European Atherosclerosis Society omdelade detta
High Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] affects almost 20% of the world's population and has been strongly linked to atherosclerosis and aortic valve disease. Currently, there are no specific therapies to lower Lp(a), but they are coming in due time. Screening for high Lp(a), good risk evaluation, and intensive LDL-C lowering for at-risk people can save lives. Very important, like in Familial Hypercholesterolemia, family checking for high Lp(a) is essential for early prevention. will convene patients, specialists, scientific societies, and politicians to discuss increasing awareness and reducing the burden of disease related to Lp(a). I'm proud and honored to represent Brazil and the Global Heart Journal! FH Europe Foundation, International Atherosclerosis Society (IAS), European Atherosclerosis Society, World Heart Federation, Hospital Albert Einstein #LpaGlobalSummit