🚀 New Seminar Series: Alternative Pathways from Academia! "Leaving academia" crosses many researchers' minds, but what alternatives are there, and how do we get there? ICArEHB’s new Alt-Ac Paths seminar series brings together PhD holders in archaeology and related fields who have transitioned to alternative careers. Through open conversations and practical advice, we’ll explore how to follow new career pathways leading beyond traditional academia. 🔹 What? Two speakers share their career journeys and answer your questions. 🔹 When? Every three months, online & hybrid for ICArEHB members. 🔹 Who? PhDs who have successfully advanced into new fields. Let’s redefine success beyond academia. Stay tuned for our first session! #AltAc #PhDLife #BeyondAcademia
ICArEHB - Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and Evolution of Human Behaviour
Pesquisa e desenvolvimento cientifico
Research center dedicated to the evolution of human behavior from an archaeological and anthropological perspective.
Sobre nós
The Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and Evolution of Human Behaviour (ICArEHB) is a research center based at the University of Algarve (Southern Portugal), bringing together a group of foreigner and national researchers with a main goal: developing research and contribute to a better understanding of the evolution of human behavior from an archaeological and anthropological perspective. Research is organized in four groups – Prehistoric coastal adaptations, African archaeology and Human Evolution, Development of complex societies, and History of archaeological science – focusing mostly on the emergence of Anatomically Modern Humans, hunter-gatherer coastal adaptations, the development of complex societies, and African archaeology using different disciplines and methodological approaches, such as geoarchaeology, use-wear analysis, zooarchaeology, paleobotany and GIS. Currently, ICArEHB members are actively participating in a large number of projects taking place across Europe and Africa.
- Site
Link externo para ICArEHB - Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and Evolution of Human Behaviour
- Setor
- Pesquisa e desenvolvimento cientifico
- Tamanho da empresa
- 51-200 funcionários
- Sede
- Faro
- Tipo
- Educacional
FCHS - Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas
Faro, 8005-139 Faro, PT
Funcionários da ICArEHB - Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and Evolution of Human Behaviour
Catarina Silva Marques
Comunicação, Imagem, Gestão de Projetos, Eventos e Comunicação em Ciência
Godefroy Devevey
Science strategy officer at ICArEHB - UAlg
Gina Buckley, PhD
Archaeologist | Data Scientist | Project Management
Ricardo Miguel Godinho
Researcher at ICArEHB (University of Algarve)
Technology has shaped human history from the first stone tools to the age of AI. But how does the past inform our future? Join us for ICArEHB Dialogues 2025, where leading experts in archaeology and technology explore the evolution of innovation and its impact on society. 🗓 29th May @4pm (UTC/Lisbon time) 📍 Online Event livestreamed on Youtube 🎤 Speakers: 🔹 Vera Aldeias (ICArEHB) – Geoarchaeologist uncovering human behavior through sedimentary records. 🔹 Steve Kuhn (University of Arizona) – Expert in Paleolithic technology and hominin evolution. 🔹 Davi Rios (Google) – Computer scientist specializing in AI, ethics, and misinformation.
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ICArEHB is hosting Alternative Pathways from Academia. Make sure to attend it on March 25!
🚀 New Seminar Series: Alternative Pathways from Academia! "Leaving academia" crosses many researchers' minds, but what alternatives are there, and how do we get there? ICArEHB’s new Alt-Ac Paths seminar series brings together PhD holders in archaeology and related fields who have transitioned to alternative careers. Through open conversations and practical advice, we’ll explore how to follow new career pathways leading beyond traditional academia. 🔹 What? Two speakers share their career journeys and answer your questions. 🔹 When? Every three months, online & hybrid for ICArEHB members. 🔹 Who? PhDs who have successfully advanced into new fields. Let’s redefine success beyond academia. Stay tuned for our first session! #AltAc #PhDLife #BeyondAcademia
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🚀 New Seminar Series: Alternative Pathways from Academia! "Leaving academia" crosses many researchers' minds, but what alternatives are there, and how do we get there? ICArEHB’s new Alt-Ac Paths seminar series brings together PhD holders in archaeology and related fields who have transitioned to alternative careers. Through open conversations and practical advice, we’ll explore how to follow new career pathways leading beyond traditional academia. 🔹 What? Two speakers share their career journeys and answer your questions. 🔹 When? Every three months, online & hybrid for ICArEHB members. 🔹 Who? PhDs who have successfully advanced into new fields. Let’s redefine success beyond academia. Stay tuned for our first session! #AltAc #PhDLife #BeyondAcademia
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🌍🚀 Introducing Davi Rios, our non-archaeology expert speaker for ICArEHB Dialogues 2025! 🌟 With a background in Computer Science, Davi has been a part of the Google Search Team for over a decade, improving search rankings and tackling challenges in ethics, misinformation, and generative AI. Beyond this, he also co-founded cuidadoparatodos.com, an open-source platform that helps doctors design picture-based prescriptions for low-literacy patients in Brazil. At ICArEHB Dialogues 2025, we’ll explore "Technology: Past and Future", discussing how technological advancements shape society—yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Stay tuned for registration details! 🔜 #ICArEHBDialogues #TechnologyPastAndFuture #AI #Ethics #Innovation
