Expanding focus on the gender pay gap: How do we move towards pay equity? This has been the topic of several meetings we have organised in connection to the Nordic Council Session in Reykjavik this week. We arranged an network meeting for governmemt agencies, a fully booked seminar for parlamentarians attending the session, and a meeting with experts from academia, trade unions and ministeries in the Nordic region. Thank you all participants for sharing you knowledge on how to mowe towards pay equity! For more insights on this topic read our new report Towards pay equity: Regulations, reporting and practical application in the Nordic region: https://lnkd.in/dcuAvwyc The Nordic Council of Ministers and The Nordic Council Vera Sofie Borgen Skjetne Bufdir (The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs) Sara Andersson Jämställdhetsmyndigheten Bryndis Elfa Valdemarsdottir Johanna Lätti Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö Maria Forthun Hoen Linn Andersen The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) Maj-Britt Briem Byrial Bjørst Teknisk Landsforbund Sonja Yr Thorbergsdottir Lina Stenberg Andrea Jochmann-Döll BSRB Janina Henkes Aline Brüser CES - ETUC Christina Stockfisch Milla Järvelin Nordens Fackliga Samorganisation - Pohjolan ammatillinen yhteisjärjestö Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Line Karlskov Jensen Monia Sarenstrand Deepati Forsberg Jimmy Sand Elin Engström