Green Sequest

Green Sequest

Usługi środowiskowe

Carbon captured in stone. For life.


Our plan is simple: to remove carbon dioxide from air using Enhanced Rock Weathering. Serpentinite – the rock we are using– is characterized by great ability to capture and permanently store CO2 from the atmosphere. Our team has been working on developing a cheap, simple, scalable and verifiable technology that will accelerate the natural process of CO2 sequestration. The consequences? Real contribution to reversing climate change.

Usługi środowiskowe
Wielkość firmy
2–10 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Spółka prywatna
Data założenia


Pracownicy Green Sequest


  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Green Sequest; grafika

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    Why are we fascinated by Enhanced Rock Weathering and the use of serpentinite in the permanent removal of CO2 from the atmosphere? Beyond effectively tackling excess CO2, we’re also positively impacting a critical sector of the economy: agriculture. Farmers today face numerous challenges, from climate change and crop intensification to rising fertilizer costs and fluctuating commodity prices. Prolonged droughts, nutrient-depleted soils, and poor soil structure are just a few hurdles that can drastically reduce yields. Innovative solutions that address these issues while remaining environmentally friendly are essential. One key approach is remineralization, where mineral fragments are added back into the soil through rock dust. This mineral-rich powder, containing essential trace elements and nutrients, supports the growth of beneficial microorganisms and boosts soil health. Enter serpentinite rock dust - a 100% natural product offering solutions to modern agricultural needs: ➡ Water retention: Serpentinite acts like a sponge, retaining water in the soil, even during droughts, leading to healthier crops. ➡ Nutrient richness: Packed with essential elements like magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and silica, it strengthens plants and boosts resistance to pests and diseases. ➡ Improved soil structure: It enhances both heavy and sandy soils by optimizing water retention and aeration, promoting a crumbly, productive soil. ➡ Nutrient retention: Serpentinite increases the soil’s cation exchange capacity, ensuring that more nutrients are available to plants, making fertilization more effective. ➡ Microbial support: It nourishes soil microorganisms, fostering healthier, more fertile soils. ➡pH regulation: With a high pH of 9.6, it can replace traditional liming, balancing soil pH without excessive calcium buildup. By integrating serpentinite into agriculture, we’re not only enhancing crop productivity but also supporting a more sustainable, resilient future for our farmers and our planet.

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Green Sequest; grafika

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    The comprehensive report on CDR, "The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal - 2nd Edition," was released last month. The report provides in-depth overviews and analyses of the carbon removal ecosystem, including: ▶ Research and development of CDR methods ▶ Demonstration and upscaling ▶ The role of the Voluntary Carbon Market in supporting novel CDR innovations  ▶ Public awareness of CDR ▶ An examination of the significant CDR gap that remains As members of the LinkedIn community, it’s crucial to tailor our communication effectively. Let’s explore the insights provided by the report on communication. Seven lessons for responsible communication are outlined in the report: 1️⃣ Be careful with terminology: Avoid p re-existing technical terms that are distinct from CDR like "carbon capture" confusing or negatively charged terms “geoengineering.” 2️⃣ Talk about CDR in context: Tailor communication to the specific CDR methods, policy context, and climate mitigation efforts. 3️⃣ Give – and receive – information about CDR: Increase awareness by providing information and engaging in feedback to understand public concerns. 4️⃣ Talk about (co-)benefits: Highlight the long-term benefits such as sustainability, environmental friendliness, and cost-effectiveness. 5️⃣ Also talk about negative attributes: Discuss potential negative aspects to improve and adapt CDR methods. 6️⃣ Do not weaken support for emission reductions: Emphasize that CDR is part of broader climate efforts and not a substitute for reducing emissions. 7️⃣ Avoid framing CDR as natural (or otherwise): Perceived “naturalness” is known to increase acceptance of CDR However, where the lines are drawn on what constitutes a “natural” or “unnatural” method is arbitrary and diverts attention away from the actual qualities of CDR methods. Download the full report here:

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Green Sequest; grafika

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    Zostaliśmy Laureatem Raportu Startupów Pozytywnego Wpływu 2024! Raport od sześciu lat wydawany jest pod redakcją prof. Boleslaw Rok przez Kozminski Business Hub / Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego (Kozminski University). Ogromne podziękowania dla jury - Panelu Pozytywnych Postaci - autorytetów działających na przecięciu świata startupowego, przedsiębiorstw społecznych i świata korporacyjnego ESG - które na podstawie swoich obserwacji i po wspólnych dyskusjach wybiera grupę Laureatów: Adrian Migoń, Agnieszka Oleksyn - Wajda, Anna Węgrzynowicz, Berenika Pel, Boleslaw Rok, Julia Koczanowicz-Chondzyńska, Justyna Markowicz (she/her), Mikolaj Szyc, Klementyna Sęga, Maciej Otrębski, Magda Andrejczuk, Michal Miszulowicz, Mirella Panek-Owsiańska (she/her) Monika Kulik, 🚀 Piotr Boulangé, Przemek Pohrybieniuk Dziękujemy za docenienie naszej pracy i zaangażowania w ograniczanie skutków globalnego ocieplenia. Gratulujemy też pozostałym wyróżnionym startupom! Dobrze wiemy, jak bardzo wyboista potrafi być droga młodej firmy tworzącej pozytywne środowiskowo i społecznie rozwiązania. Astrotectonic, Biostra, Fresh Inset S.A., Waterly, Maas Loop, Sustainable Fashion Institute, TerGo - It pays to go Green., Fabryka Rozsady, Kuuler, Coffideas, Inclusive barrista, Miejska AquaFarma (USAGE), Radio 357, uż, Omyu,, , Ecopolplast , Guru Tempeh, Lutkala Sp. z o.o., Zielona Mleczarnia Millek, Släppa - tabletka dla planety Link do Raportu „Startupy Pozytywnego Wpływu 2024. Ekosystem zmiany” w komentarzu

