🗣️ Otroci priseljencev pogosto postanejo jezikovni mojstri in prevajalci za svoje starše. A kaj jim to prinese v življenju? Preberite veš v našem blogu👧👦https://zurl.co/a6yu #jezikovniMojstri #OtrociPriseljencev #Dvojezičnost #Leemeta
LEEMETA, Specialist Translation Solutions
Translation and Localization
Celje, Slovenia 1,708 followers
Turnkey Translations®. It is our job to provide you with a ready-to-use translation.
About us
LEEMETA. TURNKEY TRANSLATIONS®. It is our job to provide you with a ready-to-use translation. (www.leemeta-translations.com) With our comprehensive translator database, we are the leading national translator agency. We have quickly outgrown our national borders and become one of the leading European translation agencies. With us, the lives of thousands of our customers have become much easier. Kept as sharp as you have ever intended to be, with our help, your mesasage can now reach millions of new customers. To provide our high quality services, we work with more than 450 translation and localization experts worldwide. We employ highly motivated professional native speakers. Using our state of the art technologies, they do their job quickly and efficiently to keep both your communication and your budget on the safe side. Reach us at projects@leemeta.com and let's find out how we can help.
- Website
External link for LEEMETA, Specialist Translation Solutions
- Industry
- Translation and Localization
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Headquarters
- Celje, Slovenia
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 2006
- Specialties
- Translations, Website Localization, Proofreading, and Certified Translations
Podjavorškova ulica 1
Celje, Slovenia 3000, SI
Kronstadter Straße 4
Neue Messe Riem
Munich, Bavaria 81677, DE
Employees at LEEMETA, Specialist Translation Solutions
🌍 Have you ever wondered where the German language comes from? Explore its journey from ancient Proto-Germanic roots, influenced by migration and Latin, to the modern language we know today. 🇩🇪📜 https://zurl.co/9rW2 #LanguageHistory #GermanEvolution #ProtoGermanic
Where Does the German Language Come From? | In the focus | Blog EN
🎃👻 Pripravljeni na noč čarovnic? Odkrijte, kako je ta strašljiv praznik prišel iz keltskih časov v moderno Slovenijo! Preberite več o izrezovanju buč, kostumih in zabavah: https://lnkd.in/dUsTX8Tn 🎃 #NočČarovnic #Halloween #Buče #Kostumi #Leemeta
Noč čarovnic: kako je praznik prispel v Slovenijo?
📚 Prevajanje znanstvenih del zahteva več kot le prevajalske veščine – spoznajte ključne pristope za natančen in dosleden prevod! Preberite naš blog! https://lnkd.in/d3UuEU8q #Prevajanje #ZnanstvenaBesedila #StrokovnaTerminologija #Leemeta
Prevajanje znanstvenih del: Ključ do natančnosti in doslednosti
📚 Ste vedeli, da je reformacija postavila temelje slovenskemu knjižnemu jeziku? Odkrijte več o tem zgodovinskem preobratu za slovenščino in preizkusite svoje znanje s kvizom! 👉 https://lnkd.in/eSuKfnnM #Reformacija #SlovenskiJezik #PrimožTrubar
Dan reformacije: jezikovni mejnik, ki ga praznujemo še danes
📜 October 31st marks Reformation Day, when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the Castle Church door. Discover how this event changed the course of European history. 🌍 Learn more here: https://lnkd.in/efbxG8aF #ReformationDay #History #MartinLuther #ProtestantReformation
Reformation Day: The Movement that Changed Europe | In the focus | Blog EN
📄🔍 Ste kdaj pomislili, koliko lahko stane napačen prevod poslovnega dokumenta? Pravi prevod je ključ do uspešnega mednarodnega poslovanja! Spoznajte najboljše nasvete za natančnost in doslednost! ➡️ https://lnkd.in/dp7GuQ8i #Prevajanje #PoslovniPrevod #Natančnost #Leemeta
Prevajanje poslovnih dokumentov: Recept za uspeh brez napak
Se tudi vi kdaj vprašate, kje je meja med cinizmom in nesramnostjo? 😏 Cinizem in sarkazem lahko obogatita našo komunikacijo – a kako ju uporabljati tako, da ne prizadenemo sogovornika? 👇https://lnkd.in/dw4tW2Qm #Cinizem #Sarkazem #Ironija #Humor #Vljudnost #Leemeta
Cinizem, ironija in jezik: Kako biti vljuden s ščepcem soli?
Ever wondered how hard is it to learn German? 🇩🇪 Whether it's the grammar, sentence structure, or those infamous long words, we break down what makes German a challenge for learners. 👉 https://lnkd.in/dPWVur5a #GermanLanguage #isGermanHardToLearn #GermanGrammar #Leemeta
Why is the German language so complicated? | In the focus | Blog EN
🌟 Ste vedeli, da je prevajanje otroških zgodb prava čarovnija? ✨ Preverite, kako ohraniti rime, prilagoditi jezik in otrokom pričarati čudovite zgodbe. Več na našem blogu! 📚👇 https://lnkd.in/dsaab2MB
Prevajanje besedil za otroke: Čarobnost, prilagoditve in skrivnosti