Serviços de eletricidade, gás, água e esgoto

Lideramos a transição energética, porque escolhemos a Terra.

Sobre nós

A nossa história começou há mais de 40 anos. Hoje somos uma empresa global, entre os maiores actores do sector energético na Europa e o 4º maior produtor de energia eólica, com quase 13 MW de capacidade instalada. Orgulhamo-nos de ser uma empresa líder integrada nos índices de sustentabilidade Dow Jones. Queremos construir uma nova energia através da promoção de fontes renováveis. Para o fazer, escolhemos ... ... ser 100% verde até 2030; ... visar 20 GW de capacidade instalada renovável até 2025; .... para inovar, para moldar o sector energético; .... capacitar as nossas comunidades para viverem de forma mais sustentável. A nossa é a energia que se esforça por criar um futuro melhor, inspirada por pessoas de 3 continentes, 29 mercados e 44 nacionalidades diferentes. É a energia que não conhece fronteiras, que nunca dorme, e que nos liga a si. Vamos aproveitar o vento, o sol e a água para liderar a transição energética. Seremos todos verdes. Escolhemos a Terra. Bem-vindo à página oficial do Grupo EDP LinkedIn.

Serviços de eletricidade, gás, água e esgoto
Tamanho da empresa
+ de 10.001 funcionários
Empresa privada
electricity generation, renewable energies, electricity distribution, electricity supply, gas, energy services e electricity trading


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    Av. 24 de Julho


    Lisboa, 1249 - 300, PT

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Funcionários da EDP


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    At EDP, we’re kicking off a full month dedicated to mental health! Throughout October, we’ll be organizing activities to promote mental wellbeing and remind everyone that it’s okay to prioritize mental health. Good mental health is key to living a balanced, fulfilling life. It’s not just about the absence of mental disorders — it’s about how we experience and navigate our emotions, which is unique to each person. Just like the changing seasons, every emotion has a place. Even the feelings we find difficult to accept are part of the process. That’s why it’s important to speak your truth and listen to what your mind and heart are telling you. At any point, if you need help, don’t hesitate to reach out. Taking care of yourself starts with recognizing your needs. Mind your mind ❤️🧠. #EDPWeChooseEarth #MentalHealth #WFMHWorldMentalHealthDay #WMHD2024 #EDPMindyourMind

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    Girl MOVE Academy empowers young Mozambican women through innovative education and leadership development. As part of our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) strategy, EDP supports the Changemakers' Lab, which develops visionaries who drive sustainable change. This September, Cynthia Chipanga, a talented Mozambican leader, spent time with our Innovation Team at EDP in Lisbon. Her experience allowed her to gain firsthand insights into our energy transition initiatives and collaborate on forward-thinking solutions. Through this partnership, we provide expertise and resources to create STEM opportunities and advance sustainable energy solutions in Mozambique. Cynthia's story illustrates the ripple effect of this collaboration. Join us in celebrating this partnership and empowering a cleaner, more equitable future. Learn more about Girl Move and our partnership, and be inspired by the changemakers who are redefining the future of energy: https://lnkd.in/dCc7hhXR #EDPWeChooseEarth #GirlMove

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    “The harmonious coexistence of renewable energy and the natural environment.” That is how Pedro Miguel Albuquerque describes this photograph he took, but it could also be used as a way to describe EDP’s mission. The photo was taken at sunrise at Alqueva's floating solar installation, which has, "since its construction, attracted a diverse array of bird species, which utilize the platform as a resting spot, showing that this kind of project can be integrated into ecosystems without causing harm" says Pedro. Using our innovation expertise to create a positive environmental impact through projects like Alqueva, which we have been highlighting at Climate Week NYC, is something that we want to keep on doing, and Pedro nicely captured our efforts. #EDPWeChooseEarth #AllGreen2030 #EnergyTransition #EDPGlobalLens #ClimateWeekNYC

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    In Malawi, agriculture is more than a way of life - it is a lifeline for over 80% of the population. But many smallholder farmers face significant challenges, from poverty to limited access to modern technology. That's why EDP's A2E Fund and aQysta | Small Farmers. Big Impact launched the 'Grown with Solar' project, empowering 1,000 farmers with solar-powered technology. 🚜✨ This initiative boosts incomes by up to 150%, extends crop shelf life, and combats malnutrition. The Barsha pump also enables sustainable irrigation, cutting fuel costs and saving 120 tons of CO₂. Find out more about our life-changing projects: https://lnkd.in/dNcyXWTu. #EDPWeChooseEarth #AllGreen2030 #EnergyTransition

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    We are thrilled to announce that EDP is back as naming sponsor of the EDP Ericeira Pro surfing championship! Our involvement in the sport is rooted in sustainability and social responsibility, through various initiatives focused on ocean conservation, the training of future generations, and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. The EDP Surf for Tomorrow Team project, now in its fourth edition, is guiding six young Portuguese and Spanish surfers towards international success. Two of them, Guilherme Ribeiro and Kai Odriozola, have qualified to compete at this event. We are bringing several of our initiatives to EDP Ericeira Pro, happening in Portugal from September 29th to October 6th, including EDP Donate - where you can donate gently used surfing equipment to local surfing schools - and the opportunity to sign up for our Beach Cleanups, which take place throughout the year. Together, we can create a positive impact through surfing and build a brighter, more sustainable future for generations to come. Because When We Surf, We Choose Earth. Learn more about the Surf for Tomorrow team and stay up to date with all our surf events here: https://lnkd.in/d8T6Jxvc #EDPWeChooseEarth #AllGreen2030 #WhenWeSurfWeChooseEarth

