Bland fyra nominerade bidrag utsågs Stockholm Wood City till vinnare av Fastighetsgalan Award 2024 – ett rikstäckande pris som hyllar ett projekt som gjort, eller kommer att göra, ett extraordinärt avtryck på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden. I en banbrytande satsning har Atrium Ljungberg tagit initiativ till Stockholm Wood City – världens största urbana stadsbyggnadsprojekt i trä. Detta ambitiösa projekt, beläget i Sickla, kommer att bli ett internationellt skyltfönster för hållbart byggande och en förebild för hur vi kan skapa mer resilienta och klimatsmarta städer för framtiden. – Vi är mycket glada över denna utmärkelse och tacksamma för förtroendet att vara en del av att utforma en så viktig och nyskapande stadsdel. Stockholm Wood City visar på arkitekturens centrala roll i utvecklingen av hållbara samhällen och vi hoppas att det ska inspirera fler att tänka långsiktigt och hållbart när vi möter de utmaningar som ett förändrat klimat innebär, säger Oskar Norelius, ansvarig arkitekt. Projektet sträcker sig över hela 250 000 kvadratmeter och kommer att erbjuda plats för cirka 7 000 arbetsplatser och 2 000 bostäder. Stadsdelen byggs med ett långsiktigt hållbarhetsfokus där träbyggnader inte bara minskar klimatpåverkan utan också skapar en sundare och mer trivsam miljö för de som bor och arbetar här. Det första kvarteret i Stockholm Wood City är redan under uppförande och beräknas stå klara 2026. Läs mer här: Bild: White Arkitekter och Atrium Ljungberg #whitearkitekter #arkitektur #hållbarstad
White Arkitekter
Arkitektur och planering
Our mission is to enable sustainable life, through the art of architecture.
Om oss
White Arkitekter is one of Scandinavia’s leading architectural practices. We work with sustainable architecture, urban design, landscape architecture and interior design for current and future generations. Our mission is to enable sustainable life through the art of architecture. Our vision is that by 2030 all our projects will be carbon negative. We are an employee-owned architecture collective of about 700 employees, with presence in Sweden, Norway, UK, Germany, Canada and East Africa.
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Extern länk för White Arkitekter
- Bransch
- Arkitektur och planering
- Företagsstorlek
- 501–1 000 anställda
- Huvudkontor
- Göteborg
- Typ
- Partnerskap
- Grundat
- 1951
- Specialistområden
- Architecture, Arkitektur, Sustainability, Urban Planning, Interior Architecture, Project Management, Urban Design, Culture & Leisure, Healthcare, Social Sustainability, Environment och Digital Design
Anställda på White Arkitekter
”En skola där alla är välkomna. Där drömmar uppfylls.” Så beskriver en elev sin vision för nya Östergårdsskolan i Halmstad. Den nya skolbyggnaden och utemiljön har utformats med fokus på att skapa en trygg, utvecklande och inspirerande arbetsmiljö för alla åldrar, lärstilar och personligheter. Östergårdsskolan invigdes i augusti 2024 och rymmer 900 elever i årskurserna 4–9, fritidshem för mellanstadiet samt flexlokaler för elever med behov av lugn och ro. Byggnaden inkluderar en fullstor idrottshall, tillagningskök och bevarade skyddsrum. En identitetsskapande fasad och en tydlig entrémiljö bidrar till stolthet hos både elever, personal och pedagoger. Elevernas inspel har spelat en viktig roll i utformningen, där önskan om en mer sammanhållen byggnad i flera våningar med en pampig huvudentré lyftes fram – kanske som en motreaktion till den gamla skolan från sent 60-tal, med utspridda huskroppar och många entréer. Gestaltningen har anpassats för att både synas på långt håll och bjuda på detaljer som tilltalar på nära håll. Två röda tegelkulörer och fyra fogfärger har kombinerats på fasaden, medan idrottshallen fått fält i olika kulörer som fasadskivor. Invändigt