MICRON3D - best color 3D scanners!

MICRON3D - best color 3D scanners!


3D Digitization of shape with color information (X,Y,Z with RGB value)


MICRON3D color - High resolution ultra precise 3Dscanners for 3D digitalization of National Heritage objects.

Wielkość firmy
11–50 pracowników
Siedziba główna
Spółka prywatna
Data założenia
3D scanner, color 3D scanner i Digitization


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    #3Dscanning for the knowledge sharing❗ Online searching for extensive, complete information about archaeological cultures from the exact region and time-period, not so easy... and it should be much more available, since very often even small detail can make a huge difference in dating or cultural background of each object... ☝I think that the #3Dscanners are the key to making complete, specialistic knowledge more accessible and much less time-consuming. In areas like #archaeology, which rely strongly on analyzing morphology, the database built with the #3Dmodels can be the answer! Let's admire the quality of the ⚱11th-century antler comb⚱ 3D scan made with the SMARTTECH3D metrology - 3D scanners and aim together to create a global online database for archaeologists all around the world🌏! 📑🤓 Antler combs from the early medieval period have been discovered in various archaeological contexts. Typically made from deer or elk antlers, these combs can vary in size, shape, and decorative elements, differentiate between cultures, time periods, and social status of the user. Some may have simple designs for everyday use, while others might be more elaborately crafted, indicating higher social status or ceremonial purposes. Analyzing the comb's material, construction techniques, and decorative motifs could provide insights into regional styles, trade routes, and connections with neighboring cultures. Some types are so significant, that are used as a stamp for the regional culture and time... How do you like the results?

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika MICRON3D - best color 3D scanners!; grafika

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    🚀 Have you heard about TIMELESS - The Virtual Museum of Lost Inventors? Discover more about TIMELESS here: www.koperska.info/timeless Today, the #3Dscanner is performing at its best, serving as a crucial tool for preserving our National Heritage! ❗ The measurement results will be used for research, perpetual archiving, conservation, digitization, and visualization 😍. 💡 Did you know that Polish inventor Jan Szczepanik, known as the "Polish Edison," invented the color photography system and light-sensitive color paper – "Utopapier"? ❓ 💡 This method was later adopted by Kodak (1928) and Agfa (1932). 💡 Check out the first Polish color #photography created on light-sensitive color paper in the photos below! 💡 Another forgotten artifact we're fortunate to scan is the OKO camera – an extraordinary invention by Kazimierz Prószyński, admired by, among others, the creator of the cinematograph, Louis Lumière. In 1895, Prószyński constructed the first Polish film camera for shooting and projection (pleograph, with an improved version, the biopleograph, in 1899), which was used to create short films. This date is considered the beginning of Polish cinematography. This is just the beginning... and I can’t wait to share the final results with you soon. 🌟 This scientific research is funded by state budget funds under the program of the Minister of Education and Science titled "Science for Society," project number NdS/549880/2022/2022. The funding amount is 1 million PLN, with the total project value being 1 million PLN. monika koperska, Anna Wilczak

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika MICRON3D - best color 3D scanners!; grafika

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    Extremely accurate scanning and perfect texture mapping of the scanned object has never been easier! 🔎 With the new, smaller SMARTTECH3D scanner, we can obtain a color scan that shows all the textures of an orange peel. The high accuracy of the geometry is maintained. 🍊 See how SMARTTECH3D metrology - 3D scanners perfectly captured the texture of the orange! Good job @NEXTSPACE from #Korea 👏 #3dscanning #texturemapping #texturescanning

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika MICRON3D - best color 3D scanners!; grafika

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    Why is color information crucial in 3D scanning? 🤔 It's because RGB color data allows a quality control and makes it possible to perform a variety of tests, such as assessing the impact of use on the object's surface, its wear resistance or other material properties. 🎨 We scanned a gas turbine and made a remarkable discovery. In geometry, the effect of the gas on the surface of the turbine was not visible, but accurate color mapping during scanning allowed us to analyze key data, including automatic volume calculations. An example of this can be seen in the 3D-scan of the gas turbine fragment. 🔩 Although the effect of the gas on the surface of the turbine was not visible in the geometry, the accurate representation of the colors made it possible to analyze all relevant data. 🔎 #colormapping #3dscan #RGB

