Carfix App

Carfix App

Dezvoltare de software personalizat pentru sisteme IT

Everything about your car(s), one click away!

Despre noi

Carfix is the ecosystem that integrates all relevant car databases, through dynamic mapping of the retrieved information, to allow Insurance companies, Dealers, Garages, Leasing Companies or Parts suppliers, to manage their processes in fully digital, faster and FTE independent, with lower costs, gaining speed towards proactive business decisions. The data in scope is repair data (manufacturer provided), new cars data (make, model, technical spec, equipment, prices) and car identification data received from the car registration authorities.As a result, a new reliable, complete and coherent database is built, to serve all the workflows configured in both Carfix CONNECT (B2B) or Carfix App (B2C).APP / CONNECT, were developed respecting highest industry standards, on MICROSOFT technologies, fully customisable following a 3 layers structure: business process model design, external services integration endpoints, user management, offering high level of flexibility when building bespoke processes for our business clients. Our workflows follows the “shortest way” philosophy, skipping unnecessary steps or that can be automated. This ability to streamline the workflows comes from the vast experience of the team, which sums more than 60 years in the car related industries. Our goal is helping customers to achieve a 100% digital process, avoiding any human interaction within the workflow, except the trigger of the process, and we are constantly working on “skipping” steps through innovative technology: optical character recognition, automatic car specs retrieval, AI for damage recognition, automatic repair cost, etc.

Sector de activitate
Dezvoltare de software personalizat pentru sisteme IT
Dimensiunea companiei
11-50 de angajați
Companie privată


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