


Lund, SE 10 440 följare

Center for Nanoscience at Lund University – a great place to work at the forefront of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Om oss

NanoLund, the centre for research, education and innovation in nanoscience at Lund University, engages over 400 researchers, students and staff at the faculties of engineering, science and medicine. It is a strategic research area funded by the Swedish Government and Sweden’s largest research environment for nanoscience and nanotechnology. Our ambition is to be a Great Place to do Nanoscience: an international, highly visible centre offering exceptional scientific opportunities, training, and career development. We do this with a culture of openness and by offering access to a range of state-of-the-art capabilities within characterization, nanofabrication and modelling. We contribute to societal and sustainability challenges, for instance in health and clean energy, using the tools of nanoscience and nanotechnology. NanoLund, formerly known as the Nanometer Structure Consortium, founded in 1988, supports and coordinates activities within nanoscience and nanotechnology at Lund University. Our overarching goal is to use nanostructures to address important needs of society, such as solving the energy challenge and improving the quality of life. More specifically, our scientific focus is the materials science, the safety and the fundamental physics and chemistry of highly controlled, functional nanostructures, as well as their applications in fundamental science, energy conversion, electronics and the life sciences. This includes the continuous development of advanced tools for the fabrication, characterization and theory of nanostructures, with a current focus on semiconductor nanowires. Key resources are Lund Nano Lab, an open nanofabrication facility run by NanoLund, as well as a wide range of advanced characterization instruments organized in Lund Nano Characterization Labs. We are strongly engaged in nanoscience education from the undergraduate through the postdoctoral levels, and in entrepreneurship and innovation.

201–500 anställda
Lund, SE
Materials science, Quantum Physics, Nanoelectronics and photonics, Nanoenergy, Nanosafety, Neuronanoscience and nanobiology, Exploratory nanotechnology, Semiconductors, Life Science, Photons, Nanotechnology, Nanoscience och Physics


Anställda på NanoLund


  • Visa organisationssidan för NanoLund, grafik

    10 440 följare

    The NanoLund Annual Meeting is on! Our director Anders Mikkelsen introduces us to a day full of exciting presentations under the headline ”Nano and New Frontiers in Computing – technologies and insights in biology, materials, light and quantum”. #nanoscience #nanotechnology Lunds universitetLunds Tekniska HögskolaMedicinska fakulteten, Lunds universitetNaturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Lunds universitet

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  • Visa organisationssidan för NanoLund, grafik

    10 440 följare

    One year of talking to society about science. Anne L'Huillier meets Sanna Trygg and reflects on how her life has changed since the announcement of the Nobel Prize in Physics. #attophysics #electrons #nanoscience #laserpulses

    Visa organisationssidan för Lunds universitet, grafik

    257 043 följare

    A year has passed since Anne L'Huillier became Lund University's first Nobel laureate🥇👏 Since then, she has tried to use the attention to revive interest in research. But she has also had to come to terms with the oddity of becoming a science rock star asked for selfies all over town.

  • Visa organisationssidan för NanoLund, grafik

    10 440 följare

    🌊 Every year, the amount of plastic in the world’s oceans increases by between five and 13 million tonnes. Over time, plastic breaks down into micro and nanoparticles that are invisible to the naked eye. Researchers at Lund University have investigated how these small plastic particles affect organisms in aquatic ecosystems.  They found that some species of grazing zooplankton, daphnia, an important source of food for fish, were particularly vulnerable. Phytoplankton diatoms were also severely impacted. However, other types of algae, such as blue-green algae (cyanobacteria), which contribute to algal blooms, were completely unaffected. “We don’t yet know why some collapse while others continue to thrive as usual. If the concentrations of nanoplastics increase, even those that can handle a few particles at present will also likely suffer,” says lars-anders hansson, professor of aquatic ecology. #nanoscience #nanotechnology #nanoplastics Lunds universitetNaturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Lunds universitetNanoLund

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  • Visa organisationssidan för NanoLund, grafik

    10 440 följare

    Our heartfelt congratulations to Yuhe Zhang who recently got the Werner Meyer-Ilse Award for her work on using deep learning for 2D, 3D and 4D X-ray images!🏅🔬🌠 #xraymicroscopy #xray #deeplearning #physics #nanoscience #nanotechnology Lunds universitetNaturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Lunds universitetMAX IV Laboratory

