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Dear CATIA fellows, It is a pleasure to invite you to our next CATIA Design User Talk, on March 25 at 10:00AM CET. This time, we will dive into the fascinating world of aerospace design by discovering NTNU Propulse, an autonomous student rocketry team from the University of Trondheim in Norway. They aim to reach space with a self-developed liquid-fueled rocket, that already reaches thousands of km/h in seconds! They experiment beyond theory by working on every step of the engineering project, from the design to the production, test and launch phases, using 3DEXPERIENCE solutions. As part of this fantastic initiative, Anders Hestad, a student from the team, will present how he designs the entire cooling channels of the combustion chamber within the rocket engine with CATIA Visual Scripting, accompanied by our R&D expert Edouard SUTRE. As usual, this talk will be live here on LinkedIn, YouTube, and in our CATIA Design & Styling community. Join us live on March 25 and experiment with a new approach to design with Visual Scripting!