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Sense Test

Sense Test

Pesquisas de mercado e de opinião pública

Taking sensory to a new level!

Sobre nós

To supply the market's need for sensory analysis oriented laboratories, Sense Test – Sociedade de Estudos de Análise Sensorial a Produtos Alimentares was founded in the year of 2000.
It is the first portuguese company devoted exclusively to sensory analysis. It aims to support the areas of production, development and retail, finding answers for the innumerable questions posed, particularly, by the food stuffs sector. In 2004 we advanced, upon request, with the analysis of non alimentary products, answering that specific necessity of the market. The non alimentary products currently represent about 20% of the studies performed by the company. Our expansion and displacement to new facilities in Vila Nova de Gaia in 2006, allowed us to perform more than 600 assays, involving more than 1500 in development and marketed references, where we obtained more than 33000 results for evaluation. We are a company with clients in retail, production and services in the alimentary and non alimentary areas. We segment our services in 4 areas of action: • Sensorial quality • Industry statistics • Consummer studies • Applied training We keep a strictly professional taster recruitment structure. In the quality of each individual result is the client's decisions' quality.

Pesquisas de mercado e de opinião pública
Tamanho da empresa
11-50 funcionários
Vila Nova de Gaia
Empresa privada
Fundada em
Consumer Studies, Research and Investigation, Sensory Analysis e Product optimization


  • Principal

    Rua Zeferino Costa


    Vila Nova de Gaia, 4400-345, PT

    Como chegar

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