Major #supercomputer event next week: the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) is holding its 2025 HPC Summit in Kraków 🙂 If you are attending, come and listen to our Director Erik Lindahl who will be speaking at an afternoon session on the topic "Boosting the Applications Ecosystem in the Future". 📅 Tuesday 18 March, 14:00-15:30 📍 Room S3B, ICE Kraków Congress Centre For the full programme and more information about the summit, check out the Summit website at #EuroHPCSummit2025 #supercomputing #AIFactories
NAISS – Nationell akademisk infrastruktur för superdatorer i Sverige
IT-tjänster och IT-konsulttjänster
NAISS tillhandahåller storskaliga beräkningsresurser, lagring samt datatjänster för akademiska användare i Sverige.
Om oss
NAISS är en centrumbildning med Linköpings universitet som värd. Vi tillhandahåller den största och mest nyttjade forskningsinfrastrukturen i Sverige, med drygt 7 600 användare vid fler än 30 universitet och forskningsinstitut (2023). Vi håller just nu på med att upphandla en helt ny kraftfull superdator, Arrhenius, som ska installeras på Campus Valla och planeras att tas i drift under 2025. Arrhenius finansieras gemensamt av Vetenskapsrådet och EuroHPC JU (Joint Undertaking), ett EU-initiativ som syftar till att göra Europa världsledande inom superdatorer. I december 2024 beviljade EuroHPC JU också en ansökan från NAISS och RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) om att sätta upp en så kallade AI Factory i Sverige. Föreståndare för NAISS: Erik Lindahl (från 2025).
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Extern länk för NAISS – Nationell akademisk infrastruktur för superdatorer i Sverige
- Bransch
- IT-tjänster och IT-konsulttjänster
- Företagsstorlek
- 11–50 anställda
- Huvudkontor
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- Myndighet
- Grundat
- 2023
Anställda på NAISS – Nationell akademisk infrastruktur för superdatorer i Sverige
Gert Svensson
PDC Deputy Director and NAISS Deputy Technical Director
Niclas Andersson
Technical Director at National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS) and National Supercomputer Centre (NSC)
Henric Zazzi
Group Manager PDC Scientific Services, KTH / NAISS Deputy User Support Manager
Jan-Eric Sundgren
Senior Adviser
Today, EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) announced a second batch of six more #AIFactories that will be joining Sweden's Mimer and the others selected in December. Huge congratulations to all new sites! 🎉 This is a serious effort and a massive investment that will foster innovation and enable European AI startups, SMEs, and researchers to explore the possibilites of AI, with access to technical expertise, training, and AI-optimised #supercomputers. At NAISS we are working hard together with our partner RISE Research Institutes of Sweden to set up the Swedish AI Factory Mimer. This includes the procurement of another supercomputer that is part of the Factory, and recruiting AI experts. We expect to present a launch date soon – follow us here for the latest updates.
📣News Flash! ⚡ The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) has selected #six new #AIFactories to strengthen Europe's #AI leadership! 🌍 Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Poland, and Slovenia will host cutting-edge AI hubs, joining the seven previously selected sites to boost #European AI innovation. These AI Factories will offer AI #startups, #SMEs, and #researchers access to AI-optimised supercomputing, datasets, training, and technical expertise. 👇 ➡️#Germany and #France will integrate AI Factories alongside Europe’s first #exascale #supercomputers, Alice Recoque & JUPITER ➡️#Austria, #Bulgaria, #Poland, and #Slovenia will launch new AI-optimised systems! 🚀 Read the Press Release to learn more about the additional AI Factories: GENCI Sofia Tech Park Forschungszentrum Jülich COBISS / IZUM - Institute of information science Maribor, Slovenia Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center / Poznańskie Centrum Superkomputerowo-Sieciowe (PCSS) Technische Universität Wien AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
📣 Announcing NAISS Spring 2025 Large calls! We have opened the Spring 2025 allocation round for access to our large compute and storage resources. This is set to be the final large call involving the resources Tetralith and Alvis, as they will be replaced by our new system #Arrhenius. The allocation period for these calls is 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2026. All details can be found on our website. Large Compute call: Large Storage call: 📅 Deadline to apply: 4 April 15:00 CEST. #HPC #supercomputers
#Arrhenius update: Construction work is now getting underway inside Cell 2, the warehouse where our new supercomputer will be installed 🏗️🪚 ⛏️ As you can see, one has to tread carefully... These squares are being cut up and reinforced to support steel pillars which will carry the new upper floor. Apparently, 20 cm of conrete was not enough 😕 The upper level is where the computers/servers will sit, with cooling and electricity installations mostly occupying the ground level space. #HPC #supercomputers
NAISS – Nationell akademisk infrastruktur för superdatorer i Sverige omdelade detta
🔍 Potentialet i dansk-svensk samarbejde om AI Både Sverige og Danmark er verdensførende inden for offentlig digitalisering og har ambitiøse mål for anvendelsen af kunstig intelligens (AI). Men hvis vi skal bevare vores position kræver det ikke kun visioner, men også handling. Den seneste uge har ambassaden talt med en række centrale aktører fra offentlige myndigheder, virksomheder og forskning og innovation om hvordan vi udnytter vores styrkepositioner til at gå forrest i at sætte nye standarder for ansvarlig udvikling og brug af AI. Tak for inspirerende samtaler og perspektiver på et stærkere dansk-svensk samarbejde Anna Eriksson generaldirektør i Digg – Myndigheten för digital förvaltning, CEO i Netcompany André Rogaczewski og CEO i KOMBIT Kristian Vengsgaard, vicerektor og leder for AI Factory på Linköping University Matts Karlsson. Direktør for NAISS – National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden Erik Lindahl, professor i computer science Linköping University Fredrik Heintz. Fra RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Hanifeh Khayyeri og Stella Riad 💡Med verdensklasseforskning, avancerede HPC-testbeds og stærke offentligt-private partnerskaber har vi i Sverige og Danmark en unik mulighed for at accelerere innovation og implementering af AI-løsninger. 🏢Det kommende nordiske AI-Center bliver et vigtigt skridt på vejen mod at samle de bedste kræfter fra hele regionen. Med et fælles fokus på implementering kan vi undgå at opfinde den dybe tallerken igen og i stedet skabe reelle løsninger, der understøtter nationale strategier og EU's AI Act. Digital Dogme har for nyligt også lanceret et whitepaper om ansvarlig brug af kunstig intelligens i både privat og offentlig sektor, som du kan læse her: Den svenske digitaliseringsmyndighed Digg – Myndigheten för digital förvaltning har netop udgivet retningslinjer for generativ AI, der skal fremme brugen af AI i den offentlige forvaltning. Læs mere her: Er du interesseret i en dialog om digitaliseringssamarbejde med Sverige, så ræk ud til👉 Morten Friis Tine Hylleberg I Kristina Miskowiak Beckvard I Monica Paraipan
❗ New Steering Committee members We are welcoming four new members to the NAISS Steering Committee. They are: 🔹Frida Bender, Associate Professor, Stockholms universitet 🔹Lars Kloo, Professor, Kungliga Tekniska högskolan 🔹Katrine Riklund, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Professor, Umeå universitet 🔹Julia Wiktor, Associate Professor, Chalmers tekniska högskola They are joining original members Bengt Persson and Anders Ynnerman. We are grateful that Chairman Jan-Eric Sundgren has agreed to stay on during 2025.