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    We’re excited to announce our new partnership with Riopele, which has led to the inauguration of one of the largest solar parks installed on a rooftop in Portugal. Riopele is also the first EDP client in Portugal to install photovoltaic panels on the carpark canopy, and the first to install solar panels on the façade of one of their sites. This inauguration marks an important milestone on our journey toward a sustainable future. As a European leader in Distributed Solar (Solar DG) with over 2.9 GWp of contracted capacity across 4 regions, EDP is investing €2.5 billion in distributed solar projects for families and businesses, driving the energy transition forward. Self-consumption solar solutions are becoming an increasingly obvious choice for companies, helping them meet decarbonization regulations, reduce costs, and mitigate exposure to electricity price fluctuations. 🌱 A powerful step forward for clean energy. 🌞 #EDPWeChooseEarth #EnergyTransition #SolarDG

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    EDP and Rondo Energy joined forces to revolutionize industrial heat production and shape a sustainable future. Highlighted as an innovation project at Climate Week NYC, this partnership is driving the energy transition forward. Watch John O'Donnell, Founder & Chief Innovation Officer at Rondo Energy, explain how the Rondo Heat Battery works and why it's a crucial step towards sustainability. As he states, "we can build a world that's clean but also more just and safer." 🌎💚 Learn more about this and other projects being spotlighted at Climate Week NYC here: https://lnkd.in/dncV7ghT. #EDPWeChooseEarth #AllGreen2030 #EnergyTransition #Rondo #ClimateWeekNYC

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    The sun has always been an inspiration for us, not only from the moment it rises to the moment it sets, but even when we can’t see it. Besides being able to light up our lives, it can light up our houses and businesses, when we use it to produce energy. EDP is proud to be a leader in the energy transition and we are committed to invest 40% of our business plan in solar initiatives until 2026. Day by day, we keep expanding our capacity, bringing it to everyone, everywhere. Join us and let a brighter future radiate ☀️, here: https://lnkd.in/dy2_DB2P #EDPWeChooseEarth #AllGreen2030 #EnergyTransition #BelieveInTheSun

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    As part of Climate Week NYC 2024, EDP promoted a roundtable event yesterday, titled "The Energy Transition: From Rhetoric to Reality", which was moderated by The Economist's global energy and climate innovation editor, Vijay V. Vaitheeswaran. We were joined by a group of influential voices and business leaders from a variety of industries and the financial sector. Along with Miguel Stilwell d'Andrade, Vera Pinto Pereira, Rui Teixeira, and Sandhya Ganapathy, participants discussed the resilience and acceleration of the energy transition amidst a challenging context. From major bottlenecks such as grid connections and permitting, to supply chain challenges, capital funding, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and geopolitics, this roundtable meeting also represented an opportunity to promote collaboration and envision a more sustainable future for all – in which clean energy sources play a central role. As Miguel Stilwell d'Andrade stated at the meeting, the word transition sounds too smooth and peaceful to reflect what is currently at stake. It is in fact a radical change and a bumpy ride, which will require collective will and actions. We thank all of those in attendance for participating in an engaging and productive conversation, which allowed us to share experiences and ideas that we will be taking forward to unequivocally drive change steadier and faster. Together, we can continue to lead the energy transition 🍃. Find out more about EDP's presence at Climate Week NYC: https://lnkd.in/dncV7ghT #EDPWeChooseEarth #AllGreen2030 #EnergyTransition #ClimateWeekNYC

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    Yesterday EDP kicked off its participation at Climate Week NYC and attended several events. Our CEO, Miguel Stilwell d'Andrade, attended the United Nations Private Sector Forum, convened by UN Secretary-General António Guterres. The forum brought together Heads of State, UN leaders, and other company CEOs to address issues such as SDG acceleration, sustainable finance, and digital transformation. Although progress is being made, as our CEO states, one thing is clear: "We must align efforts and resources towards common sustainability goals, fostering reporting and accountability credibly, while accelerating permitting and promoting stable regulation to incentivize sustainable investments in clean and innovative solutions." EDP Executive Board member Vera Pinto Pereira attended the Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) Governance Board Meeting and spoke during a panel focusing on ‘The future of beneficial federal tax policies for industrial decarbonization’ during the WBCSD – World Business Council for Sustainable Development Council Meeting, where a key takeaway was the need for governments to remove transition bottlenecks, allowing clean energy to meet increasing demand. As Vera Pinto Pereira perfectly explains, “EDP continues to promote, with great conviction, energy access initiatives and a fair energy transition for all through clean and innovative solutions around the globe. However, we must remove the obstacles that are slowing us down and ensure that demand growth is met by renewable energy. We will be an active voice on this front at Climate Week NYC and hope to take these arguments further in favour of a greater renewables’ acceleration, leaving no one behind.” We are continuing our participation at Climate Week NYC to lead change and ultimately accelerate the energy transition. Follow along as we share our journey and learn more at https://lnkd.in/dncV7ghT. #EDPWeChooseEarth #AllGreen2030 #EnergyTransition #ClimateWeekNYC

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