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Green Sequest; grafika

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    Callibrating our MRV. Scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) is a key technique in material science for investigating the structure and composition of various samples. This method enables detailed surface analysis, offering several notable benefits. It is versatile, precise, and generally non-destructive. And what is crucial for our MRV, it can qualitatively analyze nearly all elements in the periodic table, with the exceptions of hydrogen and helium. Look at the four images below. The one in the top left corner shows an SEM image of a serpentinite particle from our field studies. Next to it, there is an SEM-EDS image of the same serpentinite fragment, showing the magnesium content. In the bottom left corner, we see silicon, and in the bottom right corner, the carbon content. Analyses like this, combined with other research methods, allow us to estimate the rate and scale of the CO2 sequestration process.

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Green Sequest; grafika

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    Today, we would like to highlight a key aspect of our operations that we discuss less frequently on our profile - our collaboration with rock quarries. We often write here about the use of rock dust in agriculture and our cooperation with farmers. However, at the other end of the value chain, quarries play an equally important role, without which the development of the Enhanced Rock Weathering sector would be impossible. Quarries, although sometimes met with negative public perception, are an indispensable part of our operations. It is thanks to them that we can produce materials that contribute to sustainable agriculture and combat climate change through ERW. We want to emphasize that without the activities of quarries, many aspects of modern life and the economy would not be possible. Rock resources from open-pit mines form the foundation of many economic sectors, providing materials essential for building infrastructure, roads, chemical products, supporting agriculture, developing industry, and protecting the environment. Good cooperation with quarries is the foundation upon which our mission rests. We thank all our partners for their commitment and contribution to creating a better, more sustainable world.  #EnhancedRockWeathering #EnhancedWeathering #CarbonDioxideRemoval #CarbonRemoval #quarry

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Green Sequest; grafika

    650 obserwujących

    It's great to see more companies emerging in the field of Enhanced Rock Weathering. This innovative approach not only helps in sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere but also contributes to soil health and agricultural productivity. The potential of Enhanced Rock Weathering to address climate change and support sustainable agriculture is immense. By accelerating the natural process of rock weathering, we can capture significant amounts of CO2, reducing greenhouse gas concentrations and mitigating global warming.

    ⛰️ Enhanced weathering ventures have raised $143m across >20 ventures working primarily in North America and Europe. Enhanced weathering involves spreading finely ground silicate minerals over land to speed up the natural process of rock weathering, effectively removing CO2 from the atmosphere.   ✅ Enhanced weathering can regenerate soil health, boosts crop yields by reintroducing essential minerals, and uses existing agricultural infrastructure for easy integration. It can also potentially increase ocean alkalinity, aiding in the mitigation of ocean acidification, and support coral health.   ❌ Despite its potential, enhanced weathering faces hurdles in cost, ecological impact, social acceptance, and the physical logistics of rock pulverization and distribution.   ❓ What do you think of the CDR potential of enhanced rock weathering? Who else is building in enhanced rock weathering? 💼 At CO2RE, the Business Model team (Aoife Brophy, Mark Workman and Astha Wagle) is dedicated to tracking and analysing entrepreneurship and innovative GGR business models worldwide. Would you like to share your journey with us? We’re interested in understanding more about your unique approach and the challenges you face as an enhanced weathering venture. Find out more about the work of the Business Model team here: 🙋Get in touch with CO2RE: Astha Wagle 📝 Analysis by Michael H.. 📊 Data provided by Net Zero Insights' excellent dashboard. #EnhancedWeathering #CarbonRemoval #CarbonCapture #ClimateAction #Sustainability #Innovation #BusinessModels #VentureMapping #ClimateTech #CO2RE

    • A global map of enhanced rock weathering ventures.
  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika Green Sequest; grafika

    650 obserwujących

    Usuwanie CO2 z atmosfery to dla nas priorytet, ale równie ważne, są korzyści, jakie stosowanie serpentynitu antygorytowego może przynieść w rolnictwie. Serpentynit antygorytowy powstał w wyniku przeobrażenia skał ultraza- sadowych-zasadowych (perydotytu-gabra). Posiada zróżnicowany skład mineralny. Podstawowym jego składnikiem  jest antygoryt stanowiący zwykle 84 – 99% skały. W wyniku procesów przeobrażeniowych powstało wiele minerałów wtórnych. Podrzędnie występują relikty oliwinu i piroksenów minerały rudne, minerały z grupy serpentynu, krzemionka opalowo-chalcedonowa i magnezyt. Cała ta bogata mineralogia sprawia, że serpentynit jest bogatym źródłem składników mineralnych magnezu, żelaza, boru, manganu, molibdenu, cynku czy miedzi. Nasze badania pokazują, że makro- i mikroskładniki dostępne są od razu po zastosowaniu ich w glebie. Rozkładający się materiał skalny reaguje z mikroorganizmami glebowymi i materiałem roślinnym, uwalniając pierwiastki. Remineralizacja mączką serpentynitową jest szybkim sposobem wspomagania regeneracji gleby poprzez ścisłe naśladowanie naturalnych interakcji geologicznych i biologicznych. Rezultatem jest optymalny i zrównoważony wzrost roślin uprawnych.

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