Transfera Transport&Logistics

Transfera Transport&Logistics

Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage

You'll never transfer alone!

About us

TRANSFERA Company as a 3PL provider takes upon itself all of your requirements and enables you and your Company to focus on your core Business. Our main principle is integrating clients and our staff into a productive team for a continuous rise of quality and providing the innovative solutions for logistics services with principles of Corporate social responsibility. Mission The TRANSFERA Company's mission is to provide clients with an integrated logistics service, through innovation, dedication and efficient organization, respecting the corporate values and social responsibility. Vision The TRANSFERA Company's vision is to set standards and develop the logistic infrastructure with the goal to take the lead position on the regional market with basic principles of sustainable development.

Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage
Company size
201-500 employees
Privately Held
Logistics, Internationa Road Transport, Air Freight, Sea Freight, Customs Clearance, Warehousing, Domestic road transport, Groupage Services, Express Shipments, Oversized transport, ADR Transport, and ATP Transport


Employees at Transfera Transport&Logistics


  • Velika nam je čast što smo bili deo 1. SALES Kongresa, održanog 7. oktobra u Crowne Plaza hotelu u Beogradu, u organizaciji Menadžment Centar Beograd (MCB). Ovaj događaj okupio je preko 600 učesnika i stvorio idealnu priliku za razmenu poslovnog znanja i iskustava. Vladimir Šarac, menadžer prodaje u našoj kompaniji, učestvovao je na panelu „Sinergija u akciji: Integracija kanala prodaje za beskompromisni kvalitet isporuke”, posvećenom temi prodajne logistike. Kako se trudimo da neprestano idemo u korak sa inovacijama, pored diskutovanja o tome kako možemo poboljšati korišćenje prodajnih kanala, sa posebnom pažnjom smo ispratili i temu digitalne revolucije u prodaji. ________________________________ It has been a great honor for us to be a part of the 1st SALES Congress, held on October 7 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Belgrade, organized by Management Centre Belgrade. This event brought together over 600 participants and created an ideal opportunity for the exchange of business knowledge and experience. Vladimir Šarac, Sales Manager in our company, participated in the panel "Synergy in Action: Integration of Sales Channels for Uncompromising Quality of Delivery", dedicated to the topic of sales logistics. As we continuously strive to keep up with innovations, besides discussing ways of improvement of the sales channels use, we also paid special attention to the topic of the digital revolution in sales.

  • Koji su to ključni faktori koji čine da zaposleni u velikom sistemu funkcionišu kao tim? Za nas su to definitivno podrška, kolegijalnost i razumevanje! Kako ostvarujemo timsku atmosferu koja dovodi do vrhunskih poslovnih rezultata, otkrivaju u intervjuu sa BIZLife magazinom Milica Nedeljković, menadžerka kontrolinga u Sektoru finansija, Aleksandar Varjačić, Supervizor operacija za Centralnu Evropu u sektoru Drumskog transporta, Milica Vukašinović, menadžerka ključnih klijenata u Sektoru klijent servisa, i Velimir Divac, specijalista skladišnih operacija. Veliko hvala BIZLife na saradnji i inspirativnom razgovoru, koji možete pročitati ovde: __________________________________________ What are the key factors that enable employees in a large system to function as a team? For us, it is definitely support, collegiality, and understanding! In an interview for Biz Life magazine Milica Nedeljković, controlling manager in the Finance department, Aleksandar Varjačić, Operations Supervisor for Central Europe in the International Road Transport department, Milica Vukašinović, Key Account Manager in the Customer Service department, and Velimir Divac, Warehouse operations specialist revealed how we create a team atmosphere that leads to top business results. Many thanks to BIZLife for the cooperation and inspiring interview!

  • Budimo podrška! Predstavništvo naše kompanije u Bosni i Hercegovini opredelilo je sredstva za pomoć stanovništvu pogođenom trenutnim poplavama na ovom području.  Donacijom sredstava Crvenom križu Bosne i Hercegovine želimo da inspirišemo i druge kompanije i pojedince da se priključe humanitarnoj akciji, kako bismo zajedničkim snagama pomogli onima kojima je to najpotrebnije.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Let's be supportive! The representative office of our company in Bosnia and Herzegovina has determined funds to help the population affected by the current floods in this area. By donating funds to the Red Cross of Bosnia and Herzegovina, we want to inspire other companies and individuals to join the humanitarian action, in order to jointly help those who need it most.

