In February 1925, an image appeared in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. Two students at KTH had invented a #refrigerator without moving parts. Electrolux Group bought the patent from the students Baltzar von Platen and Carl Munters and paid for a position at KTH to support refrigeration technology. This was the start of the Division of Applied Thermodynamics and Refrigeration. 100 years later, the division is globally famous for its environment for advanced energy system research. They have persistently continued to develop technology for #thermodynamics and refrigeration. But today they work on far more complex issues like hybrid energy storage, energy systems integration and digital solutions. Still going strong! PS. Welcome to the museum at Brinellvägen 68 in Stockholm, where you can find several old prototypes. #energystorage #hybridenergy #energy #energyresearch #energyhistory
Energy at KTH
Stockholm, Stockholm County 7 739 följare
Forskning mot ett hållbart globalt energisystem
Om oss
Energiforskningen vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan har en gemensam vision – att utveckla energisystem med minimal klimatpåverkan samtidigt som ekosystemen värnas och människor runt om i världen får energi för sina grundläggande behov. På KTH är vi mer än 450 forskare i 30 forskargrupper och fem kompetenscentra inom 17 forskningsområden relaterade till energifrågor. Å ena sidan forskar vi för att eliminera klimatförändringar med nya kärnreaktorer, SMR, effektivare solceller, biobränslen och fusionsreaktorer. Vi utvecklar även smarta elnät, värmeöverföringar, batterier för att lagra energi och effektivare värmepumpar. Å andra sidan, bortom teknikutveckling, studerar vi de energisystem som behövs i en global, marknadsbaserad ekonomi. Detta inkluderar primära energikällor, omvandlingsteknik, energianvändning och miljömässiga och socioekonomiska effekter av energisystemet. Skolan för industriell teknik och management, KTH, ansvarar för denna sida och modererar innehållet mån-fre 8–17: Användarvillkor för KTH:s konton i sociala medier:
- Webbplats
Extern länk för Energy at KTH
- Bransch
- Forskning
- Företagsstorlek
- 1 001–5 000 anställda
- Huvudkontor
- Stockholm, Stockholm County
- Grundat
- 2023
- Specialistområden
- Batteries, Electrification, Energy storage, Research, Energy system, Electrical engineering, Fusion, Solar cells, Biofuel, Heat pump, University, Conversion technology, Wind power, Wave power och Nuclear energy
How could energy efficiency look like - visually? Submit your photo by 13 April to IEA's photo competition, for a chance to showcase your work at International Energy Agency (IEA)’s Global Conference in Brussels this summer. #energy #energyefficiency
From heat pumps & air conditioners to LED lighting & insulation, energy-efficient technologies can transform the way we use energy in homes, schools, workplaces, and cities. Ahead of our 10th Annual Global Conference on #EnergyEfficiency in June, we’re inviting young people from around the world to capture the meaning of efficiency in their lives through photography. Submit your photo by 13 April for a chance to showcase your work at IEA’s Global Conference in Brussels this summer 👉
We're pleased to welcome these three new researchers to our division, Heat and Power Technology! at Kungliga Tekniska högskolan. With all of their diverse expertise and enthusiasm, Aashna, Carlo, and Emily are great additions to our team. Meet Aashna Raj, Unit of Heat and Power Technology (EKV). She is a postdoctoral researcher on the @MERiT+ project, funded by the Swedish National Space Agency (SNSA). Her research studies #NickelAlloys, #HydrocarbonFuels, and channel geometries to understand pressure loss and other performance factors under different operating conditions. She will also work closely with GKN Aerospace Sweden and the European Space Agency - ESA. Also new onboard, Carlo Rotundo, a doctoral student at EKV, is part of the DARLING project, which is coordinated by GKN Aerospace AB and funded by Vinnova. His research focuses on compressor blade damage in aeromechanics, where he will develop an advanced model to detect and quantify damage using #Aerodynamic and #AeromechanicalData. Carlo will also conduct experimental campaigns at the ITSM lab in Stuttgart, working with the ACTIVE compressor test rig. Not to mention, Emily Fricke, a postdoctoral researcher, contributed to the COMHPTES and PRINCESS projects. In the COMHPTES project, she aims to develop a compact, modular heat pump and #ThermalEnergyStorage system for industrial heating and cooling applications; the project hopes to support industrial decarbonization. Read more about their research in that article:
A few weeks ago, researchers from the Heat and Power Technology division visited the Plataforma Solar de Almería - CIEMAT for a day of collaboration and knowledge exchange. The visit gave insights into cutting-edge facilities supporting the PRINCESS and DETECTIVE projects, which focus on advancing point-focus and linear solar concentration technologies. Thanks to the guides and experts Arantxa Fernández, Daniel Sánchez, Diego Alarcón, and Margarita Rodríguez who guided the researchers at the impressive facilities! #energy #solarenergy #solarconcentration #sustainableenergy
Energy at KTH omdelade detta
It is difficult to manufacture batteries on a large scale. Addressing this challenge is exactly what KTH’s expertise is set to tackle with a new initiative. Nearly 30 researchers and specialists attended the inaugural meeting of 3PC (Process, Production, Product, and Circularity) on Monday. “The key for success is to mobilize talented researchers across key disciplines. Today, we have material scientists, production experts, electro-chemists, and process technology researchers talking together. It is a very good start,” says Christophe Duwig, one of the initiative’s key figures.