präglas skolan av naturmaterial, med björk som återkommande inslag i listverk, väggbeklädnad och inredning. Perforerade ytor fungerar som ljudabsorbenter, och platsbyggda gradänger i björkplywood skapar sittplatser i de öppna lärmiljöerna. Idrottshallarna är utformade för både skola och föreningsliv, med tillgång via huvudentrén och den centrala trappan. Den fullstora hallen har dagsljusinsläpp, läktare för 400 personer och är tillgänglig för alla. Skolgården färdigställs sommaren 2025 och kommer att erbjuda både återhämtande rum och ytor för fartfyllda aktiviteter. Naturinslag och varierad terräng bidrar till fysiska utmaningar och ett lekfullt landskap. Läs mer om Östergårdsskolan här: Foto: Henrik Rosenqvist Halmstads kommun #whitearkitekter #arkitektur #lärandemiljöer #idrottochrörelse
🌿 Exploring the future of sustainable housing | Last Tuesday, White Arkitekter’s London office hosted the first Refine event of 2025, bringing together experts to discuss the UK government’s ambitious pledge to deliver 1.5 million new homes over the next five years. Part of White Arkitekter’s recurring event series, Refine delves into pressing architectural and urban development topics, with this edition focusing on sustainable housing at scale. Through a dynamic panel discussion, experts shared insights and strategies for achieving sustainable housing at scale. Drawing on examples from the UK, Sweden, and the Netherlands, the conversation explored approaches such as new towns, estate regeneration, and retrofitting, offering valuable lessons on balancing housing needs with environmental goals. 💡 Key takeaways from the evening included: - Eliminating VAT on retrofit and nature-based building materials to incentivise sustainable construction. - Establishing long-term national and local government strategies to provide certainty for developers and support coordinated urban development. - We need to use our imaginations and break out of the status quo. A special thanks to our chair, Phineas Harper (Design Council Homes Taskforce), and speakers Selasi Setufe MBE (GLA & Black Females in Architecture), Russ Edwards (Latimer by Clarion Housing Group), Kevin Logan (Maccreanor Lavington), and our own Linda Thiel for their thought-provoking contributions. We also extend our gratitude to everyone who attended and contributed to the discussions. Read more: Image: Gascoigne West Phase 2, London, completed in mid-2024, delivers 386 new homes and a 1,500 sqm playground – setting a new benchmark for equitable and sustainable urban living. Photography: Paul Riddle Photographer and Rafael Ferrés Echavarren #whitearkitekter #sustainablehousing #housingforall
Vi är stolta över att vi tillsammans med våra samarbetspartners AKT II och K2S, har valts ut att delta i det parallella uppdraget för den nya stadion i Malmö. Projektet är en del av Malmö stads och Skanskas vision att skapa en friidrotts- och fotbollsanläggning av internationell klass. Med fokus på hög arkitektonisk kvalitet, hållbarhet och funktionalitet är målet att skapa en byggnad som blir en ikon för Malmö och som älskas av både invånare och besökare. Vårt projektteam kombinerar internationell spetskompetens inom arenadesign med lokal förståelse och djup kunskap om hållbarhetslösningar. Med erfarenhet från tidigare stadionprojekt, god lokalkännedom och ett passionerat samspel mellan arkitektur och ingenjörskonst ser vi fram emot att bidra till att förverkliga denna vision. Tack till Skanska och Malmö stad för förtroendet. Vi är glada över att få vara en del av detta spännande projekt och ser fram emot det fortsatta arbetet! Läs mer om teamet som arbetar med uppdraget: Bilden nedan visar 3Arena, en av världens mest avancerade och tillgängliga arenor, som vi har ritat. Bilden har ingen koppling till designen av nya Malmö stadion.
