DXC Technology Slovakia

DXC Technology Slovakia

IT Services and IT Consulting

Bratislava, Slovakia 947 followers

Delivering excellence for our customers and colleagues

About us

DXC Technology Slovakia is 1400 people branch of global IT leader DXC Technology. We deliver excellence in IT to our customer, partners, employees and communities.

IT Services and IT Consulting
Company size
10,001+ employees
Bratislava, Slovakia


  • EXCELETNÉ DXC LETO. Odštartovali sme ho v DXC Slovakia s tradičným Family Day, s podtitulom LEStival 2024, v Hájovni v Bratislave, Rača. Bola to akcia, kde ste stretli stovky rozžiarených detských očí, spokojných rodičov, naše kolegyne a kolegov. Dobrá opekačka, DXC guláš, domáce šišky, neobmedzené pukance a vata, aktivity a bohatý program s množstvom detských, rodinných aj náučných tém - ako podávať prvú pomoc aj pre deti, ako triediť odpad a sadiť sadeničky, ako recyklovať knihy. Ale nielen to, v DXC Slovakia sme prepojili zážitky, zmysel stretávať sa osobne a tvoriť si firemnú kultúru aj mimo kancelárií či video hovorov. Je to nahliadnutie do našich DXC hodnôt, ktoré poukazujú na starostlivosť, spoluprácu, podporu komunít, robenie správnych vecí a robenie ich dobre. #Care #collaborate #Community #Dotherightthing #Deliver Myslíme si, že aktivity, ktoré celoročne robíme vo firme pre kolegyne, kolegov, komunity, prírodu, charitu, že to z nás robí dobrých ľudí aj firmu, ktorá vie následne dodávať excelentné služby našim zákazníkom po celom svete. Špeciálne poďakovanie ide celému prípravnému a organizačnému tímu, pretože celý program vznikol s nápadmi, osobnou angažovanosťou a zapojením len našich zamestnancov/kýň. #dxccares #DXCvalues #dxccommunity

  • DXC as Greatest place to work? Cause we help, support, educate, collaborate each other, so we create best teams and places to work in around the globe. Congrats DXC. 👏💐 We are driving such a place also in DXC Technology Slovakia Enjoy how in our posts.

    One of the greatest joys of any work is the incredible people we work alongside. I am immensely proud to see DXC Technology recognized by Newsweek as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for 2024. So thankful for our 130,000 global colleagues who, each day, elevate the standard of excellence and deliver exceptional value to our clients, all while embodying the spirit of camaraderie and collaboration. https://lnkd.in/eQT8DRc4

    DXC Technology Recognized by Newsweek as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for 2024

    DXC Technology Recognized by Newsweek as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for 2024


  • DXC Slovakia o dátach na Data Dialogues už tento týždeň. Peter, náš DXC Distinguishe Technologist, tešíme sa na tvoj diskusné dáta. 👈 Ako píšeš, voľný vstup a formát od organizátora Data Science Academy je príležitosť ako sa učiť a relaxovať zároveň. 🙏 DXC Technology Slovakia DXC Technology #data #AI

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    Hey data folks 🖐️ Let’s meet and network in Bratislava! Are you a programmer, data scientist, analyst, or another professional working with data? We invite you to an exciting networking event where you can connect, share insights, and explore opportunities with like-minded individuals from diverse fields, all united by a common focus on data. 🔵 Date: 27th July 2024 🔵 Location: Letná čitáreň U červeného raka, Michalská 26, Bratislava 🔵 Time: 17:00 - 21:00 This is a great opportunity to expand your network and learn about new possibilities. The event is free to attend. Secure your spot by scanning the QR code or clicking here: https://lnkd.in/eQKkAmkn  We will share more info on the panel discussion soon, keep an eye on our socials! Looking forward to seeing you there! #DataDialogues #Networking #Event #Bratislava #Data #Science

