Fridays For Future International

Fridays For Future International

Samhällsorganisationer och sociala organisationer

Unite Behind the Science.

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  • Some of the good news of the last week - for we will see that our work brings results! Please repost. In the United Kingdom the Supreme court rejected a request to build the huge Whitehaven coal mine in Cumbria, northwest England, on the edge of the Lake District national park>>> In Brazil a National Climate Authority and a a Global Fund for the protection of tropical forests, which should make US$ 300 million available for environmental preservation should be established>>> In China, climate change content is included now in school lessons in Biology, Science, Chemistry, Geography and Physics. Even the curriculum standards for “ethics and the rule of law” require pupils in grades 5-6 to “gain a preliminary understanding of the concept of sustainable development.” Those in grades 7-9 should “learn that ‘carbon peaking’ and ‘carbon neutrality’ are important leverage and markers for promoting high-quality development and advancing ecological progress”. In geography, the topic of “resources, environment and national security” requires pupils to “analyse the environmental effects of carbon emissions, based on the theories of the carbon cycle and the greenhouse effect.” They must also explain “the importance of international cooperation for emissions reduction.” >>> In Canada 85% of the 129 business leaders surveyed between May and June said they "worry all or most of the time" about climate change.  Many identify themselves as being personally affected by climate change. 54% said they have been impacted in the past year by flooding, 47% said they have experienced extreme heat and 33% said they have been affected by wildfire or wildfire smoke. The positive aspect of this story is that maybe they will finally understand that it is better to be on the good side, not on the overconsumption side.>>> $10 billion were transmitted to support Congo Rainforest in Tanzania, which includes the regions of Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Nyasa, and Lake Rukwa>>> Have a nice Weekend!

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Fridays For Future International, grafik

    10 092 följare

    Overconsumption is seriously damaging Earth life supporting systems and in the same time many live in poverty. If we will increase consumption more it will lead to collapse, so for meet the needs of humanity without increase consumption we need to share resources. This is the short summary of a report published in "The Lancet" by 60 scientists. You can see it in the picture. The details are similar to what already have been said by previouse reports only with more negative findings. Most of the planetary boundaries checked, are crossed in most domains. 9 million people die each year from air and water pollution, 3.2 billion are affected by land degradation, fresh water resources are close to depeletion, ecosystems providing us air, food, water are less and less functioning. Especially about climate change the study says: "impossible to identify a safe and just corridor for climate (figure 22B) in a business-as-usual scenario. Radical decarbonisation efforts in combination with redistribution will be needed to open up a safe and just corridor for climate in the future." Read more>>> Well, we already know it, the study just confirmed it to us one more time. Should be added that without global peace and disarmement all this is impossible, because for raising military potential you need to increase GDP, so all time as wars continue, countries will search to increase it and not make any "distribution" and sharing because this will weaken their military potential and increase the military potential of the adversaire. For improve the situation firstly do 3 things: FIRSTLY sign our appeal intending to solve exactly this problem, and widely share it on Instagram, Wattsup, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and so on. Some think, petitions are not important, but annualy hundreds of billions dollars are invested into renewables because IPCC scientists said it is needed to stop climate change. So if many scientists will said sharing economy and peace are needed for it, it may help. Already 38 scientrists signed our appeal, including some famouse, but we need more, and for this we need more signatures and spreading of it. SECONDLY in one week there will be a global climate strike. It is exactly the time to demand the implementation of the 3 demands in the appeal. Register your strike here: THIRDLY repost this post. Reposting to 10 groups or profiles will not take more than 1-2 minutes.

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Fridays For Future International, grafik

    10 092 följare

    80% of the Great Barrier Reef was bleached in April. The reef can not adapt to such temperatures as we have now. Even though we have the solutions, humanity continue to do more harm. Read more>>> The author of the article above was probably too swift in declaring the end of the Great Barrier reaf. A 2022 report showed the greatest recovery in 36 years in the Reef, mainly due to the regrowth of two-thirds of the reef by the fast-growing Acropora coral, which is the dominant coral there. But it is clear that the Reef can not survive for a long time in the artificial warming induced by humans, and it is a crucial component of the Biosphere. Learn more here>>> In the same time, climate action became less popular recently: "When you look at the importance of [environmental, social and corporate-governance efforts], you can clearly see a huge peak in 2021 to 2022 where there was also a lot of action off the back of” the Glasgow COP26 climate conference in 2021, said Torsten Lichtenau, Bain’s global carbon transition practice lead. “Now it’s dropped back to 2019 levels.” Of course, in the recent 2 years the world is too busy with other things, for standing together against climate change... What you can do about the issue: Please sign and spread our appeal for sustainable socio-economic system that will ensure carbon neutrality and peace! Demand it when you are striking! Register your strike here: Record results here: Donate to support and keep the pressure to go in this direction on those responsible👇👇 If you are specifically interested to help the Great Barrier Reef you can help to the group which is concentrating on protecting it. Learn more here>>> Repost, please. #GreatBarrierReef #SaveTheReef