ICArEHB - Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and Evolution of Human Behaviour compartilhou isso
O conhecimento científico está mais acessível do que nunca, mas, paradoxalmente, não só assistimos a sinais de um distanciamento crescente entre ciência e sociedade, como temos motivos de grande preocupação ao observar o atual desmantelamento da ciência nos Estados Unidos, onde a pseudociência cresce de forma alarmante. Mas, olhando para o nosso país, o mais recente Eurobarómetro sobre Ciência e Tecnologia desenha um cenário que nos deve fazer refletir e convocar para a discussão. Embora a maioria dos portugueses reconheça o valor da ciência e confie nela, os dados revelam fragilidades significativas no envolvimento da sociedade com o conhecimento científico e uma preocupante disseminação de ideias erradas. Vejamos alguns números: 📌 18% dos portugueses acreditam que os humanos não evoluíram de uma espécie anterior – mais do que o dobro dos 8% registados em 2021. 📌 Apenas 56% sabem que os humanos não coexistiram com os dinossauros, enquanto 26% acreditam que sim e 18% não sabem responder. 📌 59% dos portugueses nunca ou quase nunca consomem conteúdos científicos – seja através de documentários, artigos ou podcasts. 📌 65% nunca ou quase nunca falam sobre ciência com familiares ou amigos. 📌 80% nunca ou quase nunca visitam museus de ciência e tecnologia. Além disso, estes dados revelam que a televisão e as redes sociais são as principais fontes de informação sobre ciência, o que levanta preocupações sobre o impacto da desinformação digital. No caso específico da Pré-História e Evolução Humana, esta questão é ainda mais crítica, com a Pseudoarqueologia a proliferar nos meios digitais e canais de streaming/tv cabo e a influenciar as perceções do público. Enquanto pré-historiadora e comunicadora de ciência, estes números preocupam-me. Porque, na verdade, não se trata apenas da Pré-História – é a forma como a sociedade portuguesa se relaciona com a ciência em geral. Como podemos comunicar melhor? Como combater a desinformação sem reforçá-la? Como despertar mais interesse pela Pré-História, Evolução Humana e pela ciência em geral? Que estratégias devemos adotar perante estes resultados? Estas e outras questões estarão no centro da mesa redonda "Ciência, Educação e Sociedade: Desafios na Comunicação da Pré-História e Evolução Humana", promovida pelo ICArEHB - Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and Evolution of Human Behaviour, que terei o prazer de moderar. 📅 No dia 17, estarei com a Ana Catarina Sousa, Joana Lobo Antunes, Elisabete Rodrigues, Ricardo Godinho e Hélder Pereira no Auditório da CCDR, em Faro, para uma conversa que promete. ✨ Espero por vocês!
📢 New publication: "Novel field experiment on alkalinity enhancement in intertidal environments—a trailblazer for natural climate solutions" by Mendes, I., Lübbers, J., Schönfeld, J., Baldermann, A., Carrasco, A.R., Cravo, A., Gomes, A., & Grasse, P., in Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 🔗 More info: https://lnkd.in/dwNurE2A
📢 Junta-te a nós para uma mesa redonda inspiradora! 📢 Como podemos comunicar eficazmente a Pré-História e a Evolução Humana à sociedade? Que desafios enfrentamos na divulgação das descobertas científicas? Participa na mesa-redonda "Ciência, Educação e Sociedade: Desafios na Comunicação da Pré-História e Evolução Humana", com especialistas em arqueologia, comunicação de ciência e jornalismo. 📅 17 de março de 2025 ⏰ 15h00 - 16h30 📍 Anfiteatro da CCDR - Algarve, Largo da Liberdade, Faro Não percas esta oportunidade de debater novas perspetivas na comunicação da ciência! Organização: ICArEHB & UAlg, com o apoio da CCDR Algarve. #ComunicaçãoDeCiência #PréHistória #EvoluçãoHumana #Arqueologia #Educação #ICArEHB #UAlg 📢 Join us for a thought-provoking roundtable! 📢 How can we effectively communicate Prehistory and Human Evolution to society? What are the challenges in bringing scientific discoveries to the public? Join experts from archaeology, science communication, and journalism at the roundtable "Science, Education, and Society: Challenges in Communicating Prehistory and Human Evolution" 📅 March 17, 2025 ⏰ 15:00 - 16:30 📍 Amphitheater of CCDR - Algarve, Largo da Liberdade, Faro Don't miss this opportunity to explore new perspectives on science communication! Organized by ICArEHB & UAlg, with the support of CCDR Algarve. #ScienceCommunication #Prehistory #HumanEvolution #Archaeology #Education #ICArEHB #UAlg
🌟 Recap of Our Agent-Based Modeling and Network Science TIFA! 🌟 From February 12-14, we had the pleasure of hosting our Agent-Based Modeling and Network Science TIFA with two incredible instructors, Iza Romanowska and Tom Brughmans from Aarhus University. Participants from both external institutes and ICArEHB came together to dive into the fascinating worlds of agent-based modeling and network science. Iza and Tom introduced us to these powerful tools, leaving us inspired to explore how they can be applied to our own research. Beyond the learning, we also had the chance to connect with amazing new people, build friendships, and foster potential collaborations. We hope to welcome everyone back to FARO in the future—whether for fun or collaboration! Stay tuned for updates on our next TIFA—you won’t want to miss it! 🚀
🌿 How was woodland managed at the Perdigões enclosure? ICArEHB seeks a PhD candidate for #FCTPhDFellowships to study #WoodlandArchitecture through #anthracology, supervised by Patrícia Monteiro. 🔗 More info https://lnkd.in/d_arHaUr #PhDOpportunity #Archaeology