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Relevance Asia

Relevance Asia

Market Research

We help make brands Relevant! For 18 years, we have been taking Market Research to uncharted territories.

About us

Relevance is an Innovative Market Research and Strategic Marketing Agency. Founded in 2006 in Barcelona, Spain, Relevance has developed its own unique approach in Market Research and Marketing Consultancy, to provide brands with stellar marketing intelligence that helps in decision-making. Our Asia business started with our Singapore office in 2013. Some of our key competencies are as mentioned below: - Market Research: Relevance bridges the gap between Qualitative and Quantitative Research by bringing the best of both worlds. With the innovative use of open questions and the ability to cross between open and close-ended data, Relevance Tags ® methodology reveals unprompted insights on consumer perceptions, by providing a ‘quantitative analysis of highly qualitative information’. - Strategic Marketing: Attitudinal segmentation, Marketing strategy, Brand Positioning, Consumer Insights, Non-conventional Communication, Brand Content Strategy - Efficient Media Planning: Accuracy factor indicator, Media plan strategy - Sponsorship Audit: Strategic Assessment of Unconventional Content, Sponsorship ROI Calculation, Sponsorship Renegotiation, Sponsorship and Brand content Monitoring - Implementation: Design, Naming, Marketing services, Action Plan Implementation, Events Management

Market Research
Company size
11-50 employees
Market Research, Consumer Insights, Quantitative Research, Sponsorship Strategy, Sponsorship ROI, Marketing Intelligence, Brand Consultancy, Brand Positioning, Sponsorship Audit, and Efficient Media Planning


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