Zdjęcie główne użytkownika Coty


Produkcja środków higieny osobistej

Amsterdam, North Holland 821 669 obserwujących

Fearless. Forward. You.


Since 1904, Coty has fearlessly pioneered innovation across the beauty industry. We have a reputation for breaking new ground; a history of ‘firsts’ and ‘bests’ that has laid the foundation for the industry as we know it today. For over a century, our brands have been empowering people to express themselves and create their own vision of beauty. It’s a legacy we’re proud to own and grow. We work hand-in-hand with our people, our partners and our customers. Together, we unleash every vision of beauty. We stand for the beauty of diversity and the diversity of beauty - celebrating and inspiring all the expressions of beauty that exist and that will exist. We honor you, and we honor our planet. We create Beauty That Lasts. A beauty that is both good to people and the world. Our mission is to create a forward thinking beauty; Products that provide new, innovative and simply better science based solutions. Let’s keep making over the beauty world TOGETHER.

Produkcja środków higieny osobistej
Wielkość firmy
10 001+ pracowników
Siedziba główna
Amsterdam, North Holland
Spółka akcyjna
Data założenia
Fragrances, Color Cosmetics i Skin & Body Care


Pracownicy Coty


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Coty 6 suma pochyłych

Ostatnia runda

Zadłużenie po IPO

541 229 218,00 USD

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