Stort tack till Snap Inc. för att ni bjöd in oss på Ecpat till en dag med viktiga samtal. För att bekämpa och förebygga sexuell exploatering och övergrepp mot barn krävs det att alla sektorer i samhället samarbetar. Gårdagens rundabordssamtal var ett bra exempel på det. 💚
Earlier today, Snap hosted a roundtable discussion with safety experts and NGO executives from across the Nordics region. Huge thanks to the 23 attendees from 14 different organizations in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. We deeply appreciate these leaders giving us their time and sharing their perspectives, as we tackled a range of safety-specific issues confronting all technology platforms and services – including severe harms like child sexual exploitation and abuse, as well as “safety-adjacent” issues like screen time for teens, age assurance/verification, and proposed revised minimum ages for young people on social media. On their face, these are not necessarily safety issues per se, but in certain circumstances can unfortunately lead to safety concerns. Snap is taking away a number of important insights that we look forward to exploring further. We not only want to continue the conversation with this esteemed group, but invite other experts in the Nordic region and around the world to join this critical dialogue. Again, many thanks to everyone for their openness and willingness to engage!