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Penta Investments

Penta Investments

Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals

We aim to be leaders in the areas we are active in

About us

Penta is originally a Central European investment group founded in 1994, specializing in long-term value investing. Today, the Group actively develops companies and projects, primarily in health care, financial services, retail, manufacturing, media and real estate development. Having grown from a local to international company, Penta operates in more than 10 markets across Europe, providing more than 41,000 jobs through investee companies. Penta owns assets of EUR 15 billion and focuses on businesses in which it can use its expertise, and takes a very active part in managing the investments and companies in portfolio.

Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals
Company size
51-200 employees
Privately Held


Employees at Penta Investments


  • Ktoré nemocnice sú najlepšie platené na Slovensku? Často opakovaný mýtus o nadštandardne platených nemocniciach Penty, sa opäť nepotvrdil. Najnovšie dáta Úradu pre dohľad nad zdravotnou starostlivosťou odhaľujú nerovné financovanie nemocníc na Slovensku. Porovnanie úhrad a sadzieb nemocníc podľa vlastníka, respektíve zriaďovateľa nemocnice poukázalo napríklad na to, že štátne nemocnice dostávajú najviac finančných zdrojov. Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa nadštandardne platí nemocniciam patriacich spoločnosti Agel a naopak, krajské a mestské nemocnice podpriemerne. V závislosti na skutočnú výkonnosť sú nemocnice Penta Hospitals platené u všetkých zdravotných poisťovní pod úrovňou priemeru. V článku od mesačníka Medicína sa dozviete aj o tom, ktoré nemocnice sú na Slovensku platené najlepšie, ako si v otázke úhrad stojí napríklad Nemocnica Bory, alebo tiež o tom, ako k štátnym nemocniciam pristupuje zdravotná poisťovňa Dôvera. Celý článok nájdete na

  • Florenc in Prague is getting a new look One of the most significant urban transformations in Prague is moving forward. An international jury, led by architect Stefan Behnisch, has selected 25 finalists who will continue developing their architectural designs, bringing the Florenc 21 project closer to its final form. A total of 157 teams from 33 countries across Europe, America, and Asia expressed interest in the competition, highlighting the project's attractiveness and importance. What was once one of the most well-known brownfield sites in the center of Prague will, upon completion, become a vibrant new hub, offering both commercial and residential spaces with rich public amenities. Find out more about the Florenc 21 at #pentainvestments #pentarealestate #couragetocreate

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  • Neodkladáme to napotom V novej reklamnej kampani sa snažíme do popredia dostať ľudí, našich zamestnancov, ktorých každodenná práca stojí za úspešným príbehom Penty v zdravotníctve. Ten príbeh nie je len o nových nemocniciach, modernom technickom vybavení či inovatívnych postupoch. Je to o celkovom prístupe, odhodlaní robiť zmeny a schopnosti poskytnúť komplexný fungujúci model moderného zdravotníctva v 21. storočí. Každý z brandov Penty, ktoré zachytávame v novom spote, prináša do zdravotníctva niečo originálne a inovatívne. Či už sa napríklad jedná o E-Recept od zdravotnej poisťovne Dôvera, alebo hovoríme o liekovom robotovi od Dr. Maxa, obe predstavujú inovácie, z ktorých na konci dňa benefituje pacient. Zistite viac o našej vízii lepšieho zdravotníctva na #pentainvestments #zlepsujemezdravotnictvo

  • Tomáš Kálal z Penta Fund: Toto je len predzvesť toho, čo príde Minulý týždeň sme získali povolenie Českej národnej banky distribuovať Penta Fund aj pre potenciálnych záujemcov na Slovensku. Tomáš v rozhovore pre popisuje detail fondu, uvádza pre koho je v súčasnosti primárne určený a hovorí tiež o veľkom záujme zo strany investorov v Česku, kde fond distribuujeme už od decembra minulého roku. V rozhovore sa mimo iné tiež dočítate, ktoré firmy z portfólia Penty fond zahŕňa, no dozviete sa viac aj o tom, aké plány máme s fondom do budúcna. Záujem o Penta Fund nás mimoriadne teší a všetkým investorom ďakujeme za dôveru! - Celý článok nájdete na

