WHEATBIOME Project compartilhou isso
When a woman is empowered, the world is empowered.💜️ #InternationalWomensDay
Sustainability in the food production and value chain is key, from many perspectives, including being able to feed an ever-growing number of people, maintaining soil and crops qualities, delivering healthy and nutritious products, protecting biodiversity and contributing to climate resilience of Europe.
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WHEATBIOME Project compartilhou isso
When a woman is empowered, the world is empowered.💜️ #InternationalWomensDay
📢🌾WORKSHOP: ¿Cómo impactan el riego y la producción orgánica en trigo a la rentabilidad de los agricultores? 👉 Comprender el efecto de los factores bióticos/abióticos en los microbiomas del trigo y su calidad global es clave en el desarrollo de nuevos productos alimenticios y piensos más saludables, sostenibles y resilientes. Si quieres conocer sobre estas claves y los avances en descifrar el microbioma del trigo para desarrollar su potencial, participa del próximo Workshop de WHEATBIOME Project! 😎 Jesús López Colmenarejo, miembro del proyecto y director ejecutivo de Grupo Editorial Agrícola Henar Comunicación, expondrá sobre los avances en las nuevas capacidades de fermentación a partir de los #microbiomas del trigo para el desarrollo de nuevos productos. El workshop en formato híbrido también contará con la intervención de Félix A. Revilla Grande, director de la Escuela de Ingeniería Agrícola y Agroambiental #INEA UCOMILLAS. Tras su exposición, un panel de expertos profundizará sobre el efecto del riego en el trigo y en las particularidades de la producción ecológica en dos mesas redondas: 💧 Irrigación: Fernando Sánchez (Irconsa Infraestructuras de riego); Francisco Ciudad, ITACyL (Instituto Tecnológico Agrario de Castilla y León) Antonio Torres (agricultor) y Eloy Bailez, FENACORE 🌿Producción Orgánica: Juan Luis Fradejas (INEA), Manuel Fernández Calderón (ITACyL); Arturo Martín (#ARAE); Luis de la Fuente y Paola Lobato, Intertek España. Si estás interesado, realiza tu inscripción aquí: https://lnkd.in/dZaWBehA 📢🌾WORKSHOP: How do irrigation and organic #wheat production impact farmers’ profitability? Understanding the effects of biotic and abiotic factors on wheat #microbiomes and overall quality is crucial for developing healthier, more sustainable, and resilient food and feed products. If you want to learn more about these key factors and the latest advances in decoding the #wheatmicrobiome to unlock its full potential, don’t miss the upcoming Wheatbiome Workshop! A panel of experts will delve deeper into the impact of irrigation on wheat and the specific challenges of organic production through two dedicated roundtable discussions: 💧 Irrigation & Wheat and 🌿Organic Production 📅 Date: 26th February ⏰ Time: 11:30 AM 📍 Venue: School of Agricultural Engineering, Comillas Pontifical University, Valladolid - Cno. Viejo de Simancas, km. 4.5, 47008, Valladolid, Spain - Maps: https://g.co/kgs/uuQtLGC 👉 Register here: https://lnkd.in/dZaWBehA Find out more about Wheatbiome: www.wheatbiome-project.eu
🌾 WHEATBIOME at the 2nd Forum on Fermented Foods in Málaga #2FFFMalaga 🎤 Ricardo Dias - Universidade do Porto - has presented the WHEATBIOME Project, bringing its innovative research to the forefront of discussions on microbiomes and sustainable food systems. Hosted by the COST Action PIMENTO CA20128 – Promoting Innovation of Fermented Foods, this event gathered leading experts to explore the biodiversity, sustainability, and #health benefits of #fermentedfoods WHEATBIOME's participation aligns perfectly with the forum's goals: 🟠 Fostering scientific collaboration 🟠 Promoting food innovation 🟠 Highlighting the role of microbiomes in nutrition 🔬 WHEATBIOME is investigating how wheat-associated microbiomes can enhance sustainability and resilience in agriculture. By understanding microbial interactions, we aim to unlock new strategies for improving #wheatfermentation ensuring better nutrition and food security. Learn more 👉 www.wheatbiome-project.eu 🙌A big thanks to the PIMENTO COST Action for organizing this event and to all researchers contributing to the future of fermented foods! #WHEATBIOMEProject #FermentedFoods #Microbiomes #FoodInnovation #Sustainability #2FFFMalaga #Microbes4SustainableFoods #EUProject #Microbes4SustainableFoods #M4SF
