Working in Sweden

Working in Sweden

Ideella organisationer

Helping you launch your career in Sweden

Om oss

We're bringing together immigrant job seekers and hiring managers in Sweden under one roof to help them connect! We'll also be providing: ⭐️ Job search tips ⭐️ CV and cover letter tips ⭐️ Advice directly from recruiters ⭐️ Job openings from across Sweden ⭐️ And so much more! Welcome! :)

Ideella organisationer
11–50 anställda


  • Visa organisationssidan för Working in Sweden, grafik

    4 905 följare

    We’re taking a quick look at the gender pay gap in Sweden, just in time for International Equal Pay Day on Sept. 18th! Sweden introduced the Discrimination Act in 2009, which states that employers should actively work towards eliminating the pay gap between men and women — and fight against workplace harassment. This ties into a few cornerstones in Swedish society. One is the idea that everyone, regardless of gender, has the right to work and support themselves. Another is that every individual should be able to balance their career and personal life and should be able to live without fear of abuse and violence. And while Sweden is aiming for equal power and influence across genders (and has a consistently high ranking when it comes to gender equality), the data shows we aren’t quite there yet. Reports from 2022 reveal that, in Sweden, the average monthly wage for women is SEK 36,200 and the average monthly wage for men is SEK 40,200. This accounts for a gender pay gap of 9.9 percent, which remains relatively unchanged since 2019. Several factors contribute to that pay gap, including occupation, working hours, age, and education. Of these, the most significant factor is occupation: some professions and sectors in Sweden’s labor market are segregated by gender. For example, professions dominated by women, such as healthcare or social services, have lower wages. When you include these factors in the calculations, the gender pay gap goes down to 4.7 percent. That means it’s crucial to focus on reducing gender segregation in the labor market and on increasing wages in occupations dominated by women. It is also important to point out that foreign-born women face bigger challenges in establishing themselves in the Swedish labor market compared to men, regardless of education level. While Sweden has made meaningful progress and been on a good path in the past, we still have further to travel in creating an equal society. #AQuickLookAt #IEPD #PayEquality

  • Visa organisationssidan för Working in Sweden, grafik

    4 905 följare

    Get extra support for your job hunt! Register for Ready to Work for lots of tips, resources, and inspiration. Ready to Work is a free program for international jobseekers, designed to boost your skills and confidence to navigate the job market in Sweden. And participants even get free access to Udemy and IBM SkillsBuild! 🎉 Join us for 4 online sessions held on Zoom, Sept. 16–19, from 13:00–14:30. You’ll get advice on: • Showcasing your skills & experience • Optimizing your CV & LinkedIn profile • Developing a strong elevator pitch • Communicating with recruiters • Networking in Sweden Registration closes Friday, Sept. 13th, so sign up today! You can register here: #ReadyToWork #JobsInSweden #Jobseekers

    • An open laptop with a grid of smiling and waving participants on a Zoom call. The Ready to Work program starts soon! Join us on Zoom! Sign up by Friday, Sept. 13.
  • Visa organisationssidan för Working in Sweden, grafik

    4 905 följare

    “Comfortable” isn’t how most of us would describe the job search. But that makes it even more valuable to have a comfy space as you’re looking for work! Take extra care of your wellbeing by creating a cozy and productive workspace. 🪴 Here are 5 aspects to consider… 1️⃣ Organization: Keep your workspace tidy and free of clutter. That’s always easier said than done, but one strategy is to end your work sessions with a quick tidying-up. Then, you’re off to a fresh start next time. 2️⃣ Peacefulness: Use soothing colors, plants, or decorations. If you have a special picture, quote, or trinket that makes you feel calm and grounded, put it to good work! 3️⃣ Ergonomics: Set up your workspace to prevent discomfort and strain in your posture. Think about the height of your chair and table/desk, the angle of your keyboard, and so on. 4️⃣ Regular breaks: You need time away from even the most comfortable workspace! Consider setting a timer to ensure you have regular reminders to step away and reset. 5️⃣ To-do lists: When you’re ready to stop for the day, write a (reasonable!) to-do list for your next work session. That way, you give your brain permission to unplug and not stress about next steps. We like writing ours on paper, but there are lots of great digital tools for this, too. Don’t forget — you deserve comfort and peace no matter how hectic the job search can feel. That includes the space you’re in. 💛 Do you have something that helps make your workspace feel more comfortable? Share in the comments! #Wellbeing #WorkEnvironment #Jobseekers

