


Stenungsund, Västra Götaland 8 312 följare

Branschanpassade affärslösningar för ekonomi, lön/hr och transport.

Om oss

Du får en hel värld av affärslösningar med vår hjälp. Några få knapptryck är allt som behövs för att ett sömlöst flöde ska rulla igång. Våra standardiserade och integrerade system gör din vardag enkel och säker. Molnet gör att du och dina medarbetare kan jobba var och när ni vill. Med ny teknik och hög IT-säkerhet tar vi dig in i framtiden.

501–1 000 anställda
Stenungsund, Västra Götaland
Publikt aktiebolag
produktutveckling, lön- och personaladministrativa system, ekonomisystem och verksamhetskritiska system


Anställda på Hogia-gruppen


  • Visa organisationssidan för Hogia-gruppen, grafik

    8 312 följare

    Riksdagen har nu röstat igenom förslaget om att papperskravet på digitaliserat räkenskapsmaterial tas bort. Ett litet steg för riksdagen men ett stort steg för digitaliseringen och för företagandet. GRATTIS Sverige! Om du inte redan digitaliserat din rese- och kvittohantering så kan vi hjälpa dig med det: https://lnkd.in/eGD-e3_X Mer info om lagändringen: https://lnkd.in/dm3bWj9F

  • Visa organisationssidan för Hogia-gruppen, grafik

    8 312 följare

    – Innan jag började som systemutvecklare på Hogia 2021 jobbade jag som personlig tränare och drev mitt eget företag. Jag älskade att jobba med människors hälsa, men som heltidsanställd har jag inte längre tid att arbeta som personlig tränare. Jag kände en saknad efter att hjälpa människor, så att bli hälsoinspiratör och få fortsätta med det passade mig helt perfekt, berättar Mattis Vainikainen. Läs artikeln här: https://lnkd.in/dByrpWN2

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Hogia-gruppen, grafik

    8 312 följare

    Woody Zuill visited Hogia in Stenungsund and we had the fortune to learn from one of the pioneers of agile methodologies and mob programming. You can watch the full inteview with Woody here: https://lnkd.in/d-htj8gw Or see one of the questions we asked below. This is the final post in a series of four where Woody answers questions. Take this opportunity to read and benefit from his knowledge. You've been to Sweden multiple times over the years. What differences do you recognize between Sweden and the U.S. regarding software development and organizational cultures? "The differences in the cultures are observable, but the United States is like 50 countries. It's different where you go. And Sweden is, because it's a smaller population, much more focused. You have two or three larger cities, like Stockholm is very focused on software development and the other larger cities have also made it their focus. So the difference here is I think it's the level of concentration. Overall, the culture in Sweden, you have a little more of a consensus decision-making model that you follow, but you find that in the US as well. It just depends on where you're at. In some places in the US it's a very high focus on innovation. And I believe that maybe over the last decade or two that Sweden has caught up in that high level of innovation. If you go down a street anywhere downtown in Stockholm, you will see a software development firm after software development firm in many different fields. It could be games, it could be finance, it could be engineering. So it's a high level of innovation going on. I would say mostly the similarities are greater than the differences between the US and in Sweden. Some places I've been in the US it would be nothing but high tech for miles. So the concentration is there in some areas. In some areas it's really spread out. If I were to say one big difference is the openness here to try new ideas really surprised me. Someone here in Sweden heard about mob programming. They were trying it probably sooner than almost anywhere else. So by the time I got here, there were already a lot of people doing it, and I first visited Sweden in 2013. We started working this way in 2011. How quickly it got here. That's amazing!" Take the next step in your career here: https://lnkd.in/e-y8g3Je

