This week, we are hosting the Young Generation Sweden Mid-Seminar at Studsvik, bringing together over 50 professionals from industry organizations, including Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB, Vattenfall, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB, SKB, Ringhals AB, Vattenfall, OKG, Westinghouse Electric Corporation and Studsvik. The Young Generation initiative aims to connect nuclear industry professionals, fostering a network for knowledge sharing in the nuclear and energy sectors, and encouraging valuable exchanges between younger and senior colleagues. The event kicked off with a warm welcome from Vallabh Venkatachalam followed by Joakim Lundström, who shared key insights into Studsvik’s work, setting the stage for a packed agenda. Over the next two days, participants will engage in expert-led presentations highlighting Studsvik’s unique capabilities and innovations in the field. The program also includes presentations from our neighboring companies, AB Svafo and Cyclife Sweden AB, as well as a tour to our new inDRUM Demo Facility and a VR workshop hosted by Cyclife, providing hands-on experiences that bring the future of our industry to life. It’s inspiring to see this knowledge-sharing and networking in action right here at Studsvik! #NuclearIndustry #YoungGeneration #Innovation #Studsvik
Om oss
Studsvik erbjuder en rad avancerade tekniska tjänster till den globala kärnkraftsindustrin. Studsviks fokusområden är bränsle-och materialteknik, programvara för härdövervakning och bränsleoptimering samt tekniska lösningar för hantering, konditionering och volymreduktion av radioaktivt avfall. Företaget har över 70 års erfarenhet av kärnteknik och tjänster i radiologisk miljö. Studsvik har 520 anställda i 7 länder och företagets aktier är noterade på Nasdaq Stockholm
- Webbplats
Extern länk för Studsvik
- Bransch
- Forskning
- Företagsstorlek
- 501–1 000 anställda
- Typ
- Publikt aktiebolag
- Grundat
- 1947
- Specialistområden
- Fuel and Materials Technology och Consultancy Services
Anställda på Studsvik
🌍 Exciting Times for Studsvik! A New Chapter in Growth and Innovation Begins 🚀 We recently welcomed Karl Thedeen as Studsvik’s new President and CEO. With his extensive experience leading complex, high-tech organizations through impactful growth, Karl is well-prepared to help us accelerate Studsvik’s journey. A heartfelt thank you to Camilla Hoflund, who has dedicated over 30 years to Studsvik, including the last seven years as Group CEO. Her focus on transformation and long-term profitability has laid a solid foundation, making Studsvik well-positioned to expand our horizons and build on our strengths. With a renewed focus, we’re ready to leverage opportunities in the nuclear sector, harnessing our expertise to drive smart, impactful growth. Here’s to a future filled with progress, innovation, and continued success for Studsvik. Stay tuned! #Studsvik #Leadership #GrowthJourney #NuclearInnovation #KarlThedéen #EmpoweringTomorrow #Nuclear
If in Prague this week, go visit my skilled colleagues and learn how Studsvik can support your business!