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  • 📢 Postanite deo našeg e-commerce tima! Zahvaljujući vrednom radu, stalnim inovacijama i optimizaciji procesa, naša kompanija stekla je status pionira u modernom obliku e-trgovine regiona. Prijavite se za poziciju dispečera e-commerce pošiljaka i postanite deo tima koji postavlja nove standarde u logistici! #Transfera #Transport #Logistics #Ecommerce

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    Istrajnost, zajedništvo, sportski duh – to je tim Transfera! Sa uzbuđenjem pristupamo svakoj prilici u kojoj možemo ove vrednosti prikazati na delu! 🙌🏅 Ovoga puta smo to učinili na jučerašnjem Belgrade Business Run maratonu, gde je 25 kolega ponosno trčalo u bojama naše kompanije, dok ih je ostatak tima bodrio i navijao! Srećni smo što smo bili deo ovog jedinstvenog događaja! Radujemo se učestvovanju i sledeće godine! #Transfera #BelgradeBusinessRun ___________________________________ Perseverance, unity, and sportsmanship – that’s the Transfera team! We eagerly approach every opportunity to demonstrate these values in action! 🙌🏅 We did it again at yesterday's Belgrade Business Run, where 25 of our colleagues proudly ran in the colors of our company, while the rest of the team cheered them on! We are happy to have been part of this unique event! We look forward to participating again next year! #Transfera #BelgradeBusinessRun

  • Kako unaprediti logistiku kroz povezivanje prodajnih kanala? O ovoj važnoj temi na predstojećem Sales kongresu u organizaciji Menadžment Centar Beograd (MCB) govoriće Vladimir Šarac, menadžer prodaje u našoj kompaniji. Pozivamo sve zainteresovane da se 7. 10. pridruže ovom panelu i saznaju kojim sve metodama mogu poboljšati svoje logističko poslovanje.

    𝟏.𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐊𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐒, 𝐁𝐄𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐃, 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐙𝐀, 𝟕.𝟏𝟎.𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒.      🗣️ Vladimir Šarac | Transfera Transport&Logistics 🚛      🎙️ PANEL 8: PRODAJNA LOGISTIKA: SINERGIJA U AKCIJI: INTEGRACIJA KANALA PRODAJE ZA BESKOMPROMISNI KVALITET ISPORUKE     Na Panelu 8, Vladimir Šarac iz Transfera Transport&Logistics,  predstaviće metode za unapređenje logistike kroz povezivanje prodajnih kanala. Otkrijte kako povezivanje kanala može osigurati optimalnu logistiku.      Vidimo se!🌟🚀      📅 Datum: 07. oktobar 2024.  📍 Lokacija: Hotel Crowne Plaza, Beograd      🔗 Prijave:     #sales #cso #prodaja #mcb #crm #BBsales #B2Csales #SalesExcellence #SalesLeaders #DirektoriProdaje #SalesTrainingSerbia #MCBkongresi

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    🌍 Automechanika Frankfurt 2024 Predstavnici naše kompanije prethodne nedelje posetili su Frankfurt, gde su prisustvovali jednom od najvećih globalnih događaja u automobilskoj industriji! Ove godine smo se fokusirali na nove trendove i tehnologije u automobilskoj industriji, a ovaj prestižni sajam sjajna je prilika za sticanje novih znanja i umrežavanje sa vodećim stručnjacima. U okviru događaja, posetili smo i jednog od naših dugogodišnjih klijenata – NRF (Nederlandse Radiateuren Fabriek) i na njihovom štandu razgovarali o dosadašnjoj saradnji, ali i novim šansama i projektima. #Transfera #Automechanika2024 #Automotive #logistics _________________________________________________ 🌍 Automechanika Frankfurt 2024 Last week, representatives of our company visited Frankfurt and attended one of the largest global events in the automotive industry! This year, we are focusing on new trends and technologies in the automotive sector, and this prestigious fair is an excellent opportunity to gain new knowledge and network with leading experts. As part of the event, we also visited one of our long-term clients – NRF (Nederlandse Radiateuren Fabriek) – and discussed our ongoing collaboration at their stand, as well as new opportunities and projects.