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Fridays For Future International, grafik

    10 092 följare

    #FreePaulWatson Paul Watson, the foundator of Sea Shepherd - the famouse organization for protecting whales, was arrested in Greenland and currently is holded in prison in Nuuk for 51 day. He was arrrested when he was ready to go with his ship for blocking the "Kangei Maru" a huge Japanese whaling ship. From 2018 Japan has abandoned the global moratorium on whaling and begun to increase it. Several days after the arrest of Paul Watson the "Kangei Maru" killed a fin whale, the first fine whale that was killed in the past 50 years as it is an endagered specie. Behind Japanese whaling is a handful of influential former members of the government from the far-right, ultra-nationalist wing, holding on to money-full jobs and lifestyles that depend on the whaling industry. The distribution systems, from docks to markets, are networked by the Japanese mafia, called Yakuza, as is the union that provides crew members to the nation’s whaling fleet. There are some impacts of whaling on those who are promoting it, that they are probably not realizyng. One whale capture carbon from the atmosphere like thousands of trees. Recently, climate change has strongly hit Japan. Flooding, heatwaves occured in different areas including in Tokyo. Probably even people with a lot of money was affected, as part of them was "guerilla flooding" suden flooding that can not be predicted. What you can do: Please sign and spread our appeal for just not crazy economy and peace! Demand it and to free Paul Watson when you are striking! Register your strike here: Record results here: We need you to support our ❤❤ courageous activists risking life and career for us! Donate to support and keep the pressure on those responsible👇👇 Repost, if you agree.

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  • Some of the good news of the week - the results of our work! Repost for all will see that it brings results! Around 86 million trees was planted around Lhasa (the ancient capital of Tibet region) in the last 3 years. The project covers nine counties and districts, 35 townships, covering 340 square kilometers>>> In the USA 300 million dollar were allocated to 33 tribes and one municipality, for implementing projects that should reduce emissions by several millions tons>>> The list of projects>>> The European Union Commission adopted 4 documents that should reduce at least by some extent emissions. Among others they talk about heating and cooling houses, reducing energy use>>> There is some cooperation between China and USA in matters of Non CO2 greenhouse gas emissions like Methan and HFC>>> In Canada 87.5 million dollars was given to promote Sustainable Agriculture>>> In Congo agroforestry (agriculture that see forests as helpers not obstacle ) is helping forest and agriculture>>> Have a nice Weekend! Repost, please.

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  • This video from CNBC is interesting. It says among others that the high price of fossil fuel due to the war in Ukraine and the Middle East led to a sharp increase in oil production in the USA which became the larger producer of oil in history. From one side oil production is extremely profitable (high prices) from the other the industry is getting billions in subsidies for lower the price and consequentely lower the price of energy. Solar, wind energy also get subsidies but from the other side the tarrifs on Chinese products linked to those 2 energy types, established due to international tensions linked with this 2 wars, make it less cheap. Increase subsidies to solar and wind more, will be difficult because when spendings overpass revenues, more spendings increase inflation. The USA has huge military spendings due to these 2 wars so decrease spendings will be difficult. This is just one example how war destroy climate action. Similar processes happening in other countries which participate in the sanctions against Russia. In the countries which not participate, it also destroy climate action but in other way: in China and India from one side the instability in supply increased domestic coal use and from the other Russia not having other buyers begun to sell them oil and gas by discount price what made them even more favorable to fossil fuels. "Emissions from India’s high-polluting power industry must peak by 2026 for the country to align itself with the Paris Agreement, a target that’s unlikely to be met. “It seemed evident *until a couple of years ago* that India’s power sector emissions will peak around 2026, but the government’s fresh push for coal power has delayed that target,” This is before talking about the need to decrease consumption while GDP is the base of military potential. What can you do: Please sign and spread our appeal for just economy and peace! Demand it when you are striking! Register your strike here: Record results here: Repost, if you agree.

    How The U.S. Is Pumping More Oil Than Any Country In History

  • Victory! From Fridays For Future Colombia: "The Escazú Agreement, ratified in Colombia on August 28, 2024, marks a vital step for environmental justice and the protection of defenders. In a country where nearly half of last year’s environmental defenders’ murders occurred, this treaty is a huge win for all life defenders! But our work isn’t done. We must continue to pressure the Colombian government to ensure full implementation and uphold the agreement’s promises. Our solidarity will not waver until Escazú is fully enacted across all Latin America. Together, we will fight for a safer future for all who defend our planet. #Escazú #EnvironmentalJustice #DefenderProtection #Standwithdefenders" From The Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL): “The unanimous decision to greenlight the Escazú Agreement is historic for environmental democracy in Colombia, the region, and globally. The full Court is sending a clear message: violence against environmental defenders must end, to clear the way for their work in the most dangerous place in the world for environmental advocacy. “The implementation of the Escazú Agreement will improve access to information, public participation, and justice in environmental matters for everyone in Colombia, providing essential tools to tackle the drivers and impacts of the planetary crisis and to navigate an energy transition in line with human rights. Those standing up for the environment are not only advocating for their territory or region, but they also represent the voice of every individual worldwide who relies on a healthy environment to sustain life. “We honor the tireless and rigorous work of Colombian civil society, as well as communities and Indigenous Peoples who contributed to this victory.” Certainly, the decision is in favor of all, including those who are making money on deforestation as money can not replace air, water, food and more provided by the forest and if you cut forest for expanding your field you make you harvest finally lower as you will get less fertile soil, more erratic rain and so on. We must ensure what happened in Colombia in the 28 of August 2024 will happen everywhere and fast. Share the victory, so everybody will know and will be encouraged! Repost!

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Fridays For Future International, grafik

    10 092 följare

    Fire is often seen as Hell. Forests are burning in: #Greece - Athens, the mountain is black and every year the forest fires take more, #Madeira, #Portugal - Wildfires burn over 6% of Portugal's Madeira island in 1 week, #Lisbon early this month - Local residents, including 30 people from a retirement home, had to be evacuated to safety, 400 firefighters. #California, #USA - a total of 5,313 wildfires have burned a cumulative 825,604 acres and #Canada - 2024 sees #ForestFires continue in Canada after experiencing record-setting wildfires during 2023. About 150 of these fires continued to smoulder over the relatively low-snow winter into 2024 and re-ignited as early as February. By early May, large wildfires had broken out in Alberta, British Columbia, and Manitoba with evacuation orders displacing thousands. Many #firefighters put their lives at risk to save human lives. Often unfathomable numbers of animals without petrol driven cars are left to the hell of these fires. We also lose millions of acres, which could drawdown carbon and reduce climate breakdown. Unfortunately, while our governments are willing to appear to spend money on preventing climate breakdown, they are not capable even to effective adaptation (reducing the effects). Mitigation, aka reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels, deforestation, industrial agriculture and more are barely discussed or implemented. The wildfires are not only more frequent, they became more dangerouse. Climate change create often so strong wildfires that the hot air, ash and smoke rising to the atmosphere, are creating an entire weather system, kind of a cyclone. In these case thunder-clouds are formed. When they are created by wildfires they are called pyrocumulunimbus clouds. Not like normal clouds, they rarely produce rain, but they can produce lightnings which can create new wildfires and they can produce fire tornadoes. In fire tornadoes the speed of the wind can reach 165 miles per hour. They are extremely destructive. The effects are felt by all rich and poor. There is no sense to die from a wildfire even on a mountain of money. We can stop this if we really want to do it - together, but the world is currently busy with other things. Demand from your government to do the right thing! Sources:

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Fridays For Future International, grafik

    10 092 följare

    Some of the good news of the week - the results of our work! * As for now Shell can not continue to search oil near at least some of the coasts of South Africa>>> * Total Energy claims about sustainable partnership was found misleading a victory against greenwashing>>> * In the USA 240 million dollars are allocated for Energy Efficiency>>> * And 55 million to better water management for fighting drought>>> * In Brazil a pact for ecological trabsformation was signed. Some of the measures will certainly help if being implemented. Read in details>>> * If the Brazilian government is telling the truth, deforestation was reduced by 72.5% in Brazil in the latest 2 years. Remark, that we generally mention the same coutries simply because they have the biggest impact on climate - China, USA, EU, Brazil, India, Congo, Canada, Russia, Indonesia. Of course, not from all of them we have good news during the week. We try to collect the most important good news. Have a nice Weekend!

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  • 6% of the territory of Angola burned in 1 week. Overall 220,000 square kilometers of forests burned in Africa in 1 week. For comparison the territory of England is 132,000 square kilometers. Climate change is exacerbating wildfires. When forests burn, the carbon is released. The overall amount of carbon stored in the Tropical forests alone is more than all CO2 from fossil fuels from 1750. This can lead soon to a societal breakdown. We need firstly to make the climate normal again, of course. Except it, we can extinguish fires, prevent them somewhat effectively if we will deal with it seriously. However, people are too busy with fighting between them for having any chances to stop climate change. If wars in Tropical Africa will stop, countries can concentrate on firefighting and prevention. If wars will stop globally we can transmit to fire prevention and other necessary measures the 2.4 trillion dollars spent annualy on warfare. We can create some effective policy, collect some tax from billionaires to implement it. However, in current situation there is no chance that any effective policy will be implemented. What can you do: Please sign and spread our appeal for a just economy and global peace neccessary for really solve the problem! Demand it when you are striking! Register your strike here: Record results here: Repost, if you agree.

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