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📅 save the date for Microplastic Webinar. Reliable Identification And Characterization Of Microplastics With The QCL Based Imaging System LDIR 8700 And spICP-MS Registration below ⬇️
Altium International d.o.o. Sve što ste želeli da saznate o analitičkoj instrumentaciji Agilent Technologies. Autorizovani distributer za ova renomirana laboratorijska rešenja skoro 30 godina! Osim Agilent Technologies laboratorijske opreme nudimo i Molecular Devices plate readere i mikroskope, Gerstel rešenja za automatizovani rad u laboratorijama, Peak Scientific generatore gasova.... Mi smo prava adresa za rešavanje potreba vaše laboratorije.
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Milutrina Milankovića 120g
Belgrade, 11070, RS
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📅 save the date for Microplastic Webinar. Reliable Identification And Characterization Of Microplastics With The QCL Based Imaging System LDIR 8700 And spICP-MS Registration below ⬇️
Zadovoljstvo nam je da vas obavestimo da organizujemo online seminar na temu: Detekcija PFAS-ova u hrani u organizaciji kompanije Agilent Technologies, koji će se održati 13. marta u 11h. Teme koje će se pokriti u okviru vebinara su: - Aktuelne regulative za PFAS u različitim matriksima hrane - Kako bolje razumeti zašto je efikasna priprema uzoraka neophodna da bi se ispunile regulative - Primena LC/MS/MS tehnologije za određivanje 21 PFAS komponente u 14 minuta
📆 SAVE THE DATE 📆 Join Our Webinar Series on GC and GC/MS: Theory, Maintenance, and Optimization Designed for professionals and enthusiasts, this series will help you enhance your skills and deepen your understanding of GC and GC/MS analytical techniques. You will learn the theory of GC as well as the basics of hardware including set-up, function and key components
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🧪 Shvatajući važnost stalne kontrole kvaliteta i sve većih zahteva domaćeg i inostranog tržišta za uzorkovanja i ispitivanja sredstava za ishranu bilja, sirovina za njihovu proizvodnju, različitih hemijskih proizvoda, industrijskog otpada, otpadnih voda i zemljišta, CPCE je svoju Laboratoriju za ispitivanja opremila najmodernijom opremom i primenila pouzdane analitičke metode za ispitivanje. 🏷️ Novi instrumenti u 2025 god. Agilent 5900 SVDV ICP-OES ; 8697 XL Headspace Sampler #CPCE #Laboratorija #Ispitivanja #CirkularnaEkonomija
Altium Serbia reposted this
🎉 Our Lab Legends Retire 🎉 30 Years back, two products rocked the analytical world – The Agilent 1100 HPLC and the Agilent 6890 GC. It’s time now to give them a champion’s farewell. Please check Agilent technology refresh program!!!
Altium Serbia reposted this
Save the date November 28th
🚀 Join us for Agilent's first-ever virtual Semicon e-Symposium on Thursday, 28 November. Explore the latest trends in semiconductor technology and advanced analytical techniques with talks from industry leaders like Stefanie Fingerhut from Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and Inès Tendero from Technic Inc. Learn about innovations in vacuum technology, regulatory updates, and analytical advancements in high-purity materials. Don’t miss this chance to gain valuable insights and stay ahead of industry trends. Register today: #Semiconductor #Semicon #AgilentEMEA #SEMICONEuropa Our speakers: Gernot Hudin Alain Desprez Stefanie Fingerhut Shifen Xu Peter Kornas Stéphane Decouflet Katsuo Mizobuchi Inès Tendero Marcus Schulz
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