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  • ?Je PRAX pre študentov dôležitá? Prax je jeden zo spôsobov, ktorý umožňuje jednotlivcom rozvíjať teoretické znalosti v konkrétnych úlohách. Cvičenie, PRAX nevedie k dokonalosti, ale ⁃ otvára obzory ⁃ ponúka priestor na nájdenie svojho talentu ⁃ zvyšuje sebadôveru ⁃ môže byť silným nástrojom, ktorý pomôže dosiahnuť ciele Prečo to spomíname? DXC Slovakia má vzdelávanie a jeho podporu vo svojich CSR prioritách. A tak sme v máji 2 týždne hostili 4 študentov, ktorí absolvovali povinnú stredoškolskú odbornú prax zo škôl SPŠE Hálova a SPŠE Zochová Bratislava. Čo u nás zažili? ⁃ každý deň strávili s odborníkmi vo vybramých témach - SAP/Platform support, Marketing, Network, Engineering, Migrations, Business, Modern workplace, Localization, 3D printing atď. ⁃ dostali úlohy z reálneho biznis prostredia ⁃ zažili život v IT korporáte ⁃ spoznali dobré tímy, usmiatych ITčkárov PRAX. Skúsenosť. Teória v realite. Je teda dôležitá? Či mala by byť pre študentov priam samozrejmosťou? U nás, v DXC Slovakia jednoznačne áno. Ďakujeme študentom, že si nás vybrali a všetkým kolegyniam a kolegom za ich úsilie a čas venovaný tomuto IT zážitku v praxi pre naše budúce generácie.

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  • Malé činy, veľký dopad. Chceme pogratulovať nášmu krásnemu globálnemu projektu Dandelion k 10. výročiu. Sme hrdí, že náš prístup, naše činy a téma podpory a zamestnávania ľudí s neurodiverzitnými poruchami nás radí medzi spoločensky zodpovedné firmy. Ako vďaku vnímame ocenenia, ktoré sme pre Dandelion získali. Viac info v originálnej globálnej DXC Technology správe nižšie. A ako prispieva DXC Technology Slovakia? Prečítajte si v tomto poste. https://dxc.to/4d7hbJ2 -------------------------------------------------------------- Neurodivergent individuals bring unique strengths to the workplace, including greater attention to detail, pattern recognition and out-of-the-box thinking. These strengths are particularly important for careers in IT. This week, we’re excited to celebrate the 10th anniversary of our award-winning DXC Dandelion Program, which builds sustainable, long-term careers in IT for neurodivergent people – such as those with autism, ADHD and dyslexia. The current expansion of the DXC Dandelion Program to Italy is another example of our continued commitment to embracing diversity and promoting inclusive employment opportunities for people across the spectrum of abilities and skills. We’re honored to have won 22 international awards for our contribution to socially beneficial initiatives, including - a 6th consecutive year recognition as a Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion by @Disability:IN, - with a top score of 100 on the prestigious Disability Equality Index®; - and the 2024 Autism Inclusion Company of the Year by @Disability:IN and @SAP. To recognize the 10th anniversary of the DXC Dandelion Program, we’ve identified 10 small acts that people can adopt to create a more sustainable workplace environment for neurodivergent individuals. Find them in picture. Our latest survey of 1,400+ Australians confirmed that small, supportive acts had a big impact on making neurodivergent individuals feel more appreciated and supported at work, improving both their job satisfaction and overall well-being. Find out more about how our DXC Dandelion Program celebrates, nurtures and supports neurodivergent individuals: https://dxc.to/4d7hbZy #WeAreDXC #DXCDandelionProgram #SmallActsBigImpacts #BestPlaceToWork24

  • DXC Technology Slovakia is giving a hand to support Dandellion program. How? We cooperate with local Alma Career Slovakia and their DEI Profesia Lab project, driven by experts in country. Last time we welcomed a few great people showing them how to be well prepared for interview. We believe that short stay with us will encourage them to start successfull career. Thanks DEI team in DXC Slovakia for your engagement in this delightfull initiative. #dxcdandellion #dxccares #wearedxc

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    📈 Our latest survey reveals that an overwhelming 97% of neurodivergent individuals say that small acts made them feel appreciated at work. 🤝 We’re supporting neurodivergent individuals in #Poland, #Bulgaria, #Italy and the #UK through our DXC Dandelion Program to enable them with a career in technology. To mark the 10th anniversary of the program globally, we identified 10 small acts that people can adopt to create a more sustainable environment for neurodivergent individuals and help bridge the current employment gap. Read more about the Dandelion Program’s impact 👉 : https://dxc.to/462C9WY #WeareDXC | #DXCDandelionProgram | #SmallActsBigImpacts | DXC Technology Poland | DXC Technology Bulgaria | DXC Technology Italia | DXC Technology UKI