Imagine if your phone could charge itself just by using your body heat instead of plugging it into the socket all the time. José Francisco Serrano Claumarchirant, a postdoctoral researcher in applied physics, is involved in creating special, flexible materials that can turn body heat into electricity. Comfortable to wear, and much better for the environment! Jose has just been awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship from the EU to develop these hybrid thermoelectric materials within the project SWEET. Read more: #energy #heattransfer #thermoelectric #materialsscience Materials Science at KTH KTH Royal Institute of Technology Muhammet Toprak
Today KTH kicked off our strategic initiative for large-scale manufacturing of #batteries with a workshop. Follow the journey... #energy #battery #batteryproduction
Professor, Decarbonization, Process Technology, Heat Transfer and Reacting Flows, at KTH Royal Institute of Technology
KTH 3PC is Kungliga Tekniska högskolan strategic initiative for large-scale manufacturing of batteries. Today, we had our first 2025 workshop with 30 eminent researchers, the message: opportunities are coming soon, let's be ready! Thank you Anders Marén from Vinnova and Stegrin Göran from Energimyndigheten for you participation. Thank you all the people who made this event rocking Magnus Wiktorsson Anna Gullers Sayyed Shoaib-ul-Hasan M.Reza Akbarkermani Magnus Burman Rakel Wreland Lindström Kerstin Forsberg Lina Bertling Tjernberg Pierre Bodin Johan Blaus Verena Löfqvist Klass Shiva Sander Tavallaey Martin Karlsson James Gardner Istvan Furo Andreas Feldmann Raquel Lizárraga Vincent Wang Henrik Ernstson Samaneh Teimouri Dilip Khatiwada, PhD. Docent (Reader) Farzin Golzar Lars Nordström Lorenzo Botto Amir Rashid #KTH #Knowledge #Collaboration #CleanEnergy #decarbonize #ClimateAction #CleanAir #Sustainability
Future power systems may become more vulnerable due to the broad integration of renewable energy, electric vehicles, connected cyber-physical networks and increasing extreme events (disasters, cyberattacks). This gives you, who are passionate about sustainability and energy, an opportunity to, within the framework of a PhD education, help develop and integrate microgrids into sustainable energy systems. It is crucial to managing the variability of renewable resources and achieving decarbonization goals. The project offers PhD studies within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) funded PhD student network program, Ideal4Green, which addresses the urgent challenges of climate change and the global shift towards sustainable energy systems. #Microgrids, which integrate different energy sources (e.g. #RenewableEnergy, #EnergyStorage, local controllable load) can be either grid-connected or islanded, providing a possible solution to achieve self-sufficiency and improve grid resilience. This project aims to develop optimal coordination and control strategies for microgrids to achieve self-balancing when disconnected from the grid and grid support functions when connected to the grid. Supervision: Prof.Hans Edin Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, Docent Qianwen Xu KTH, Dr. Fredrik Carlsson at Vattenfall Last application date: 10 Mar 2025
25–26 March: Join us for the 13th Open Energy Modelling (openmod2025) Workshop! Theme: Open and Inclusive Energy Modelling Place: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Hurry and sign up by 7 March! #OpenMod2025 is the 13th in a row – this year organized at KTH, focusing on inclusivity in open energy systems modelling, with a particular emphasis on regions facing data scarcity, low-quality datasets, and limited access to open tools. The organising Division of Energy Systems have long engaged in capacity building and model development beyond Europe, working with researchers and practitioners in low- and middle-income countries. Hosting this year’s OpenMod, they want to challenge the community to share insights on working in diverse contexts, while, of course, also welcoming traditional open energy modelling contributions! Tackling climate and energy challenges demands transdisciplinary, co-creative, and open approaches. This workshop will explore how we can expand participation in open energy modelling without compromising technical rigour. Please contribute on: - Best practices for open, high-resolution, and computationally intensive modelling - Inclusive coding and accessible workflows - Addressing data scarcity in LMIC applications - Co-creating models and data with diverse communities - Model intercomparison, coupling, and benchmarking across disciplines - Training and workshops and knowledge-sharing activities designed to overcome barriers to participation. … in a format that suits you: 🔹 Lightning Talks – Share key insights in under 4 minutes 🔹 Breakout Sessions – Engage in tutorials, do-a-thons, or discussions (1.5–3 hours) 🔹 Social Activities – Suggest a short morning or evening activity to foster connections See you in Stockholm on 25 March! #OpenMod2025 #EnergySystemModelling #ClimateAction #OpenScience #InclusiveModelling #CapacitySharingforEnergyModelling #Energy
Are you interested in Physics and Energy in general and Nuclear Energy Engineering in particular? Then, apply for our advertised position as a PhD student in Nuclear Safety at the School of Engineering Science at KTH. The Nuclear Safety Group at the Department of Nuclear Science & Engineering researches accident phenomena that are essential for risk assessment of current and future nuclear reactors. The group also performs safety analyses for nuclear power plants, including analyses of design-based accidents and severe accidents. The research projects involve extensive international collaboration. We are looking for a PhD student to conduct cutting-edge research on interactions between core melt and structures below the reactor vessel in severe accidents of light water reactors. The work involves experimental and analytical studies on melt-structure interactions that are important for risk analysis of core melt outside the reactor vessel in severe accidents. #Physics #Energy #NuclearEnergy #PhDstudent Funds from the APRI-12 program support the PhD project. Application deadline March 14: