Press release: In collaboration with Kalmar Ölands Trädgårdsprodukter and Sevan, Axfoundation has established Sweden’s first large-scale value chain for Swedish legumes. - We are aiming for a system shift, and now there is large-scale production of Swedish legume products that are tasty and do not require long transports. This is also a important step for Sweden's food security, says Veronica Öhrvik, Project Manager at Axfoundation. Read the press release: 🤝 Sevan Martin & Servera Kalmar Ölands Trädgårdsprodukter #Acttoinspire #Inspiretoact #Futurefood
Ideella organisationer
Stockholm , Stockholm 8 432 följare
An independent, non-profit ’do tank’ developing practical solutions to sustainability challenges.
Om oss
Axfoundation is an independent, non-profit organization working practically and concretely towards building a sustainable society. Believing strongly in business as a driving force for change, we often initiate and run projects together with the private sector. Together with over 300 partners across sectors and industries we tackle local and global sustainability challenges based on practical issues related to the things we buy, the food we eat and the resources we use. Learn more at
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Extern länk för Axfoundation
- Bransch
- Ideella organisationer
- Företagsstorlek
- 11–50 anställda
- Huvudkontor
- Stockholm , Stockholm
- Typ
- Ideell organisation
- Grundat
- 1993
- Specialistområden
- miljö, hålllbarhet, social hållbarhet, antibiotika, leverantörsled, integration, mångfald, livsmedel, cirkulär ekonomi, blockkedja, hållbar produktion, hållbar konsumtion, integration, inkluderande samhälle, sustainability, innovation, plast och migrantarbetare
Stockholm , Stockholm 26008, SE
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Axfoundation omdelade detta
Hur kan globala standarder skapa affärsnytta och förenkla regelefterlevnad? Tidningen Näringslivet intervjuade Jonatan Tullberg, GS1 Sweden och Anna Berne, Filippa K. Här delar de sina erfarenheter kring implementering av standardiserad spårbarhetsdata som kan hjälpa företag att; 🔸 effektivisera värdekedjan, 🔹 sänka operationella kostnader, 🔸 hitta nya affärsmodeller … och förbättra produkter genom datadrivna beslut för kvalitet och hållbarhet. Med ett gemensamt digitalt affärsspråk för datautbyte blir det möjligt att effektivisera både regelrapportering och den egna verksamheten. Läs artikeln ➡️ #GS1Standards #Traceability
🐑 The Fiber Traceability Initiative Featured in the Swedish Institute’s New Toolbox! Svenska institutet is highlighting The Fiber Traceability Initiative in its new toolbox, Redefining Waste, which showcases Swedish innovations for a more sustainable textile industry. As part of the initiative, GS1 Sweden, Axfoundation, Filippa K, and VirtualRouteZ have developed a beta version of a traceability solution in which a QR code with GS1 standards provides insight into a garment’s entire journey - from raw material to finished product. This solution helps customers make more sustainable choices and assists brands in complying with upcoming EU regulations. The Redefining Waste materials are primarily used by Swedish embassies and consulates but are also available to other organizations and individuals working to promote Sweden internationally. Explore the toolbox here 👉
Are you familiar with the first version of a digitally traceable wool supply chain, based on global standards for product identification? Did you know that blue mussels from the Baltic Sea can replace components in conventional feed? ➡️ Learn more about these and many other concrete project outcomes from 2023-2024 in our Progress Report. #ActToInspire #InspireToAct