  • Všetci vieme, že to stojí za to. POMÁHAŤ. Že pomáhať nie je zištná, ale veľa krát šlachetná vec. Martin Majzlan Vladimir Dudlak Koteles Miro Marian Mazur & DXC Technology Slovakia Network team Ďakujeme za oba príbehy, ktoré nevznikli náhodne, ale preto LEBO - 🧑💼👨💼ľudia v DXC Slovakia sú top! #care #community #collaborate #dotherightthing #deliver - Ďakujeme Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave za pozvanie a deťom za počúvanie. - Želáme deťom v OZ hipoterapie.DUSICKA krásne zážitky.

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    Network Service Delivery Manager/People manager

    Občas si treba vyhrnúť rukávy, odlepiť sa od klávesnice a ísť odovzdať skúsenosti či pomôcť. V stredu som mal česť prednášať na Ekonomickej univerzite v Bratislave o dobrovoľníctve a projekte Voda pre Madagaskar. Verím že sa nám spolu s kolegami Vladom Dudlákom a Mirom Kötelešom podarilo motivovať veľa detí z letnej univerzity a ukázať im, ako sa dajú plniť sny a ako sa dá pomáhať druhým. Dnes som sa zúčastnil na veľmi milom projekte, kde už síce nebolo potrebné zapájať mozog ale o to viac dostali zabrať svaly. Spolu s kolegami z DXC Technology Slovakia sme postavili plot a pomohli s úpravami na ranči, ktorý sa venuje hipoterapeutickej liečbe detí (liečba fyzických či psychických problémov detí pomocou interakcie s koňmi).  Pomáhať má zmysel. Sometimes you have to roll up your sleeves, get away from the keyboard and go pass on your experience or help. On Wednesday, I had the honor to give a lecture at the University of Economics in Bratislava about volunteering and the Water for Madagascar project. I believe that together with my colleagues Vladimir Dudlák and Miroslav Köteleš, we managed to motivate many children from the summer university and show them how to fulfill dreams and how to help others. Today I took part in a very nice project, where it was not necessary to engage the brain, but the muscles got to work all the more. Together with our colleagues from DXC technology, we built a fence and helped with modifications at the ranch, which is devoted to hippotherapeutic treatment of children (treatment of physical or psychological problems of children using interaction with horses). It makes sense to help.

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  • DXC BRAVO DXC makes a noise! Vidíte nás podporovať šport a IT v: - Manchester United - Ferrari - Credit One Charleston Open - Gothia Cup Podpora talentov, dáta, IT a šport sú víťazmi. 🥈 DXC Technology #wearedxc

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    We are proud to be the Official IT Partner for the Gothia Cup for the third consecutive year, the world's largest youth soccer tournament hosted in Sweden in July ⚽ Our experts have implemented a bespoke custom #application to digitally enhance volunteer onboarding and manage event logistics, improving volunteer and player experiences. 🗣️ "The Gothia Cup, which enables thousands of children around the world to get active, enjoy sport, and develop team working skills, is a great way for us to demonstrate our commitment in supporting the communities in which we live and work," said Martin Björk, Managing Director of DXC Technology Sweden. #WeAreDXC | #GothiaCup | #Community | DXC Technology Nordics | Anders Chrintz | Nina Krans | Birgitte Svejstrup Eriksen | Espen Olsen | Mikael Falk | Robbert Wentink | Päivi Kokkonen | Frans Bonekamp

  • 👍👏

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    #SAPSapphire 2024 is a wrap! It was a great opportunity to connect with our clients, showcase DXC’s 35 years of SAP expertise, and discuss the potential for modernizing and scaling SAP environments. We highlighted exciting innovations such as DXC Fast RISE with SAP, the incorporation of Apple Vision Pro™, and the transformative power of Business AI. Our new DXC Fast RISE with SAP offering enables the ability to rapidly deploy modern cloud-based SAP environments in less than a year, driving accelerated value and benefits. Thank you to everyone who joined us for informative sessions, engaging conversations, and valuable networking opportunities. Learn more about our partnership with SAP here: https://dxc.to/3KXfode #DXCpartner #PerformanceDriven

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