European Centre for Disaster Medicine

European Centre for Disaster Medicine

Affari internazionali

The European Centre for Disaster Medicine is a Council of Europe's reference center within the Major Hazard Agreement.

Chi siamo

The European Centre for Disaster Medicine (CEMEC) is a prominent institution established in 1987 within the Major Hazard Agreement of the Council of Europe. CEMEC's objective is to enhance disaster response and preparedness through specialized expertise, training, and research in public health and disasters. As a center of reference, CEMEC provides expert guidance and support to member states throughout disaster management. It promotes effective coordination and collaboration among countries, facilitating knowledge sharing and innovative approaches to disaster medicine. CEMEC adopts a multidisciplinary approach, bringing together professionals from various fields to develop integrated strategies for addressing complex challenges. Through training programs, healthcare professionals, emergency responders, and decision-makers acquire the necessary skills to respond effectively. The center conducts research to advance understanding and inform evidence-based practices in disaster medicine. Studies and data collection contribute to policy-making at national and international levels. CEMEC engages in international collaborations, harmonizing standards and supporting countries in addressing transnational challenges. This ensures a collective response to disasters, facilitating resource and expertise exchange. As a hub for information dissemination, CEMEC maintains a comprehensive database of resources, aiding stakeholders in making informed decisions and improving disaster management capabilities. In summary, CEMEC plays a vital role in enhancing disaster response and preparedness. Through expertise, training, research, and collaborations, it strengthens countries' resilience, saving lives and minimizing the impact of disasters.

Affari internazionali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Ente governativo
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Emergency medicine, Emergency planning and management, Disaster preparedness and response, Trauma medicine, Emergency health management, Psychological support in emergency situations, Logistics and resource management, Communication and public information, Risk management and vulnerability assessment, Food and water safety in emergency situations, Public health and epidemiology, Evacuation and shelters, Emergency healthcare service management, Industrial incident response and recovery, Humanitarian support and assistance, Civil protection and legislation, Early warning systems, Technology and innovation in emergency management, Damage assessment and needs analysis e International coordination



  • Strengthening Partnerships: 4th NATO CBRN Reachback Scientific Network Annual Meeting The 4th NATO CBRN Reachback Scientific Network Annual Meeting, held on September 10-11, 2024, was a remarkable opportunity to foster greater collaboration and strengthen the integration between NATO CBRN Reachback and its Scientific Network. We had the privilege of participating in this event, engaging in insightful discussions that will help shape future CBRN capabilities. Over two days, key stakeholders exchanged knowledge, explored cutting-edge advancements, and examined opportunities to enhance NATO’s CBRN response capabilities. These discussions were vital in reinforcing interoperability and building stronger, more effective networks for the future. We are proud to have contributed to this collective effort, helping to expand expertise and drive forward the mission of ensuring readiness for CBRN threats. Looking forward to future collaborations and continuous progress in this critical field. #NATO #CBRN #Reachback #ScientificNetwork #Interoperability #DefenseInnovation #CBRNResponse #Collaboration #FutureReady #CEMEC

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  • CEMEC Resumes Life-Saving Training with Paediatric Basic Life Support (PBLS) Course   The European Centre for Disaster Medicine (CEMEC) has resumed its life-saving training sessions with the Paediatric Basic Life Support (PBLS) course. This latest session was specially tailored for public paediatricians. With the support of Erba Vita, which emphasized the importance of family health and wellness, 15 paediatricians dedicated over five hours to mastering critical life-saving techniques. Led by our certified IRC instructors, participants practiced CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and airway obstruction manoeuvres using infant and child mannequins, simulating real-life emergency situations. CEMEC is committed to empowering not only medical professionals but also parents and teachers with the skills needed to save lives in urgent situations. Another session will be held in November — stay tuned for more opportunities to get involved!   #CEMEC #DisasterMedicine #PBLS #PediatricLifeSupport #MedicalTraining #EmergencyCare #LifeSavingSkills #HealthcareProfessionals #CPRTraining #ErbaVita #Pediatricians #FamilyHealth #SanMarino

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  • Advancing Global Collaboration in Disaster Medicine Across Asia A recent meeting brought together representatives from the European Centre for Disaster Medicine (CEMEC) and various Asian universities and hospital departments specializing in disaster and emergency medicine. A central focus of the discussions was the growing collaboration with the SCH Disaster Medicine Centre at Soonchunhyang University in South Korea. This partnership marks a significant development in advancing disaster medicine throughout the Asian region, particularly in fields such as CBRNe (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives) and Counter-Terrorism Medicine. By leveraging the expertise of both institutions, this collaboration aims to strengthen disaster preparedness and response capabilities, contributing to a more resilient global health community. The meeting explored strategic plans to further align efforts in disaster medicine education and international cooperation, with the goal of ensuring that programs across the region meet and exceed global standards. This collaboration is expected to have a lasting impact on improving emergency preparedness and disaster response through advanced training and knowledge-sharing. #DisasterMedicine #EmergencyPreparedness #GlobalCollaboration #CBRNe #CounterTerrorismMedicine #CEMEC #SCHDisasterMedicine #Asia #GlobalHealth #SafetyAndSecurity

