Suntem mandrii sa celebram 8 ani de parteneriat cu Regina Maria, Reteaua de sanatate, o colaborare care ne-a permis sa punem pe primul loc sanatatea si bunastarea colegilor nostri. Cu aceasta ocazie am organizat un eveniment dedicat sanatatii si echilibrului emotional, avand-o ca invitata speciala pe doamna psiholog Daniela Zgarcea. In AKWEL Timisoara ne preocupa sa fim bine zi de zi ❤️ #akwelbeingatwork #awerness We are proud to celebrate 8 years of partnership with Regina Maria, Reteaua de sanatate, a collaboration that has allowed us to put the health and well-being of our colleagues first. On this occasion, we organized an event dedicated to health and emotional balance, with psychologist Daniela Zgarcea as a special guest. At AKWEL Timisoara we care about us being well, everyday ! ❤️ #akwelbeingatwork #awerness
Despre noi
Efficient Automotive Solutions Provider
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Link extern pentru AKWEL Timisoara
- Sector de activitate
- Fabricația de autovehicule
- Dimensiunea companiei
- 5.001 - 10.000 de angajați
- Sediu
- Timis
We had so much fun and we learned about how everything works inside our factory at AKWEL Timisoara Open Days! #akwelbeingatwork #Akwelfamilly
👟 🎽 Mandri de colegul nostru, Lehel Niesty! 🎽 🏃♂️ Pe lângă faptul că este un tehnician de mentenanță dedicat, Lehel este și un pasionat al alergării. Weekendul trecut, a reprezentat cu mândrie AKWEL Timisoara la Maratonul de la Budapesta! Atunci când pasiunea și implicarea se întâlnesc, suntem mândri să fim #Akwelies, fie că facem ceea ce ne place la muncă sau în timpul liber. Felicitari, Lehel, si la multe reusite mai departe! 🏅 🔧🎽 Proud of our colleague, Lehel Niesty ! 🎽🔧 In addition to being a dedicated maintenance technician, Lehel is also a passionate runner. This weekend, he will proudly represented AKWEL Timisoara at Budapest Marathon! When passion and dedication come together, we are proud to be #Akwelies, whether we are doing what we love at work or in our free time. Congrats, Lehel, we’re cheering for you! 🏅 #Akwel #BudapestMarathon #Running #Inspiration #Colleagues #Passion
O zi emotionanta alaturi de colega noastra Angela Roman (Inginer Metrolog - Grup Tehnic) care incepe de astazi o noua etapa in viata personala cu ocazia pensionarii. Ii transmitem un "Multumesc" din 💖 💖 💖 din partea AKWEL Timisoara pentru cei 14 ani de activitate in care a fost o colega faina si implicata si un mentor bun! It's been a day full of emotion together with Angela Roman- our colleague from Technical Group who embarks on a new adventure on the occasion of her retirement. A warm and big "Thank you! on behalf of " AKWEL Timisoara for 14 years of service as a great colleague and dedicated mentor! #akwelbeingatwork #growing+
AKWEL Timisoara at 10th edition of Timotion!❤️ This year we have proudly attended the 10th edition of #TIMOTION - the greatest sport event in Timisoara. For us, this is both an opportunity to challenge ourselves but also to #Grow+ as an active social partner in community. Proud of our "#akwelies" in all competitions! 🏃♀️ 🏃♂️ 🏃♀️ #akwelbeing #growing+ #togetherwedobetter
AKWEL Timisoara team is committed to keeping Timisoara surroundings clean. This months' project gathered us together at Pischia dam where we have collected a container of waste. #careforenvironment #akwelbeingatwork #wecare