Institut MOL

Institut MOL

Environmental Services

Stara Pazova, Serbia 344 followers

About us

Mol Ltd., founded in 1993. year, is a company for Chemistry, Biotechnology and Consulting. It has a laboratory for sample analysis and testing, which provides a complete service to our clients. A wide range of services and products that MOL Ltd. offers to its customers consists of: - analysis of water, waste water, soil, sediments, sludge and other samples from the environment; solvents... - waste characterization - microbiological analysis - analysis of micro-elements including analysis of metals and halogens - analysis of pharmaceutical and other products - validation of production processes - determination of the content of active substances, and development of methods for analysis - field sampling services - technical consultations including project management - analytical and clinical reagents, indicators and other products

Environmental Services
Company size
11-50 employees
Stara Pazova, Serbia
Privately Held


Employees at Institut MOL


  • ZAPOŠLJAVAMO! 🧪🧑🔬👩🔬 Konkurs za poziciju analitičara - INSTUTUT MOL d.o.o. Privredno društvo za hemiju, biotehnologiju i konsalting, Stara Pazova USLOVI: • VSS, (OAS 240 ESPB) dipl. hemičar, dipl. biohemičar, dipl. fizikohemičar, dipl. ing. tehnologije • Poželjna minimum jedna godina radnog iskustva u laboratoriji akreditovanoj po standardu SRPS ISO 17025 • Poželjno poznavanje neke od instrumentalnih tehnika (GC, HPLC, IC, ICP) • Poznavanje engleskog jezika • Poznavanje rada na računaru (MS Office) OPIS POSLA: Rad u analitičkoj laboratoriji akreditovanoj po standardu SRPS ISO 17025: • Vrši ispitivanja u hemijskoj laboratoriji • Izrada validacija/verifikacija metoda • Vrednovanje merne nesigurnosti • Izrada kalibracija • Popunjavanje laboratorijskih dnevnika i ostale dokumentacije u skladu sa SRPS ISO 17025 • Rad u dve smene Vaš CV i eventualne preporuke možete poslati elektronskim putem na mejl

  • Ispraćaj naših dragih kolega Snežane Arsić i Vuka Damnjanovića! Vuče, želimo ti sve najbolje u daljoj profesionalnoj karijeri, i da ostaneš Molovac u srcu!☺️ A svakako poseban naklon i poštovanje zaslužuje naša SNEŽA, koja posle preko 18 godina rada u Institutu MOL ide u zasluženu penziju! Snežo, veliko Vam hvala na svemu! 🥰❤️👏👏

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