Bakery Simulator

Bakery Simulator

İstatistiklere Bak:
Demo a bit of a let down.
Having worked in a bakery myself (albeit working on the finishing/confectionery side of things rather than in the actual bakery, although I did help out in the bakery at times when they were busy), I was excited when I saw this game advertised and put it on my wishlist straight away.
After over two years of watching and waiting I was excited to see the demo version of the game released.
However, it has turned out to be a bit of a disappointment really.

As I have seen others mention, the driving side of things isn't great at all.
The car is insanely slow to the point of me keep hitting the button thinking that the throttle/brake buttons hadn't registered when I'd pressed them. In-fact they had, the car is just seriously under powered. In all honesty you might as well just get out and push.

My suggestion here, as others have said, is to perhaps have the driving as an option.
If you don't want to drive then you can hire someone to do the deliveries for you.
To balance this one out you could perhaps have fuel/maintenance costs for the car, which equates to the cost of hiring a driver to do the deliveries for you.

Now I don't know what you have in store for the main game, but only making one or two loaves of bread at a time is just daft. No bakery would ever survive making such tiny quantities. The overheads would kill the business in under a day!
So I'm hoping that that is purely just a demo thing only, and that there will be far bigger quantities on order in the main game.
50-100 loaves of each kind would be more realistic. The same goes for the rolls.

Also, how about having a knife to slice the tops of the bread before baking it. A lot of loaves have grooves in the top, and that's done by slicing it before baking.
Also, how about the addition of having to spray the tops of the bread/rolls with a small spray bottle of water, and then adding either sesame seeds or poppy seeds, or flour ect to the tops of them? Most loaves and rolls have seeds of some description on top of them. They'd be incredibly plain without it.

Also, the kneading mini game is a little 'iffy'.
While I don't totally dislike it, it would be far better to have a machine to do that.
That said, I can see how that could be a 'fill in' option when first starting out in the game until you can upgrade and buy the machines to do it..... as long as you haven't got huge orders to fulfil.
It would be better to have to cut off pieces of dough and weigh them in a set of scales and add/subtract dough until you get the right quantity and then put it in to a machine.
Weighing the cuts of dough over the kneading mini game would be more realistic. But that's just my opinion going by real life experience.
Just something to consider maybe?
The bakery I worked in they used to weigh each piece of dough they cut off before putting it in to a bread or roll making machine, and then finally placing the formed bread or rolls in to tins and/or on to trays.
Just 'guessing it' like you do in the demo would lead to all kinds of different weights and sizes of loaves and rolls.
A set of scales and having to weigh things would be much more realistic.

Also, I'm not a fan of the timed orders/deliveries either. It's too easy to make mistakes if you're watching the clock in an effort to make the deliveries on time. Especially when you tie in how damned slow the car is. One mistake and you're doomed!
Personally I'd prefer to have a 'career mode' where things are more realistic, or a 'challenge mode' where you're against the clock. Give the player the choice.

Retarders and provers (proofers)?
These are important pieces of kit in a bakery, yet in the demo I see none.
Hopefully this is something that will be in the main game?
You mentioned having donuts in the game. Well, the dayshift guys in the bakery I used to work in used to mix the dough and then form it in to balls, and then place them in to the retarder to stop them rising until I (on night shift) was ready to fry them.
The first thing I'd do when I started my shift was take the donuts from the retarder and place them in to the prover to make them rise. If you didn't prove them you'd have tiny solid balls of dough rather than nice fat round fluffy donuts!
Nobody would buy solid lumps of dough.
I also didn't see any signs of a donut fryer. Raw donuts anyone? ;D
Hopefully this is an upgrade available later in the game?

What are the plans for cakes?
Bakeries do far more than make bread, rolls, and donuts.
Viennese whirls/fingers, cream slices, swiss rolls, sponges, cupcakes, cookies, iced finger buns, sausage rolls, pasties, pies, teacakes, hot cross buns, bakewell/apple tarts/pies... etc etc.
So many other things that bakeries make than just bread and rolls.
All of the above we used to make on a daily basis, and I used to fill/finish all of the cakes/buns.

I was really hoping to see some cakes to fill/finish in the game, but from the demo (and what I see on the store page) it doesn't look too promising. :(

Also, the mixing in the demo could do with a little work in my opinion.
Using the different size scoops is 'doable', but if we're going to keep the system we have now then it might be an idea to have the 'current quantity' shown in the recipe rather than just the 'total quantity'.
For example, making the two loaves of bread you have to make in the demo, it requires 660ml of water. That's 1x 500ml, 1x 100ml, 1x 50ml. If you lose track of where you're got to half way through then your only option is to remove the entire quantity and start again. If you had the 'current' quantity in brackets beside the required quantity then it would help eliminate any confusion.
Just a small quality of life improvement to consider.
However, if you have scales in the game and measure each ingredient individually before placing it in to the mixing bowl then you'd know for sure how much you have.
In all honesty a set of scales should really be in the game from the very start. I was kinda shocked to see such a basic yet vital piece of equipment missing.