    • Wellbeing Tip. Add comfort to your job search - create a cozy workspace!
  • Visa organisationssidan för Working in Sweden, grafik

    4 905 följare

    Our Ready to Work program is back for the fall! If you’re looking to elevate your job search in Sweden, then this free program is for you – made possible through our partnership with IBM SkillsBuild. Over 95% of participants recommend Ready to Work and have found the content unique! What’s there for you? 1️⃣ We cover important information on LinkedIn, CVs, and cover letters, specific to Swedish industry norms! These were the biggest takeaways for our participants. 2️⃣ 96% of participants in 2024 feel more confident in their job search through help from the program. 3️⃣ Ready to Work invites guest speakers from companies across Sweden to share real-life experiences and advice for jobseekers. 4️⃣ You can get free 6-month access to Udemy! Still wondering? Here’s what two past participants had to say about their experience: ✨ “I think the best thing I got from the Ready to Work program is the emotional support. Feeling like you’re supported by a community like this helped a lot in boosting my confidence, and it made me feel like I am not alone in my journey.” ✨ “This course made me feel understood, accepted, and part of a community. The main benefit I got, except for the psychological support, has been understanding better what path my career could take and what I loved doing.” Now’s your time to shine in the job search! Register today for our upcoming sessions, held Sept. 16-19, 13:00-14:30. Learn more and sign up here: #JobSearch #ReadyToWork #Sweden

    • Ready to Work registration closes Sept. 13th. Why join Ready to Work? Get insights about LinkedIn, CVs, and cover letters, specific to Swedish norms. Get advice and Q&A time with industry experts at companies across Sweden. Get free access to upskilling platforms, including 6 months of Udemy courses. "It helped a lot in boosting my confidence and made me feel like I'm not alone in my journey."
  • Visa organisationssidan för Working in Sweden, grafik

    4 905 följare

    👋🏾 Hej international jobseekers! Want to step into the Swedish labor market? Our Ready to Work program is here to help! Join 4 interactive online sessions, held Sept. 16–19, from 13:00 to 14:30. You’ll get concrete tips on networking, interviews, CVs, LinkedIn, and more to help in your job search. Plus, you’ll meet an encouraging group of fellow jobseekers who are facing the same challenges you are. The best part? It’s completely free! Through our partnership with IBM SkillsBuild, participants can even get 6 months of free access to Udemy courses. 🤯 Registration closes on Sept. 13th, so sign up today. Get more info and register here: Hope to see you on Zoom! #Jobseekers #CV #ReadyToWork

    • Registration open now! Sign up by September 13. Ready to Work: September 16-19. Free online program for jobseekers in Sweden. Plus free Udemy access.
  • Visa organisationssidan för Working in Sweden, grafik

    4 905 följare

    Want more fun in your Swedish language studies? 😄 Back in April, Daniella Sjöqvist from Enjoy Learning And Never Stop (aka Fun Swedish on Instagram) joined us for a webinar. She shared her top 10 tips for learning Swedish, and we found them super motivating! One of our favorites? Try activities that combine many different input methods. “You learn faster if you combine different inputs — seeing visuals, listening, reading, context, grammar rules.” Daniella says that TV shows are especially good for this: “If you watch a TV show, even if you can't understand what they're saying, maybe you can understand because of the subtitles. If you can't understand the subtitles either, maybe you can understand just by the visuals." She recommends soap operas and kids shows as a great starting point. For those genres, characters' facial expressions are often clearer and the action is often easier to follow. 💡 Check out the recording for her full list of tips: And feel free to drop your TV recommendations below! 📺 #LanguageLearning #Swedish #Svenska