#2FFFMalaga Session 3, this morning "M4SF Cluster" Session Chairs: Marta Laranjo and Vittorio Capozzi Plenary Orla O’SULLIVAN, Teagasc, Ireland "#Fermented #foods, their #microbiome and its potential in boosting human #health" - kristin verbeke , Faculty of Medicine, Belgium HealthFerm - Plant-Based Fermented Foods Ecosystem project - Stéphane Chaillou , INRAE, France DOMINO project - Ricardo DIAS, University of Porto, Portugal WHEATBIOME Project project - Angela Angela Sessitsch , Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria Microbiomes4Soy project - Tanja Tanja Kostic , Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria MICROBIOME project Round table Health - #Future #European Projects on FF (roundtable chair: Stéphane Chaillou)
🌾WHETBIOME shines at the I Agri-Environmental and Food Research Symposium hosted by the AA1 Research Group at the Faculty of Science in Ourense, Universidade de Vigo. We’re proud to highlight contributions from #WheatbiomeProject young researchers exploring Innovation in Wheat: 🔬 Ziyang Jia delivered an oral presentation on “Optimization of 11 trichothecenes and zearalenone #mycotoxins detection by GC-MS” paving the way for improved food safety protocols. 📊 Sabela Fernández Sánchez presented a poster on “Assessing the quality of different wheat crops by determining their nutritional profile” offering valuable insights into wheat #nutrition and quality. These studies offer valuable insights into mycotoxin detection and nutritional profiling of #wheat laying a foundation for innovative applications like novel food development. 🌟 The Wheatbiome Project aims to advance sustainable agriculture and food systems, and this symposium showcases the next generation of researchers driving this vision forward. 👉 Learn more about the project and its impact: wheatbiome-project.eu #SustainableAgriculture #ResearchImpact #Wheatbiome #InnovationInFood #EUProjects #climachange #Biodiversity #microbiome #sustainableagriculture #sustainability #food #climachange #health
🎉💪 WHEATBIOME celebrates its 4th Project Meeting & General Assembly in Vilnius, Lithuania. On this occasion, representatives from across the consortium gathered to present progress and results from the various work packages during an intensive session. 📈📝 On the day before the meeting, the REQUIMTE team: Susana Soares, Rita Vilaça, and Ricardo Dias, attended the #AgriFood Forum 2024 opening. Susana Soares, the project coordinator, emphasised the importance of stakeholder engagement within the WHEATBIOME Project framework, stating: "Rethinking new strategies for stakeholder engagement is key. From farmers to industry and policymakers, cooperative efforts are essential to uphold the EU's commitment to food security, stability, sustainability, and solidarity among stakeholders." ➡️WHEATBIOME continues to make steady progress toward its main goal: developing healthier, more sustainable, and resilient wheat-derived food and feed products. 🌱This meeting was particularly significant, following the recent evaluation session, as it set the stage for planning actions for the next reporting period and aligning efforts to conclude the year successfully. A special thanks to the Vilniaus universitetas / Vilnius University for hosting this productive gathering. 🙌 Universidade do Porto - Universidade de Vigo - Universitat de València Instytut Biotechnologii Przemysłu Rolno - Spożywczego im. prof. Wacława Dąbrowskiego PIB - Contactica - Wageningen University & Research - Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie - Universidade Nova de Lisboa - EDAGRI - ART21 - Isanatur Spain S.L. - @University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest #wheatbiome #microbiome #sustainableagriculture #sustainability #food #climachange #health
🌾 WheatBIOME at AgriFood Forum 2024! 🌍 We are actively participating in the #AgriFoodForum 2024 in Lithuania! 🌱 This event, organized by AgriFood Lithuania, gathers global innovators, policymakers, and industry leaders to explore the future of #sustainableagriculture and food systems. Our participation highlights WheatBIOME’s commitment to addressing key challenges in sustainable wheat production and foster collaborations with stakeholders shaping tomorrow’s agri-food systems. Together, we can pave the way for a greener, more resilient future! 🌾 #WheatbiomeProject #climachange #health #AgriFoodForum #Sustainability #EUProjects #Biodiversity