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    Juče smo u našem logističkom centru u Novim Banovcima ugostili Alexandera Markusa, izvršnog člana Upravnog odbora Nemačko-srpske privredne komore German-Serbian Chamber of Commerce (AHK Serbien) i Doris Danilović, zamenicu direktora Nemačko-srpske privredne komore. Nemačko-srpska privredna komora je partner sa kojim delimo zajedničke vrednosti, a posebno teme istaknute ove godine, poput održivog razvoja, zelene ekonomije, digitalizacije i životnog učenja. Naše partnerstvo nam pruža priliku da oblikujemo budućnost poslovnih odnosa, podstičemo inovacije i zajedno gradimo održivu privredu, istovremeno jačajući srpsko-nemačko prijateljstvo. Ovom prilikom, prisetili smo se i zajedničkog projekta realizovanog tokom pandemije korona virusa, kada smo, u najkraćem roku a posredstvom Nemačko-srpske privredne komore uspeli da realizujemo distribuciju proizvoda kompanije Dr. Oetker ka SOS Dečijem selu Srbija i centrima ove organizacije širom Srbije, kao i Dečijem selu Dr. Milorad Pavlović u Sremskoj Kamenici, kao i ka KBC Vojvodine, Institutu za plućne bolesti Vojvodine u Sremskoj Kamenici, Crvenom Krstu u Beogradu i KBC Niš. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yesterday, we had the honor to host Alexander Markus, Executive Board Member of the German-Serbian Chamber of Commerce (AHK Serbia), and Doris Danilović, Deputy Director of German-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, at our logistics center in Novi Banovci. German-Serbian Chamber of Commerce is a partner with whom we share common values, especially on topics highlighted this year, such as sustainable development, the green economy, digitalization, and lifelong learning. Our partnership allows us to shape the future of business relations, foster innovation, and build a sustainable economy together while strengthening Serbian-German friendship. On this occasion, we also recalled a joint project carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic when, in the shortest possible time and through German-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, we managed to distribute products from the company Dr. Oetker to the SOS Children's Village Serbia and its centers across the country, as well as to the Children's Village Dr. Milorad Pavlović in Sremska Kamenica, the Clinical Center of Vojvodina, the Institute for Lung Diseases of Vojvodina in Sremska Kamenica, the Red Cross in Belgrade, and the Clinical Center Niš.

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  • Da li pamtite svoje prve školske dane? Mi izuzetno cenimo ove uspomene, te smo želeli da mališanima naših kolega, i ove godine, ulepšamo polazak u školu. Đacima prvacima pripremili smo paketiće sa školskim priborom i edukativnim materijalom, a našim kolegama omogućili slobodan dan kako bi ih ispratili u nove pobede. Želimo im uspešne školske dane, pune druženja, učenja i dragocenih trenutaka! #Transfera ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you remember your first days of school? We cherish these memories very much, so we wanted to brighten the start of the new school year for our colleagues’ children. Like in the previous years, we have prepared a surprise package for first-graders, containing school supplies and educational materials, and gave our colleagues a day off to accompany them to new victories. We wish them successful school days filled with laughter, learning, and precious moments! #Transfera

  • Pre skoro 11 godina, započeli smo svoje putovanje sa jasnom vizijom – da razvijemo inovativna logistička rešenja koja prave razliku. Kada se osvrnemo i sagledamo sve ostvarene ciljeve, možemo biti samo ponosni na svoja postignuća, rast, tim i neprocenjiva partnerstva. Kroz retrospektivu, potrudili smo se da istaknemo samo neke od ključnih rezultata koji su oblikovali Transferin put do danas i postavili temelje za još veće uspehe u budućnosti. ______________________________________ Almost 11 years ago, we started our journey with a clear vision: to develop innovative logistics solutions that make a difference. As we look back and reflect on all the goals we've achieved, we can only be proud of our accomplishments, growth, team, and invaluable partnerships. In retrospect, we have tried to highlight some of the key results that have shaped Transfera's path to date and laid the foundation for even greater successes in the future.

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