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  • Strengthening Security: CBRN Preparedness and Countering Drone Threats Highlighted in EU-Republic of Korea Seminar The Republic of Korea (RoK) and the European Union (EU) held a highly productive two-day seminar focused on strengthening security cooperation. The event, organized by Korea’s National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC) and the EU’s ESIWA project, brought together experts from the RoK and EU Member States. Key topics of discussion were preparedness for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) incidents and the rising threat of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) used by terrorist actors. Through peer-to-peer exchanges, participants explored advanced UAS and counter-UAS technologies, as well as enhanced strategies for mitigating complex security risks. Mr. Fredrik Ekfeldt, Chargé d’affaires ad interim, Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Korea, emphasized that the seminar marked a significant advancement in collective efforts to address shared security challenges. Mr. Shin Sangkyun, NCTC Administrator, highlighted the event's role in fostering a deeper, more resilient partnership between the EU and RoK. The seminar identified key outcomes, including improved CBRN and UAS readiness and stronger collaboration for future joint training initiatives. As security risks evolve, this cooperation lays a solid foundation for coordinated responses across regions. #SecurityCooperation #CBRNPreparedness #CounterDroneTerrorism #EU #RepublicOfKorea #ESIWA #UAS #GlobalSecurity #IndoPacificStrategy #CEMEC

    • © EU Delegation to the Republic of Korea
  • CEMEC Deepens Collaboration with Military Partners to Enhance Public Safety Against CBRN Threats The European Centre for Disaster Medicine (CEMEC) proudly participated in the Change of Command ceremony at the "Piave" barracks in Civitavecchia, Rome. This event marked the leadership transition of the Italian Army's 7th CBRN Defense Regiment "Cremona" from Colonel Marco Baleani to Colonel Dario De Masi and underscored the regiment's key role in protecting against Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear threats. CEMEC's presence at this ceremony reaffirms our ongoing commitment to collaborating with military and civil authorities to enhance society's safety and preparedness against these complex challenges. By strengthening these partnerships, CEMEC reaffirms its responsibility to work closely with national and international partners to safeguard communities and ensure global security. #PublicSafety #CBRNDefense #CEMEC #GlobalSecurity #MilitaryPartnerships #DisasterPreparedness

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  • CEMEC's Essential Guide: Ensuring Safety for Healthcare and Emergency Professionals in Conflict Zones The European Centre for Disaster Medicine (CEMEC) has reached a significant milestone with the release of its new handbook, “Safety Procedures for Healthcare Professionals in Conflict Zones”. This guide is designed to equip medical and emergency personnel with the knowledge and tools they need to stay safe while delivering critical care. Essential guidance includes: -Preparedness & Vigilance: Before every mission, ensure thorough planning, assess potential risks, and never take safety for granted. The motto is simple yet vital: If you didn’t drop it, don’t pick it up. -Navigating Contaminated Areas: Whether on foot or in a vehicle, immediate and cautious action is crucial. Learn to identify and react to potential dangers such as landmines, unexploded ordnance (UXO), and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) , and other hazards. -Emergency Protocols: Clear steps for responding to accidents and emergencies, ensuring that help is sought promptly and that further risks are minimized. -Urban Security: Tips on staying safe in conflict-prone urban environments, recognizing signs of danger, and knowing when to seek cover during crossfire, airstrikes, or other hostile situations. - Handling Critical Incidents: From crossfire to explosions, the guidelines emphasize the importance of staying calm, assessing the situation, and taking cover to protect yourself and your team. - Dealing with the Aftermath: Always be aware of specific procedures for handling deceased individuals in contaminated areas, ensuring that these sensitive tasks are carried out safely and respectfully. This booklet is not just a resource—it's a lifeline for those who put themselves on the front lines to save others. At CEMEC, we are committed to their safety, knowing that every precaution taken can mean the difference between life and death. Let’s continue to support and protect those who serve in the most challenging conditions. Their safety is our responsibility. Feel free to comment, share, or reach out for more details on our life-saving work! Email: #HealthcareHeroes #ConflictZones #SafetyFirst #Healthcare #EmergencyMedicine #DisasterResponse #CEMEC #ProfessionalDevelopment #DisasterMedicine #GlobalHealthSecurity #HumanitarianAid