So, to wrap things up.....
I'm sorry if this sounds like I'm trying to really bash your game. That's not my intention at all. (although it very much sounds like it, I guess.)
It's really just trying to point out what is ideally expected of a 'simulator' over more of an 'arcade sim'.
The game has huge potential and huge promise, but there are several areas where improvements could be made.

My biggest worries are the 'driving' and the 'timer' for orders. Make both of these optional and it would make a huge difference to the game in my opinion.
Like I say, make a 'career mode' where there is no timer and life is more 'chilled out' and more of a 'simulator', or a 'challenge mode' where you are pitted against the clock. Both are doable, but just make it optional.
Personally I don't like the timer and it does kinda put me off the game.

Also the driving. It's Just not enjoyable at all as it is. The car accelerates and brakes far too slowly, and the AI traffic doesn't help matters there either.
And then there's the traffic lights showing all the colours of the rainbow all at the same time. Stop or go? It's all a gamble! ;D
I deffo think it should be optional to either drive yourself, or hire someone to do it for you.
I have a ton of driving games. I'm looking to buy a bakery simulator, not another driving game. (and a messy one at that, I'm afraid to say.)

So I'm sorry if all of this sounds kinda harsh. Please don't take it to heart, but take it as constructive criticism which is how it's meant to be intended.
Like I say, the game has a ton of promise. It just needs a few adjustments here and there to make the base game far better than the demo would suggest.

All in all I did enjoy the demo, but with a few improvements from the ideas listed above the game could end up being awesome! :)
En son EssBee tarafından düzenlendi; 25 Tem 2021 @ 6:41
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11 yorumdan 1 ile 11 arası gösteriliyor
I agree with this. I was really looking forward to this but the driving and time run really put me off. I wanted to bake and found myself street racing. One time I even ended up stuck on a light pole. It's on my wish list and I will check it out when it available but as of right now, no.
Hi there Steph! That's an amazing write-up, I won't lie, full of information and observations. I want to address some of those but do keep in mind that I'm sending all of your findings to our team so they are aware of your report. Much appreciated!

Driving is definately something we've been made aware of and we appreciate further remarks in that direction - possible improvements and changes are already being discussed.

As for the quantity of the products - please keep in mind that for the purposes of the demo and - especially - tutorial we wanted to ease players into the world of baking. While we are aware that baking just one bread for the night is not quite realistic we also didn't want to put too many information forth to our players but slowly made them feel sure about what they are doing. However we do note your comment!

The additional features you're talking about seem interesting and I'm also sure to send them to our devs. Thanks!

Do keep in mind that we are working on many features of the game that weren't available in the demo. There will be additional machines and options when playing the full game - some of them you might even be able to check in our earlier devlogs! :)

Don't worry about "bashing the game" - we invite all criticism with open arms. That's one of the ways to learn more and become better, right ;)?

Thank you!
İlk olarak Live Motion Games tarafından gönderildi:
Hi there Steph! That's an amazing write-up, I won't lie, full of information and observations. I want to address some of those but do keep in mind that I'm sending all of your findings to our team so they are aware of your report. Much appreciated!

Driving is definately something we've been made aware of and we appreciate further remarks in that direction - possible improvements and changes are already being discussed.

As for the quantity of the products - please keep in mind that for the purposes of the demo and - especially - tutorial we wanted to ease players into the world of baking. While we are aware that baking just one bread for the night is not quite realistic we also didn't want to put too many information forth to our players but slowly made them feel sure about what they are doing. However we do note your comment!

The additional features you're talking about seem interesting and I'm also sure to send them to our devs. Thanks!

Do keep in mind that we are working on many features of the game that weren't available in the demo. There will be additional machines and options when playing the full game - some of them you might even be able to check in our earlier devlogs! :)

Don't worry about "bashing the game" - we invite all criticism with open arms. That's one of the ways to learn more and become better, right ;)?

Thank you!

Thanks for the reply.

Great to hear that there is likely to be much more realism in the full game.
I did kinda expect the demo to be a little 'watered down' to ease players in, but I guess having worked in that environment in the past, and having seen teasers of better things in some of the devlogs, I maybe had my expectations set a little too high.