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Hogia-gruppen, grafik

    8 312 följare

    Woody Zuill visited Hogia in Stenungsund and we had the fortune to learn from one of the pioneers of agile methodologies and mob programming. You can watch the full inteview with Woody here: https://lnkd.in/d-htj8gw Or see one of the questions we asked below. This is the third post in a series of four where Woody answers questions. Take this opportunity to read and benefit from his knowledge. What would you say is the main benefit of mob programming? "I think this improves our ability to communicate. A lot of problems with communication is we don't prove the communication succeeded until we try to fulfil the purpose of the communication. I could say to you right now, do you understand? And you shake your head. Yeah, I understand. But there's no proof that you understood what I thought I was communicating. Mob programming takes us from the communication to trying the thing we're communicating about really instantly. If you were to say to me, what I want to do is have this a way for the user to select the region they're in, and we start trying to code that you're sitting right there with me. We can prove immediately if we're doing the thing, you thought that you wanted. It is a huge benefit that the communication is now in a very direct manner and we prove whether we were correct or not, whether we understood each other or not. I've seen organizations where the proof of the communication doesn't happen for weeks. That is way too long to wait. This gives us the ability to steer much sooner to get back on track really rapidly." Take the next step in your career here: https://lnkd.in/e-y8g3Je

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Hogia-gruppen, grafik

    8 312 följare

    – Jag känner mig verkligen privilegierad att ha ett så givande jobb. Mina kollegor är väldigt smarta, välutbildade, drivna och engagerade, vilket gör att vi är bra på att pusha varandra framåt och utveckla varandras idéer. Det är ett fantastiskt gäng att jobba tillsammans med, som alla är stöttande och peppade på att uppnå resultat. Något annat jag värderar högt är möjligheten att uttrycka sina idéer och se dem bli verklighet. Den tjänst jag har idag är ett levande bevis på att organisationen verkligen är lyhörd för våra behov och är engagerade i vår utveckling, berättar Lena Fridlund. Läs artikeln här: https://lnkd.in/dP_PDwY9

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Hogia-gruppen, grafik

    8 312 följare

    The Evolution Exchange is a podcast where leaders come together from across the tech industry to discuss challenges and solutions. Hogia's Daniel Nilsson among others share actionable insights and best practices for fostering team excellence and driving organizational success in today's competitive landscape. Tune in for expert advice and valuable perspectives on talent management and team dynamics.

    Evo Nordics #488 - Promoting Vs Hiring - Building High-Performing Teams by Evolution Exchange Nordics Podcast

    Evo Nordics #488 - Promoting Vs Hiring - Building High-Performing Teams by Evolution Exchange Nordics Podcast


  • Visa organisationssidan för Hogia-gruppen, grafik

    8 312 följare

    – Sedan den dag jag kom till Hogia har jag känt att jag kan bidra till företagens framgång och att de kan bidra till min personliga utveckling. Med en unik kultur för karriärsutveckling, ökat självförtroende och enormt stöd från min chef har jag haft alla möjligheter att driva framåt. Jag har insett att om man verkligen vill finns det alla möjligheter att påverka och göra skillnad, berättar Henrik Aleborg. Läs artikeln här: https://lnkd.in/dMEuspZs

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Hogia-gruppen, grafik

    8 312 följare

    Woody Zuill visited Hogia in Stenungsund and we had the fortune to learn from one of the pioneers of agile methodologies and mob programming. You can watch the full inteview with Woody here: https://lnkd.in/d-htj8gw Or see one of the questions we asked below. This is the second post in a series of four where Woody answers questions.  Take this opportunity to read and benefit from his knowledge. What is the biggest challenge for development teams today? "Well, I don't know if it's changed that much, but it seems like the pace of things is faster and faster and faster. When I was younger programming, I thought that the change was really rapid, but now it even seems more so. So part of this is about communication. If we cannot communicate well, then we are not going to be able to progress very well. We're in a field where it's a process of discovery. We aren't doing the same things over and over again because as soon as we have something and we've figured it out, things are changing. It's this rapid pace of change. The better we are communicating and collaborating, the better we will be at handling these changes. At least that's what I think. Maybe I'm wrong. I don't think so." Take the next step in your career here: https://lnkd.in/e-y8g3Je

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