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IT Services and IT Consulting

Qtangled is a conference dedicated to everything about today's use of Quantum computing

About us

Qtangled is a co-located event at the biggest happening for AI & Data - DSC Europe! It is a live conference dedicated to everything about today's use of Quantum computing. We will be covering the broad topics regarding quantum and practical use cases from the brightest innovators in the industry. The event will take place at the Crowne Plaza, Belgrade, Serbia, on November 18th, 2022. Topics include: Physical Systems Simulation with QC Optimization using quantum Quantum Machine Learning Quantum cryptography DSC Europe 22 - Europe’s biggest AI&Data Conference, which gathers over 10.000 online & 1500+ Live Data Lovers, who are going to listen to over 250 world-class speakers during the span of 5 days.

IT Services and IT Consulting
Company size
2-10 employees

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