Our colleagues in Umeå are looking for a systems developer 🙂 #HPC #supercomputing #jobalert
Open position at HPC2N: System developer, 100% Application Deadline: 31.Jan.2025 11:59 PM CET Permanent position, full time HPC2N is one of Sweden's leading supercomputing centers. We are looking for a systems developer that wants to work with cutting edge technology and who can help us in making HPC and AI available to a broader community of researchers. The main work tasks primarily include system and service development in a DevOps inspired environment, but also includes operation, maintenance, and system development of systems and software used in HPC2N's and NAISS' operations. The work involves participation in local, national, and international projects. For more information and how to apply, go here:
2024 has been a momentous year for NAISS. Not only because of #Arrhenius, our new supercomputer which is currently under procurement, but also very much because of the significant decision two weeks ago that Sweden is getting an AI Factory. We couldn’t have wished for a better Christmas present! 🎁 We would like to express our gratitude to the Swedish government, Vetenskapsrådet / Swedish Research Council, EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU), Vinnova, our partner universities and everyone else who have contributed to make this possible. 🙏 Thank you also to our 7,600+ users who are producing excellent research, and to all our staff around the country working hard to keep everything running smoothly! Finally, a big shout out to our followers here. It's encouraging to see more and more people jumping in 👍 And, as this is LinkedIn: We will be hiring in 2025, so stay tuned for that... Now, however, we’ll take some time off to catch our breath and enjoy the holidays 🎄 We hope you will too. Stay warm – see you next year! #supercomputers #HPC #AIFactories
📣 BREAKING NEWS: Sweden wins AI Factories bid Sweden, with a joint bid from NAISS and RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, has been granted by EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) to establish an AI Factory. AI Factories is an EU initiative launched in January 2024 to boost innovation and promote the use of AI services in Europe. The Factory, which will be called MIMER, combines a new AI-optimised supercomputer with comprehensive support for training, research, and industrial innovation. MIMER will focus on areas of strategic importance to Sweden, such as life sciences, materials science, autonomous systems, and the gaming industry. The aim is to democratise access to AI both for researchers and small and medium enterprises (SME), and to strengthen collaborations between academia and industry. “This is a hugely important step that will help promote the use of AI in research, trade and industry in Sweden. We are deeply grateful to the government, the Swedish Research Council, and Vinnova for acting swiftly and decisively to enable this effort through Swedish co-funding,” says Erik Lindahl, Professor at Linköpings universitet and incoming NAISS Director. “This will make Sweden one of the first countries to implement the EU Commission’s AI Factories initiative, to drive research and innovation and make AI accessible to more users than ever before.” MIMER will be co-funded 50/50 between EuroHPC JU and Sweden, through Vetenskapsrådet / Swedish Research Council and the innovation agency Vinnova, with each party controlling and allocating the corresponding share of resources. Read the full story here: #AIFactories #HPC #supercomputers
💡User stories: Gemma Atkinson is on the hunt for bacterial immune systems We at NAISS often tend to get a bit technical. But our resources are essentially just a means to an end: to help our users do ground-breaking research. We have more than 7,600 amazing, clever and creative users who deserve more attention. What are they up to? Here is one of them: Gemma Atkinson, senior lecturer at Lunds universitet and leader of a bioinformatics team at the Atkinson Lab. In cooperation with the experimental lab of senior lecturer Vasili Hauryliuk, they are searching through bacterial genomes to discover new immune systems, which are made of proteins. For this they are using #AlphaFold, the AI-powered protein prediction programme which is recognised in this year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry. She happily admits that she is a heavy user of NAISS resources. “We need a lot of power, so we use everything. We are doing so much! For AlphaFold, it is almost entirely AI/GPU resources. For the multiple sequence alignments of proteins that we use to predict the structure, we need CPUs.” Gemma Atkinson says researchers in Sweden are lucky to have access to large-scale computational resources for free. This is also a big selling point when she is recruiting new colleagues. Read the full story: Learn more about the Atkinson lab: #supercomputers #HPC #bioinformatics #proteinfolding