Studsvik is a proud sponsor and exhibitor of the PWR Prague 2024 conference held this week in Prague, Czech Republic. Organized by the Czech Nuclear Society, the conference brings together experts from nuclear power plants spanning PWR and VVER style reactors to discuss safe, reliable, and long-term operation. Pictured: Kalin Lafchiev, Jitka Zakova, Emiliya Georgieva, Gerd Anton, Melanie Joseph
Studsvik is a proud sponsor and exhibitor of the PWR Prague 2024 conference held this week in Prague, Czech Republic. Organized by the Czech Nuclear Society, the conference brings together experts from nuclear power plants spanning PWR and VVER style reactors to discuss safe, reliable, and long-term operation. Pictured: Kalin Lafchiev, Jitka Zakova, Emiliya Georgieva, Gerd Anton, Melanie Joseph
This week, we are excited to gather at #TopFuel2024, hosted by the European Nuclear Society in Grenoble, to explore the latest developments in nuclear technology, connect with industry peers, and network. Together, we are deepening our understanding of reactor and fuel performance. We are pleased to see a record number of participants this year, with vibrant discussions and future visions driving the industry's progress. Studsvik is proud to be part of the event, contributing several papers and presentations that showcase our expertise in advancing the nuclear field. The technical sessions cover a range of critical topics, including advances in fuel designs, materials and manufacturing, operations, ATF, used fuel storage and transportation, modeling and analysis, transient fuel behavior, and safety. If you’re attending, reach out and say hello – Carolina Losin, Ulrik Svensson, Joakim Karlsson, Mi Wang, Johan Stjärnsäter, Ivan Pidchenko, Peter Askeljung, David Schrire, Olof Tengstrand, Peter Zsabka, Robin Andersson and Ellen Gremo is on-site. Nuclear knowledge is our edge – let's solve your challenges together. #studsvik #topfuel #nuclear #NuclearDevelopment
This week, the Fuel & Materials Technology team had the pleasure of attending HOTLAB 2024 – the 60th Annual Meeting on Hot Laboratories and Remote Handling, hosted by the Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group (NRG). We were excited to present our new cutting-edge microscope (Light Optical Microscopy, LOM) for irradiated fuel investigations and active materials, alongside 10 years of in-cell LOCA testing experience – all delivered by our talented young experts. ⭐ The global interest in our presentations was overwhelming, and we are proud that Studsvik continues to set the standard for nuclear R&D laboratories worldwide. This event was not only a showcase of innovation but also an excellent opportunity for networking and sparking collaborations across nuclear R&D facilities and hot cell research. #NuclearInnovation #hotlab2024 #FuelTesting #MaterialsTechnology #Studsvik
Studsvik omdelade detta
Speaker presentation - CET2024 proudly presents: Rafał Kasprów, CEO, ORLEN Synthos Green Energy and Camilla Hoflund, President and CEO, Studsvik Both Rafał and Camilla will speak on the conference's first day. Rafal's presentation has the title 'Orlen Synthos Green Energy and BWRX-300 – most advanced SMR project in the EU'. Camilla's title of her presentation is 'The importance of international collaboration/Collaboration for the future of our industry'. You'll find the full program on our web at Join us in Oskarshamn, Sweden between 18-20 September! Organising parties: Oskarshamns kommun | OKG | Nova Utbildning, FoU & Affärsutveckling | Kungliga Tekniska högskolan | Uniper Sverige | Centre for New Energy Technology in Oskarshamn (CNETO)
Studsvik attended the World Nuclear Symposium conference this week in London, UK. 🇬🇧The global event focused on the theme of “Turning Momentum into Energy” and how accelerating nuclear energy is part of the solution for countries to achieve net-zero goals. #NuclearSympo
Studsvik omdelade detta
From 4th to 6th September, World Nuclear Association will host a gathering of distinguished nuclear industry leaders, experts, and executives in Central London. This event will be a unique opportunity to share crucial insights and experiences, all with the shared goal of advancing nuclear energy as a vital contributor to the global shift towards a cleaner, more sustainable future. My colleagues and I from Studsvik are proud to be part of this event. If you're attending, I'd love to connect - please don't hesitate to say hello! #nuclearsympo ⚛
Vi är stolta över att DI Weekend/Dagens industri lyfter fram vår VD Camilla Hoflund, en av få kvinnliga börs-VD! Med hennes orädda och nyfikna ledarskap driver hon Studsvik framåt inom innovation och kärnteknik. Camilla är en inspirerande förebild som visar vägen för framtidens ledare. Efter decennier av avveckling finns det återigen ett politiskt beslut om ny kärnkraft i Sverige. I återuppbyggnaden kan Studsvik spela en viktig roll med sin kärntekniska spetskompetens. Camilla, med sina 30 år på företaget, är redo att möta den svenska marknaden och bidra till en hållbar energiframtid. ”Vi har byggt upp den internationella arenan, och nu vill jag vara med och bygga upp en nationell arena också. Vi bör bidra i den svenska uppväxlingen, med tanke på de möjligheter och förutsättningar vi har,” säger Camilla Hoflund. Läs mer om vår resa och framtidsvisioner i helgens DI Weekend! #ledarskap #innovation #kärnteknik #förebild #kvinnligtledarskap #VD #studsvik #di #diweekend