White Arkitekter nominated twice for the world’s best healthcare architecture of the past decade. 🎉 When the European Healthcare Design Awards honours the best healthcare architecture of the past decade, White Arkitekter has two nominated projects: Carlanderska Hospital and Queen Silvia’s Children’s Hospital, both located in Gothenburg. Each year, the prestigious European Healthcare Design Awards recognises the world’s leading healthcare architecture. This year, special Champions Awards will also be presented, where winners from the past ten years compete in a “champion of champions” competition for healthcare architecture. A total of 18 projects from across the globe are nominated across six categories. White Arkitekter is one of only two firms in the world with two nominated projects. – We are incredibly proud of these nominations! Both projects are characterised by thoughtful design, where the building, interiors, art, and landscape combine to create a harmonious whole. Each time I revisit these spaces, I am especially delighted by the immense pride the staff take in their beautifully designed workplaces. This is the essence of great healthcare architecture, says Cristiana Caira, Lead Architect at White Arkitekter. The extension and redevelopment of Carlanderska Hospital, Carlanderska sjukhuset, undertaken for the Carlanderska Hospital Foundation, has been nominated in the Design for Adaptation and Transformation category and commissioned by Västfastigheter and Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset, White Arkitekter designed the groundbreaking Queen Silvia’s Children’s Hospital, which is nominated in the Interior Design and the Arts category. The European Healthcare Design Awards is the world’s most prestigious prize for healthcare architecture, organised by SALUS Global Knowledge Exchange and Architects For Health. The winners will be announced on 12 February. Read more here: Photo: Bert Leandersson James Silverman #whitearkitekter #healthcarearchitecture #healthand
🎉 Second Year of Recognition for Gascoigne Estate Regeneration at the Pineapple Awards 🍍 | The 2025 Pineapple Awards has shortlisted West Phase 2 of the Gascoigne Estate regeneration for Place of the Year, marking another milestone in Barking’s ongoing transformation. This achievement builds on the success of East Phase 2, which earned the title of Place of the Year at the prestigious 2024 awards. Completed in mid-2024, West Phase 2 delivers 386 new homes and a 1,500 sqm playground, setting a new benchmark for equitable and sustainable urban living. Developed by Be First Regeneration Limited, the urban regeneration company of the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, and designed by White Arkitekter, the project embodies Scandinavian principles of wellbeing, climate resilience, and community-focused design. “This project gave us the opportunity to improve the quantity and quality of housing for local people in Barking and enable a paradigm shift from estate to neighbourhood. Receiving recognition for the second year in a row highlights the collaborative efforts that have shaped this transformative regeneration,” says Linda Thiel, Partner at White Arkitekter. The development offers private outdoor spaces, shared courtyards, and a flexible Community Hub to foster a sense of belonging. Play is seamlessly integrated throughout the public realm, creating an engaging environment for all age groups. With energy-efficient homes and enhanced public spaces, the regeneration stands out as one of London’s greenest and most affordable neighbourhoods. The 2024 win for East Phase 2 and this year’s shortlisting for West Phase 2 showcase the dedication of the project team, partners, and the local community. Together, they are redefining urban regeneration and setting a new benchmark for sustainable living in Barking. The winners will be announced at the Festival of Pineapples award event in early April. Read more about Gascoigne West Phase 2 and the nomination: The Pineapples by The Developer and Festival of Place celebrates the very best in placemaking and place-led initiatives, with an exciting programme and a commitment to recognising projects that make a positive social, environmental and economic impact. Wates Group Residential tp bennett fabrik Mason Navarro Pledge Ltd Images: Paul Riddle Photographer #whitearkitekter #housingforall #democraticarchitecture #socialsustainability
Taking a holistic approach to the built environment – encompassing energy, materials, and design—can yield significant economic, environmental, and social benefits. Currently, several innovative projects are underway where sustainable solutions are paving the way for inclusivity and enriched living environments. Martin Ehn Hillberg, Office Director, and Lise-Lott Larsson Kolessar, Process Leader and Sustainability Strategist at White Arkitekter in Stockholm, share their insights. The transition to circularity, strengthening biodiversity, and addressing energy challenges are three key areas. But perhaps the most critical issue is ensuring that our efforts create added value by contributing to a more inclusive society. We need to achieve a fair transition – one that not only makes the Earth’s resources last but also fosters new opportunities for people to thrive and grow. - For cities to thrive with life, experiences, and diversity, we must integrate nature as optimally as possible into the built environment. We work with the concept of regenerative design, which involves starting with what already exists, minimizing the environmental impact of any additions we make, says Martin Ehn Hillberg, office director at White Arkitekter in Stockholm. Working with sustainability in a holistic and structured way can become a positive force for local communities. It leads to a more vibrant and engaging built environment while fostering participation and a sense of belonging for those who live and work there. - To create positive-energy districts, for example, we use a process called PEPP (Positive Energy Planning Process). This brings together stakeholders from municipalities and property owners to energy companies and researchers, says Lise-Lott Larsson Kolessar, process leader and sustainability strategist at White Arkitekter in Stockholm. Interested in learning more: Images: Måns Berg and White #whitearkitekter #architecture #sustainability #regerativearchitecture