  • Invest in what you already know ✔️ We are pleased to announce that we have obtained authorization from the Czech National Bank, allowing us to offer the Penta Fund to all potential investors in Slovakia. Investors now have a unique opportunity to participate on the success of Penta and its companies. ▪️ To provide investors with more time, we have extended the first subscription period for shares denominated in euros until March 28, 2025. For shares denominated in Czech koruna, the first subscription period will end as originally planned on March 14, 2025. ▪️ The fund has an open structure, allowing greater flexibility for investors, who will be able to subscribe to new shares at the end of each month. ▪️ The first NAV valuation remains unchanged and will take place as planned on March 31, 2025. You can find all detailed information about the fund at *This content is a marketing communication and is for informational purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice, an investment recommendation, or an offer to enter into a contract. #pentainvestments #pentafund

  • The Southbank project is moving forward again ⏩ City council members have approved a key change to the zoning plan, allowing the Southbank project to move ahead with its preparations. The previous zoning plan was outdated and no longer met the needs of residents or the expanding city center. With this update, Bratislava will benefit from infrastructure investments worth approximately €96 million, along with over €75 million in public improvements, including a central square, park, riverside park, land for a new school, and so-called "bowls." The city will also receive more than €26 million from development fees and gain 97 rental apartments, valued at an estimated €25 million. Public spaces will be further enhanced with more accessible and higher-quality green areas. Compared to the original zoning plan, the amount of greenery will increase by more than 35%, ensuring that Southbank is truly in harmony with nature. 🌿 - #pentainvestments #pentarealestate #southbank #couragetocreate

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    The Chalupkova project is moving forward ✨ At the beginning of February, Penta Real Estate submitted documentation for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the second phase of the Chalupkova office building project. The second phase of Chalupkova Offices will be built at the corner of Chalupkova and Mlynské Nivy streets, forming an organic part of the emerging urban block. The building will have 11 above-ground floors and will offer a total of 15,200 m² of office space. The project will also include 700 m² of retail units and 240 parking spaces in the underground levels. Just like in the first phase of the project, the goal here is to meet the highest level of LEED Platinum certification. The technologies used in the building will aim to achieve carbon neutrality in operation, in line with LEED Net Zero certification. 🌿 #pentainvestments #pentarealestate #couragetocreate

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    Victoria Palace ✨ Victoria Palace is an iconic fusion of luxurious living and a prestigious location. This residential project offers premium housing in the heart of Prague 6, featuring state-of-the-art technology, top-tier amenities, panoramic views, and excellent civic infrastructure. The unique design of Victoria Palace is crafted by the renowned studio Jakub Cigler Architekti, bringing an extraordinary touch of elegance and style to the project. Every detail from modern interiors and carefully selected materials to a reception with concierge services is designed to provide residents with both contemporary and comfortable living. - #pentainvestments #pentarealestate #prague #couragetocreate

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  • Martin Krchnavy: Deravé potrubie slovenského zdravotníctva Jeden z najrozšírenejších mýtov slovenského zdravotníctva je, že súkromné nemocnice sú platené lepšie, ako tie štátne. Minulý týždeň Úrad pre dohľad nad zdravotnou starostlivosťou (ÚDZS) publikoval detailnú analýzu financovania nemocníc, ktorá prichádza s opačným záverom. Analýza ÚDZS vyvrátila mýtus o tom, že súkromné nemocnice sú platené lepšie ako tie štátne a odhalila, že deravým potrubím slovenského zdravotníctva nie sú súkromné nemocnice, ani krajské nemocnice a dokonca ani stredne veľké štátne nemocnice, ale tie najväčšie univerzitné nemocnice. Celý blog Martina Krchňavého, Investičného manažéra skupiny Penta zodpovedného za zdravotnícke projekty na Slovensku, si môžete prečítať na #pentainvestments #pentahospitals #zlepsujemezdravotnictvo

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  • Changes in the Management of Penta Real Estate in Slovakia Juraj Nevolnik, the current Country Managing Director, is departing from the company in February after approximately 15 years due to personal reasons. He will be succeeded by Michal Rehak, who currently holds the position of Business Director. "I am saddened to see Juraj leave, as I regard him as a highly successful, inspiring, and dedicated colleague who has also contributed significantly to the internal narrative at Penta. He began his career with the company as a trainee and has since advanced to a top management role. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Juraj for his exceptional collaboration, and I am pleased that he will continue his association with Penta, at least as an investor in our Penta Fund. Michal Rehák is an experienced professional who has been an integral part of the senior management team of our development operations in Slovakia for over six years, covering both the commercial and residential sectors. Juraj Nevolník has built a strong and motivated team, and I have no doubt that our continued development in the Slovak market will be successful even after his departure," stated Marek Dospiva, co-founder of Penta and responsible for the real estate development segment. The full press release can be found at:

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