📢📰Harnessing the Wheat Microbiome: Unlocking Pathways to Improved Food Quality and Human Health, the new WHEATBIOME article is online! 👉 Through a multidisciplinary approach, the WHEATBIOME is working to create a sustainable and health-promoting food system from soil to plate.🌾 Learn more about the progress of this project and it key points: 📍Role of the wheat microbiome in improving food quality and resilience. 📍Impact of climate change and environmental stressors on wheat production. 📍Development of sustainable farming practices. 📍Health benefits of wheat-based fermented foods. 📍Role of probiotics in gut health and reducing wheat-related immunologic diseases. 📍Societal perceptions of microbiomes in food systems. This article explores the WHEATBIOME project’s efforts to understand and harness the wheat microbiome to enhance food quality and human health. Read the full article here 👉 https://bit.ly/4fg2R1X #wheatbiome #microbiome #sustainableagriculture #sustainability #food #climachange #health
🌾 We're thrilled to share the latest developments from our WheatBiome project's WP1 activities. Our recent wheat sampling campaign marks a crucial step towards revolutionising sustainable agriculture. 🔬 Sampling Strategy: We've meticulously collected wheat samples from three distinct field types: 🔸 NN: Non-Organic, Non-Irrigated 🔸 NI: Non-Organic, Irrigated 🔸 ON: Organic, Non-Irrigated It's mandatory to mention the role played by Grupo Editorial Agrícola Henar Comunicación, selecting the farms in Spain, accompanying the sampling and harvesting (600 kg of wheat in each location) and supporting in communicating the results 👏🏻 🔍 What's the purpose of this sample collection? These samples are pivotal for our upscaling process, where we'll develop and test final products across these varied agricultural conditions. 🌱 Why it matters? By analysing wheat from these diverse environments, we're building a comprehensive understanding of how different farming practices impact crop quality and soil health. This knowledge is essential for developing sustainable agricultural solutions that can be applied on a larger scale. 🚀 Curious about our next steps? Our team will now begin the meticulous process of analysing these samples, extracting valuable data that will inform our product development and agricultural recommendations. We're excited about the potential impact of this research on the future of farming. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to unravel the complexities of wheat and soil microbiome! 🦠🌾 #WheatBiome #SustainableAgriculture #AgriculturalScience #Upscaling
🌾 Exciting progress in the WheatBiome project: second harvesting campaign completed 🚜 On the 11th and 12th of June 2024, teams from Universidade de Vigo, Universidade do Porto and Laboratório Associado para a Química Verde (LAQV/REQUIMTE) carried out an extensive sampling campaign in wheat fields across the Zamora region (Spain). This initiative, a crucial part of WheatBiome's WP1, encompassed: 📊 Over 1,000 samples collected 🌱 3 fields with distinct agricultural practices: Conventional Irrigated, Conventional Non-irrigated, and Organic 🔬 Objectives: 🔸 Characterise soil physicochemical properties 🔸 Extract microbial DNA from soils and wheat plants 🔸 Evaluate wheat nutritional and protein profiles 🔸 Analyse wheat sample quality and safety The data generated from the analysis of soil physicochemical properties, soil and wheat microbiomes, wheat quality, nutritional and protein profile will be employed to construct a multivariate model, which will serve as a foundation for a decision support system to be developed in WP2, led by ART21. 💡‼️ This milestone marks a significant step in our mission to understand and enhance soil and wheat microbiomes for more sustainable agriculture. #WheatBiome #Agriculture #Sustainability #AgriculturalResearch
We've been featured in Open Access Government!! Our colleagues Susana Soares, Rita Villaça (LAQV-REQUIMTe), Rosa Pérez Gregorio (Universidade de Vigo), Susana M.P. Carvalho (GreenUPorto) and Gyula Kasza and Tekla Izsé (University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest) have written this amazing article about how microorganisms can enhance wheat nutritional properties, boost climate resilience and even tackle gluten sensitivity, Read more, here 👉🏻