepared a little present for #UZ students! It will be another session as part of the #AmazingTechFreaks series! 😄 On 13 December at 09:15-10:45 in room 127 on campus A Uniwersytet Zielonogórski there will be a lecture entitled ‘CI/CD - Automation in software development’! 🚀 Our speakers will be Adam and Przemek, who will introduce participants to the world of tools and processes that #automate the building and testing of applications. You will learn how our teams deploy #code to production every day, which significantly speeds up the #softwaredevelopment process and increases its quality. Listen to Adam talk about exactly what you will learn in this lecture 👇 Biuro Karier Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego #WydziałNaukInżynieryjnoTechnicznych #UniwersytetZielonogórski
🎉 Celebrating #25years of the #Metapack brand In November, we celebrated a special anniversary - 25 years of the Metapack brand, a platform that connects #couriers, #eCommerce shops and #consumers. This is a reason for us to be proud, because for the past 10 years, our team from #ZielonaGóra has been actively involved in the development of this product of the #AUCTANE Group. 🙂 Listen to our colleagues talking about our 25 years old #brand. 🥳
🔥 #PeakMap - Ready for a hot sales season! We are excited to present our latest Peak Map, created by the #CloudEngineering team! 🥳 The Map is a unique project that each year shows how many #eCommerce orders #oursystems process during peak sales season around the world. In previous years we have showcased order counters, while this year our #engineers have created an interactive heat map! 🗺️ What is the Peak Map? It is now our tradition that every year, during the Black Friday period, Cloud Engineering presents the results of an internal #hackathon. This year, it's a map where each dot represents the location of a #shipment processed by our systems. The dots light up in real time as the system generates a shipment for that location. The colours reflect the volume of traffic - the redder the region, the more shipments we handle in that area. How was the Peak Map created? The project required #commitment and #precision, as well as a large dose of #creativity. For its realisation we used: 👉 479 LEDs 👉 27 metres of cable 👉 100 screws 👉 1,377 m² of wood, paper and acrylic ... and countless amounts of #caffeine! ☕ Where can you see the Peak Map? A physical version of the map is available at our office in #ZielonaGóra. We have also developed a virtual version for all #AUCTANE employees to track where shipments handled by our systems go around the world! 🌎 We invite you to admire our work and celebrate the peak of the sales season together! #amazingAUCTANE #amazingTECH #amazingPEOPLE