What if broccoli harvest doubled - without growing more? 🥦 Today, only a fraction of Sweden’s broccoli plants are used in food production. The leaves, which make up nearly half of the plant’s biomass, are often left in the fields - despite being nutritious and completely edible. At the same time, Swedish food production faces several challenges: ➡️ Preparedness and Supply – Increasing the use of Swedish raw materials can reduce dependence on imports and strengthen domestic food security. ➡️ Resource Efficiency – By utilizing more of the plant instead of just the florets, the harvest can be doubled without requiring additional farmland, fertilizer, with a minimal climate impact. ➡️ Food Waste and Sustainability – Transforming what was once lost into a valuable food resource benefits both the environment. At Torsåker Farm, methods are currently being developed to harness Swedish broccoli leaves and integrate them into the food supply chain. Through testing, product development, and collaboration with partners, a scalable model is being created to increase the use of these nutrient-rich leaves. 🤝 Grönsakshallen Sorunda Axfood Dagab GRÖNSAKSMÄSTARNA NORDIC AB SLU - Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Martin & Servera Steglinge AB #SustainableFood #SwedishFoodProduction #ResourceEfficiency #FoodLoss #FutureFood #ActToInpsire #InspireToAct
Axfoundation omdelade detta
Har du hört det pratas om PFAS, fiskmjöl och ekologiska ägg och undrar vad det hela handlar om? Tillsammans med Axfoundation vill vi under en effektiv kvart ge dig en tydlig bild av problemen med PFAS-ämnen i naturen, hur de kan spridas till vår mat och hur branschen arbetar för att hitta lösningar 🔬🌍🍽️ Tid: Tisdag 4 mars 9:00-9:15 Läs mer och anmäl dig här:
What if Nordic wool was fully utilized instead of discarded? 🧶🐑 Today, more than half of the wool produced in Sweden, Finland, and Denmark goes to waste. The Nordic Wool Initiative is a new collaboration working to strengthen the Nordic wool value chain and increase the use of wool as a valuable raw material. By bringing together industry stakeholders, the initiative fosters cooperation, knowledge-sharing, and best practices to support more sustainable and efficient wool production. Funded by Nordic Innovation, this project aims to unlock the full potential of Nordic wool. 🤝 Swedish textile manufacturing, NORION, Insutex, Dansk Mode & Textil, Holma-Hälsingland, Saimaa Wool, NF&TA, and Sirkull.
Axfoundation omdelade detta
Ses vi på #Techarena2025 på fredag? I vår panel "A Sustainable Future: Stay Compliant, Be Transparent & Boost your Business" med mig, Arba Kokalari och Patrik Jonasson samt vår moderator Staffan Olsson pratar jag om arbetet Filippa K gjort med The Fiber Traceability Initiative och vikten av transparens och spårbarhet i värdekedjan.
🗣️Vi ser fram emot #Techarena2025 där vi samtalar med den här starka laguppställningen på temat "A Sustainable Future: Stay Compliant, Be Transparent & Boost your Business". Just nu befinner vi oss i en våg av nya hållbarhetsregleringar där spårbarhet, standardisering och digitalisering blir nya förutsättningar för transparenta värdekedjor. Vilka drivkrafter och utmaningar finns hos företagen? Hur väl förberett är näringslivet generellt? Hur kommer EU underlätta införandet? Vad händer utanför Europa? Och hur kan hållbarhetskrav omsättas till affärsnyttor? 🤔 I panelen: Anna Berne, Vice President Product & Sustainability, Filippa K, Arba Kokalari, Member of the European Parliament, Patrik Jonasson, Sustainability Senior Director, GS1 Global, Staffan Olsson, Head of Public Affairs, GS1 Sweden (moderator) Vi från GS1 Sweden ser fram emot många intressanta möten och diskussioner. Hoppas vi ses på plats och välkommen till vår monter!👋 📍 TECHARENA, Strawberry Arena 🕐 21 Februari 🎫 Program: #GS1 #Traceability #Sustainability
🎧 🍊 In today's episode of Meny on P1, Sveriges Radio, microbiologist Cecilia Geijer from Chalmers tekniska högskola talks about ongoing research in the YeastGuard project. Tune in to learn more about the future of packaging! ➡️ 🤝 Chalmers tekniska högskola, Aalto University & RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
"Driven by a strong belief in humanity's potential to build a more sustainable relationship with our planet and society, I am excited to join the communications team at Axfoundation." As a Communications Manager at Axfoundation, Minna will support the organization's projects as part of the communications team. She recently completed her studies at SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) in London and holds a bachelor’s degree in Media and Communication Studies, along with coursework in Peace and Conflict Studies at Umeå University. We are thrilled and excited to have Minna onboard - Welcome, Minna Berg! 🌟