White Arkitekter finalist in Tromsø Cultural Quarter Competition. In collaboration with Mestres Wåge Arkitekter, White Arkitekter’s proposal ‘Kontrapunkt’ was selected as a finalist in a prestigious pre-qualified competition for Tromsø's new cultural quarter. Prominently located on the quay, the proposal envisions a sculptural building to house the Nordnorsk Art Museum and the new Arktisk Philharmonic Concert Hall, with a 1,200-seat auditorium and a 400-seat chamber music hall. The design is a composition of elegant volumes in white concrete, with surfaces ranging from glossy to rough, evoking Arctic landscapes. The walls transition seamlessly from exterior to interior, blurring boundaries and creating a cohesive experience. This collaborative effort involved Mestres Wåge Arkitekter, Brekke & Strand Akustikk, DIFK, HRP, CIVITAS, and Novoscen. Congratulations to Nordic Office of Architecture and ALA Architects, who have been awarded the contract! Read more about our proposal: Images: Playtime #whitearkitekter #arkitektur #culturalquarter
Bring Gothenburg’s Floating Gardens to Life! The sea, river, and lakes form the unique lifeblood of our city. This proximity to water is a gift—one that, if carefully nurtured, could greatly enrich our quality of life. Imagine Gothenburg’s floating gardens: a landmark for a responsible future where ecosystem services and recreation take center stage. This vision was presented by architect Jacob Sahlqvist and landscape architect Louise Didriksson in an op-ed published in mid-October in Göteborgs-Posten, one of Sweden’s largest newspapers. As Gothenburg grows, interest in urban nature is increasing. There’s much talk about connecting the city closer to the water, but we propose going further. We envision Gothenburg’s Floating Gardens – a river park where architecture creates a spectacular experience in harmony with nature. Gothenburg is already recognized as the world’s most sustainable destination, yet many of its landmarks are rooted in another era. Isn’t it time for a modern landmark? One that positions Gothenburg as a global pioneer in blue-green environments? We see the vision clearly: lush islands floating along the River Göta, bridging the old and new city. Here, spaces for recreation, urban farming, cultural experiences, ecotourism, and biodiversity can flourish. Read more about our vision here: Image: Daniel Hultman, White Arkitekter #whitearkitekter #landscapearchitecture #regenerativearchitecture
✨ Highlights – Looking Ahead to 2025 | As we wrap up our highlights, we’re turning our focus to an exciting year ahead. Here’s a selection of projects—a glimpse into some of the many inspiring initiatives we’ll be working on in 2025. We look forward to continuing the journey together—here’s to an inspiring 2025! 🎉 The construction of Stockholm Wood City in Sickla is underway, beginning with Kvarter 7 at Nobelberget, designed by White Arkitekter for Atrium Ljungberg, the driving force behind the project. Stockholm Wood City, initiated by Atrium Ljungberg, is the world’s largest urban development project built entirely from wood. Spanning 250,000 square meters in central Sickla, this groundbreaking project aims to set a global benchmark for sustainable construction. The Loop Lund is a hub for collaboration between academia, industry, research, and culture. Situated in the heart of Lund’s rapidly growing innovation and research district, Science Village in Brunnshög, The Loop offers state-of-the-art facilities, including the impressive Science Village Hall event space. Set to open in early 2025, The Loop will become Lund’s vibrant new meeting place, fostering connections and innovation. Designed by White Arkitekter for Trähem, Kv Fröet in Uppsala is a climate-positive wooden neighborhood that prioritizes reuse and resource-efficient living. Development will continue in Rosendal, a vibrant new district just minutes by bike from Uppsala city centre. With timeless design and deep respect for its surroundings, Skövde’s new crematorium will be completed in 2025—a space offering comfort and solace. A crematorium is a unique type of building, demanding extraordinary sensitivity and understanding. Designed to welcome all—visitors, passersby, and staff—the crematorium blends public spaces and functional work environments with the tranquility the site demands. Inspired by the forest and existing topography, it provides a serene clearing for final farewells and atmospheric concerts. A place for everyone, regardless of faith or needs. Svenska kyrkan A new multi-purpose sports hall in Rykkinn, built with robust natural materials and designed to maximize daylight, is under construction. Featuring a solid timber structure with exposed glulam beams and wood-clad interiors, the hall is owned by Bærum Municipality and will serve Eineåsen School during school hours and local sports clubs after hours and on weekends. With ØMF as the main contractor, the project is scheduled for completion in summer 2025. Read more on our website: #whitearkitekter #architecture #healthcare