    • Daniella Sjöqvist from Fun Swedish poses playfully with a peace sign against a floral wallpaper. "You learn faster if you combine different inputs – seeing visuals, listening, reading, context, grammar rules. TV shows are very good for this." Check out Daniella's top 10 study tips!
  • Visa organisationssidan för Working in Sweden, grafik

    4 905 följare

    Curious about upskilling in AI this fall? IBM SkillsBuild and SkillUp Online are offering a free 4-week program all about the fundamentals of AI! This self-paced, instructor-led course will introduce you to: • Natural processing language • Machine learning & deep learning • Hands-on exercises and a real-world problem • Career possibilities in AI And at the end, you can receive a digital credential from Credly and a digital certificate from IBM SkillsBuild to showcase your new skills! 🎓 The orientation session is September 10th, and registration closes September 4th, so sign up today! To register, follow this link to create your account and then click “enroll” in the learning plan: Note: By registering/enrolling in this learning experience, you acknowledge that SkillUp, a training delivery vendor of IBM SkillsBuild, will process your data and contact you regarding your participation in this learning plan and other IBM SkillsBuild educational activities. #AI #Upskill #WorkingInSweden

    • Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals by IBM SkillsBuild & SkillUp Online - for free. 4-week online course. Self-pace & instructor-led sessions. Registration closes September 4. Orientation session September 10.
  • Visa organisationssidan för Working in Sweden, grafik

    4 905 följare

    Are you new to Sweden? Our “A Quick Look At” series is full of useful information to help you navigate all sorts of work-related topics! Here are some themes we’ve covered… Swedish work culture: Taking sick days in Sweden: Helpful orgs for your job search, part 1: Helpful orgs for your job search, part 2: Unions in Sweden: We’re working on a few more for the fall, too! ✍🏼 What topics should we cover? Let us know in the comments! #Jobseekers #NewToSweden #WorkingInSweden

    • Get quick info and resources for your career in Sweden. Check out our "A Quick Look At" series on topics like Swedish work culture, taking sick days, and unions in Sweden!
  • Visa organisationssidan för Working in Sweden, grafik

    4 905 följare

    Today, we’re thinking about fall goals! 🎯 Summer isn’t the most exciting time for jobseekers in Sweden since not much hiring happens. But a new season is just around the corner, so now is the perfect time to reflect on what goals you'll carry into fall. It's all about staying energized and motivated throughout the ups and downs of your job search! And in our experience, some goals are better than others. 💡 We think goals work best when they're… • Concrete: Be specific about your goals so that it’s easier to see your progress along the way. Go for something you can measure. • Realistic: This is a big one! The more achievable a goal is, the more motivating it can be to work towards. • Varied: Goals should vary in scope, time, and topic. Break bigger goals into smaller milestones so that you can maintain a feeling of progress. • Shared with others: Sharing your goals with friends, family, and mentors can create accountability and build your support network. And even if most of your goals are about productivity, don’t forget to think about your wellbeing! Of course you don’t want wellbeing to feel like “just one more thing to do,” but starting new habits to take good care of yourself can benefit all other areas of your life. What goals do you have for the fall? We’d love to hear about them in the comments. 😄 #Jobseekers #JobSearch #SettingGoals

    • What are your goals for fall? 
A post by Working in Sweden.
  • Visa organisationssidan för Working in Sweden, grafik

    4 905 följare

    Hey international jobseekers, Working in Sweden is back! We’re here to support you in every step of your job search. Our team knows the ups and downs of looking for work in Sweden. Our goal is to provide an encouraging community to help you succeed. And after a restful summer, we have a lot planned: • Tips for your CV & LinkedIn profile • Advice for cover letters & interviews • Info on upcoming courses & workshops from us and our partners • How to add wellbeing to your job search So here’s a welcoming space to connect with fellow internationals in Sweden and build a stronger network. We are so happy you’re here! 💛 #Jobseekers #CVtips #InternationalTalent

    • Hej internationals, Working in Sweden is back! A compilation of pictures of summer around Sweden sit on a yellow background.

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