It's already been two weeks since we gathered expertise from around the world and discussed how we are converging our energy system for a sustainable future in glorious Oskarshamn.
Thanks again to all the brilliant speakers, the almost 300 committed participants and roughly 70 engaging master students and the organisations that were a part of the excited exhibition. Awesome!
Also, an extended thanks ever so much from the organising committee to all who helped executing excellent ground work on site: Théresé Andersen, Maria Ihse, Katharina Hultgren, Marika Karlstad, Göran Persson, Sofie Bladström, Ellinor Adler, Olga Maskenskaya, Lotta Sand-Rydberg, Axengard Åsa, Martina Hesselring, Elenor Håkansson, Maria Roth, Dzenana Basic, Elin Bergstrand, Henrik Jardbring, Titti Falk 💥