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika MICRON3D - best color 3D scanners!; grafika

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    Have you seen #3DArchaeologist video yet? We collected there few examples about the possibilities going from SMARTTECH3D metrology - 3D scanners #3dscanner and #3dprinter used together🤩! 👉Check the link to learn about fascinating projects like achieving the copy of the Vampire from Piotrków 💀or a beautiful chapel from the Bali island🐲: https://lnkd.in/d4SxB83Z

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika MICRON3D - best color 3D scanners!; grafika

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    Is #reverseengineering not associated with museums? At first glance, yes, but the use of #3dscanner allows not only quick but also detailed documentation. 🏛️ The scan can become the basis for printing the model on a 3D printer, as happened with the very rare Polish denarius of king Bolesław Chrobry (11th century) - with a 3D model we can create a stamp and mint exact copies of medieval coins! 👑 This denarius is one of the first coins that was minted during the reign of this monarch. Only 3 such coins have been found so far, so it is incredibly valuable from a scientific perspective. Due to the significant importance of this artifact, it was scanned using SMARTTECH3D metrology. The archived data was determined to be the most complete information about the coin. The researchers decided to make more extensive use of the 3D model and, basing on it, made a stamp that enabled the creation of perfect copies of the artifact. ☝️ Firstly the object was mirrored, then printed on a 3D printer. The 3D model was digitally modified to create a final version of the stamp, that can be used to mint a twin of a denarius for educational purposes, lectures, and presentations, and even to make souvenirs. 🤩 #3dscan #3dscanning #museology #archeology #digitalheritage #3dprinting

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  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika MICRON3D - best color 3D scanners!; grafika

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    We proudly present the results of our work with SMARTTECH3D metrology - 3D scanners, which enable us to accurately document even the smallest details, such as the texture of different materials and their vivid colors. We had the pleasure of scanning a beautiful Koloh hat, which is a part of Afghan #culture from the 20th century. The result of our work is so lifelike you wish you could touch it! 🎨 We can actually admire this #artifact at the Museum of Asia and the Pacific Muzeum Azji i Pacyfiku. The Afghan Koloh hat, also known as 'Kolah' or 'Kolāh', is a piece of traditional outfit worn by various ethnic groups in Afghanistan, mainly associated with the Pashtun ethnic group. It is worn on a daily basis by men, especially in the countryside, and is meant to protect them from the sun. 🕌 However, the Koloh hat has not only a practical significance, but also a cultural and symbolic one. It is a sign of identity and cultural heritage, connected with regional affiliation and tribal traditions. It is a determinant of social status, especially when decorated with ornamental elements such as embroidery or tassels. It can also be worn for special occasions or ceremonies. Even confronted with modern fashion trends, it retains its popularity, especially among traditional Afghans. Although the basic design of the Koloh hat remains consistent, there are various styles and decorations, depending on the region of Afghanistan. Made of wool or cotton, it is characterized by a rounded shape with a flat crown and short brim. It is not only a piece of clothing, but also an expression of cultural heritage that persists in a rapidly changing world. 🙌🌍 #3dscan #3dscanning #digitalheritage #CADmodel

  • Zobacz stronę organizacji użytkownika MICRON3D - best color 3D scanners!; grafika

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    Discover how 3D scanning is transforming the #museumindustry! 🏛️ With MICRON3D color scanners, we have scanned medieval #artifacts - a set of column heads from a former Cistercian monastery in Pomerania.  These 13th- and 14th-century relics now are a part of the virtual collection of the National Museum in Szczecin (Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie). These extraordinary works of art are more than 600 years old and are one of the most valuable artifacts in the region. 👀 Their #digitaltwins are now easily accessible online for future generations and scientists. The use of structured white light guarantees safety for the artifacts and the scanning time takes just a few seconds accompanied with the elimination of sizing errors. 🤩 The stone columns are extremely heavy and could not be moved, but thankfully all SMARTTECH3D scanners are equipped with movable and adjustable tripods so that scanning can take place even in very hard-to-reach places. 🦾 Read more: https://lnkd.in/d4xjhZ_S   #3dscanning #digitalheritage #relics

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