    👏 Yuhe Zhang, fysikforskare vid Naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Lunds universitet får prestigefyllt pris! 👏 🎉 Yuhe Zhang, doktor vid fysiska institutionen, har tilldelats Werner Meyer-Ilse-priset. Hon får utmärkelsen för sitt arbete med att använda djupinlärning för röntgenbilder i 2D, 3D och 4D. ↪ Självklart har vi intervjuat Yuhe om denna fina utmärkelse: ✴ Grattis, hur känns det att få det här priset? – Tack! Det känns otroligt och jag är verkligen hedrad. Det är ett stort erkännande av det arbete jag har gjort och kommer att motivera mig att fortsätta min forskning inom området röntgenmikroskopi. ✴ Kan du berätta lite mer om utmärkelsen? – Werner Meyer-Ilse var ledare för röntgenmikroskopiprogrammet vid Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Werner dog i en tragisk bilolycka 1999. För att hedra hans arbete och arv inrättades Werner Meyer-Ilse-priset som ges till unga forskare som har gjort viktiga bidrag till röntgenmikroskopin. Priset inkluderar en medaljong, 3 000 dollar och delas ut vid den internationella konferensen om röntgenmikroskopi. ✴ Vad håller du på med just nu? – För närvarande fortsätter jag min forskning vid avdelningen för synkrotronljusfysik. Jag arbetar med utvecklingen av en tidsupplöst 3D-rekonstruktionsmetod. I samarbete med Robert Klöfkorns grupp vid Matematikcentrum tillämpar vi denna metod för att studera den ultrasnabba dynamiken i vattendroppskollisioner. Senare kommer vi att utforska potentialen i att använda fysikinspirerade metoder för djupinlärning i syfte att minska exponeringstiden för ett labbaserat CT-system. Detta blir ett samarbetsprojekt med Martin Bechs grupp från avdelningen för medicinsk strålningsfysik. Bild: Privat

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  • Visa organisationssidan för NanoLund, grafik

    10 440 följare

    💫 No less than seven PhD and postdoctoral projects at NanoLund have been awarded funding in the second academic call from WISE – Wallenberg Initiative Material Science for Sustainability. 🔬 “I am really excited that our researchers were awarded the WISE grants, combining excellent research and efforts for a sustainable society is central for NanoLund,” says Anders Mikkelsen, Director of NanoLund. Lunds universitetLunds Tekniska HögskolaSara BlombergEdvin LundgrenMagnus BorgstromMattias BorgVanya Darakchieva • Erik van Loon • Jesper WallentinMedicinska fakulteten, Lunds universitetNaturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Lunds universitetLund Nano LabMAX IV Laboratory #nanoscience #nanotechnology #materialsscience #sustainability #AI #semiconductors #perovskite #nanochrystals #spintronics #catalysts #electrodes #nanowires #electrodes #biofuel #LED #hydrogen

    • A person wearing protective gloves uses a tool to handle a semiconductor wafer in the cleanroom environment of NanoLund, contributing to PhD and postdoctoral projects.
  • Visa organisationssidan för NanoLund, grafik

    10 440 följare

    Our warmest congratulations to Kristi Adhami who has now defended his thesis, “Charge Carrier Diffusion Induced Light Emitting Diodes”! ✴ 🥂 🎉 ☀ We wish you the best of luck in your new position at AWA! From Kristis’ LinkedIn account: Yesterday marked the completion of my doctoral studies! It is a great pleasure for me that after 5 years in Lund and 11 years in the world of academia to realize my high school dream of completing a PhD in Physics. This journey filled with great challenges, has been an extraordinary experience. Over the years, I have had the opportunity to expand my horizons in the field of LED lamps, a field that stands firmly close to my heart. I want to express my deepest gratitude to my family, who have always been by my side, supporting and encouraging me every step of the way, and to my mentors for their guidance and guidance. For anyone with curiosity and interest, my topic is in the following link, with a “popular science summary” entry also in Albanian. #nanoscience #nanotechnology #LED #physics Lunds Tekniska HögskolaLunds universitet

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  • Visa organisationssidan för NanoLund, grafik

    10 440 följare

    Hurra för Anne L'Huillier som får stora guldmedaljen från Kungl. Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien, IVA!