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  • Strengthening Preparedness: A Strategic Partnership for Advanced Medical and Healthcare Training in Crisis Management The European Centre for Disaster Medicine (CEMEC) and the E.Di.Ma.S. Study Centre have signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at enhancing the skills and preparedness of healthcare personnel to respond effectively to complex crises. This partnership focuses on a multidisciplinary and integrated approach to addressing the multifaceted challenges of modern emergencies through research, training programs, and knowledge sharing in key areas such as public health, epidemiology, biology, and veterinary risks, ensuring the safety and well-being of communities in times of need. This agreement represents a commitment to developing advanced training strategies that prioritize prevention, resource integration, and strategic planning. By doing so, CEMEC and E.Di.Ma.S. aim to empower healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to tackle the complexities of today's challenges. In this regard, E.Di.Ma.S., a non-profit organization founded in 2011, focuses on promoting prevention, management, and emergency governance across environmental, socio-economic, and health security domains. The organization is known for its work in developing “Systemic Resilience Indices” for multi-risk analysis and integrating local plans. Since 2014, E.Di.Ma.S. has introduced new governance models to support local-level integration and has been a partner of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development since 2016. We look forward to the positive impact this collaboration will have on strengthening global crisis response capabilities. #CrisisManagement #HealthcareTraining #EmergencyPreparedness #PublicHealth #Collaboration #GlobalSafety #Resilience #SustainableDevelopment

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  • Strengthening Community Resilience: A Collaborative Effort in Emergency Management A significant meeting took place today with the Mayor of Rome, the Director of Civil Protection of the Municipality of Rome, and the Director of Civil Protection of the Lazio Region. The gathering was an opportunity to formally acknowledge and thank the local, regional, and national organizations dedicated to emergency management and safeguarding the public. Their strong commitment, in fact, is vital to keeping communities safe and resilient. The meeting, with the presence of the CEMEC President, also follows the recent appointment of the European Centre for Disaster Medicine as a Civil Protection Operational Structure, further enhancing the collective capacity to respond effectively to emergencies. #EmergencyManagement #CivilProtection #Rome #LazioRegion #CEMEC #PublicSafety #CommunityResilience #DisasterResponse #Collaboration #PublicService

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  • Visualizza il profilo di Roberto Mugavero CEMEC, immagine

    CEMEC's Contribution to Global Safety and Security: Seminar on Emerging Threats Showcases Innovative Tools and Strategies The Consulate of the Republic of San Marino in the Philippines, in partnership with the University of the Republic of San Marino, Centre for Security Studies (UNIRSM-CUFS) and the European Centre for Disaster Medicine (CEMEC), recently held a highly successful Seminar titled “New Tools for Emerging Security Threats” at the PJL Corporate Centre. The initiative brought together experts and stakeholders from various fields to discuss and explore innovative approaches, tools and methodologies to enhance security measures and mitigate potential risks. The Seminar featured a comprehensive agenda that included presentations, panel discussions, and interactive sessions. A lineup of distinguished speakers and experts shared their insights and experiences on various topics related to emerging security threats. In particular, the topics addressed were: - Advancements in Cybersecurity: New tools and strategies to protect against cyber threats and enhance digital security infrastructure. - Disaster Medicine and Emergency Response: Innovations in disaster medicine and the role of emergency response teams in managing crises. - Cross-Border Security Collaboration: How to enhance international cooperation and collaboration to address security threats that transcend national boundaries. - AI and Machine Learning in Security: Use artificial intelligence and machine learning to predict, detect, and respond to security threats more effectively. Honorary Consul General of the Republic of San Marino Jean Henri Lhuillier said the Seminar was a significant step towards fostering collaboration and innovation in the field of security. He said: “By bringing together experts from various domains, the event succeeded in generating valuable discussions and highlighting the importance of adopting new tools and technologies to address the ever-evolving security challenges of the modern world”. #SecuritySeminar #Cybersecurity #DisasterMedicine #EmergencyResponse #InternationalCooperation #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #SecurityInnovation #SanMarino #EmergingThreats #SecurityTools #Collaboration #Innovation

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  • Enhancing Emergency Response Skills: Airway Obstruction Management Course The European Centre for Disaster Medicine (CEMEC) is proud to have successfully conducted a specialized course on airway obstruction management. Led by the expert Dr. Linda Mussoni, participants were equipped with essential skills to manage airway obstructions - a vital competency in emergency medical care. This course underscores CEMEC’s dedication to advancing disaster medicine and preparing healthcare professionals to respond effectively in emergencies. Stay tuned for more updates on our upcoming courses and initiatives aimed at enhancing medical preparedness and response! #DisasterMedicine #EmergencyCare #ProfessionalDevelopment #HealthcareTraining #CEMEC

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