SUSTAINORDIC omdelade detta
👷♀️👷♂️ Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and the Potential of Sustainable Innovation in Construction 🏗🌱 The Nordic construction and real estate sectors play a central role in the region’s economy and employment. However, they are also significant contributors to emissions and environmental challenges, including resource depletion, pollution, and biodiversity loss. Addressing these issues is not merely a technical or industry-specific challenge but a societal question requiring collaborative action across public and private sectors. Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) make up a large amount of the European construction sector and workforce and there for play a significant role in the green transition. In some cases, they have the flexibility to adapt to new building practices and work in more sustainable and circular methods, yet they face systemic barriers like restrictive regulations, limited market access, and financial constraints. Introducing new legislations and stricter requirements can therefore have a significant impact for the SMEs, and might be a defining factor for their business. The latest report from SUSTAINORDIC outlines actionable pathways to accelerate more sustainable construction practices by focusing on three key areas: 1️ Promoting Nature-Based, Circular, and Local Materials: Supporting renewable, low-emission materials tailored to local contexts. 2️ Advancing Gentle Demolition for Recycling: Prioritising material reuse to foster a circular economy. 3️ Facilitating Redistribution of Used Materials: Creating systems for surplus resource reuse to maximise efficiency and lifecycle value. Read the report here Nordic Innovation, Nordisk Råd og Nordisk Ministerråd, Form/Design Center, SUSTAINORDIC, Pernille Martiny Modvig, Rasmus Malmborg , Marthe Haugland, Dorte Bo Bojesen, Johan Jönsson, Angelica Åkerman