    Visa organisationssidan för Lunds universitet, grafik

    257 043 följare

    Anne L'Huillier, professor i fysik vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola tilldelas Kungl. Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien, IVAs Stora Guldmedalj 2024 för betydelsefulla insatser inom akademins verksamhetsfält 🥇👏 Anne L’Huillier tilldelas priset för sin utveckling av nya lasertekniker för generering av ultrakorta ljuspulser, och studier av ultrasnabba fysikaliska förlopp i atomer och materia. Hennes forskning har ökat förståelsen av elektronernas dynamik i atomer och materia på attosekundsskalan med tillämpningar inom bland annat elektronik, kemiska reaktioner och nanoteknik. – Jag tror att jag har en viktig roll som förebild. Det är viktigt för att inspirera den yngre generationen. Speciellt unga tjejer, säger Anne L’Huillier i IVAs pressnyhet. Anne L'Huillier tog emot Nobelpriset i fysik 2023 ✨ Läs mer:

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  • Visa organisationssidan för NanoLund, grafik

    10 440 följare

    Our warmest congratulations to Nobel Laureate Anne L'Huillier, who is awarded the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA’s Grand Gold Medal 2024 for significant contributions to the Academy’s field of activity 🥇👏   Anne L’Huillier is awarded the prize for developing new laser techniques for generating ultrashort light pulses, and studies of ultrafast physical processes in atoms and matter. Her research has increased the understanding of the dynamics of electrons in atoms and matter at the atomic scale, with applications in electronics, chemical reactions, and nanotechnology, among others.   “I believe I have an important role as a role model. It is important to inspire the younger generation. Especially young girls,” says Anne L’Huillier in IVA’s press release.✨ Lunds Tekniska HögskolaLunds universitetKungl. Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien, IVAThe Nobel Prize #attophysics #laser #physics #electrons #atoms #light #matter #nanotechnology #nanoscience  

    Visa organisationssidan för Lunds universitet, grafik

    257 043 följare

    Anne L'Huillier, professor i fysik vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola tilldelas Kungl. Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien, IVAs Stora Guldmedalj 2024 för betydelsefulla insatser inom akademins verksamhetsfält 🥇👏 Anne L’Huillier tilldelas priset för sin utveckling av nya lasertekniker för generering av ultrakorta ljuspulser, och studier av ultrasnabba fysikaliska förlopp i atomer och materia. Hennes forskning har ökat förståelsen av elektronernas dynamik i atomer och materia på attosekundsskalan med tillämpningar inom bland annat elektronik, kemiska reaktioner och nanoteknik. – Jag tror att jag har en viktig roll som förebild. Det är viktigt för att inspirera den yngre generationen. Speciellt unga tjejer, säger Anne L’Huillier i IVAs pressnyhet. Anne L'Huillier tog emot Nobelpriset i fysik 2023 ✨ Läs mer:

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  • Visa organisationssidan för NanoLund, grafik

    10 440 följare

    A large area detector, a non-coplanar detector arm, an Eulerian cradle and advanced X-ray optics for a number of different types of samples and measurements. This advanced, versatile and user-friendly XRD-system is now installed at Lund Nano Lab thanks to Crafoordska stiftelsen! 🙏 🤩

    Visa organisationssidan för Lund Nano Lab, grafik

    593 följare

    Lund Nano Lab (LNL) is now the very proud owner of a brand new state-of-the-art Bruker D8 Discover X-ray Diffraction System (XRD). Some of its many features include a large area detector, a non-coplanar detector arm, an Eulerian cradle and advanced X-ray optics for a number of different types of samples and measurements. This advanced, versatile and user-friendly XRD-system will significantly enhance the capabilities at LNL and add great value to NanoLund researchers and LNL's start up community for many years to come. We are very grateful that this equipment was funded by Crafoordska stiftelsen #Research, #Innovation, #Nanowires, #XRD Find our more about Lund Nano Lab and NanoLund here: Lund Nano Lab is part of the Swedish national research infrastructure for micro and nano fabrication, Myfab:

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