I did, and still do, worry about 'bashing the game' as it can be a little demoralising for the dev team when they put in all those hours of hard work only for someone to come along and effectively stamp on it all.
But on the flip side, like you say, being open to, listening to, and welcoming constructive criticism can only serve to help you build and even better product in the long term.

I have seen some of the earlier devlogs as I've been following this game and had it on my wishlist since 19th April 2019. That's partly why I was a little shocked to see how bare the demo was.
I thought that even if we couldn't access all of the machinery and equipment, it might be there (of sorts) on display to help show off and promote what was to come from the full game.
I mean, that's the idea of a demo, right? To show off and promote the game?
That's why I felt the demo was a little disappointing. It really didn't show off some of the better details of the game, even if they weren't fully accessible.

Still, it's given the players and the dev team a chance to put our heads together and look at some of the pro's and cons of the game, so we all now have a better idea of what needs to be addressed.

I guess this gives us an opportunity for a 'Demo v.2' at some point in the future then, to test the waters and see if the path the dev team have decided to go on finally starts to meet player expectations. ;D

Great to hear they are working on the driving side of the game.
I do kinda feel for them in that area as they have obviously put some time and effort in to it, and have been working on that for quite some time.
However, as sad as it may be to throw away all that time and effort, I definitely feel like it would be for the better if that area was heavily addressed. Unfortunately for the dev team, I'm not the only one who feels this way.
But then again, if they can take it on the chin and bring themselves to deviate away from it in some way, I have absolutely no doubt that it will pay off in the long run by better overall sales of the game, and quite likely less game refunds too.
It's a bit of a two-edged sword really. - Take the losses now, or take them later?
It's a horrible position to be in that's for sure, and I do sympathise with the devs on that one.
Making driving optional is the only way I can see of limiting the bleeding on this one. It won't all be a waste of the dev teams time working on it, but it won't kill the player base when the game goes live either. (hopefully)

Also, the count-down/timer feature is my other real bugbear with this demo.
Again, as I said above, a 'challenge mode', and a 'career mode' with the option to choose between the two depending on whether you want to be 'against the clock', or play a more laid back 'simulation/management' side of the game would be an absolutely awesome addition.
Yes, it's a lot more work for the dev team, but think of how much better the game would be if that could be made possible, and how much of a wider player base that could cater for.
After all, the game does have 'Simulator' in the title... and that's what people (me included) were/are kinda expecting.

Anyway, I won't write yet another entire essay. I can quite easily get carried away once I get going! :D
But I will sign off by saying that you and/or the dev team are more than welcome to get in touch any time you like if you'd like to discuss options or possibilities.
I truly believe that this game could turn out to be an absolute gem if it's handled and crafted in the right ways.
I still have high hopes for it and am still watching eagerly to see what path things take, and if there's anything I can do to help craft this little gem in to the little gem it deserves to be then I'm more than happy to jump right in.

Keep up the great work, and regards and all the best to you and the dev team! o/
En son EssBee tarafından düzenlendi; 5 Ağu 2021 @ 17:05
İlk olarak Steph tarafından gönderildi:
Having worked in a bakery myself (albeit working on the finishing/confectionery side of things rather than in the actual bakery, although I did help out in the bakery at times when they were busy), I was excited when I saw this game advertised and put it on my wishlist straight away.
After over two years of watching and waiting I was excited to see the demo version of the game released.
However, it has turned out to be a bit of a disappointment really.

As I have seen others mention, the driving side of things isn't great at all.
The car is insanely slow to the point of me keep hitting the button thinking that the throttle/brake buttons hadn't registered when I'd pressed them. In-fact they had, the car is just seriously under powered. In all honesty you might as well just get out and push.

My suggestion here, as others have said, is to perhaps have the driving as an option.
If you don't want to drive then you can hire someone to do the deliveries for you.
To balance this one out you could perhaps have fuel/maintenance costs for the car, which equates to the cost of hiring a driver to do the deliveries for you.

Now I don't know what you have in store for the main game, but only making one or two loaves of bread at a time is just daft. No bakery would ever survive making such tiny quantities. The overheads would kill the business in under a day!
So I'm hoping that that is purely just a demo thing only, and that there will be far bigger quantities on order in the main game.
50-100 loaves of each kind would be more realistic. The same goes for the rolls.

Also, how about having a knife to slice the tops of the bread before baking it. A lot of loaves have grooves in the top, and that's done by slicing it before baking.
Also, how about the addition of having to spray the tops of the bread/rolls with a small spray bottle of water, and then adding either sesame seeds or poppy seeds, or flour ect to the tops of them? Most loaves and rolls have seeds of some description on top of them. They'd be incredibly plain without it.

Also, the kneading mini game is a little 'iffy'.
While I don't totally dislike it, it would be far better to have a machine to do that.
That said, I can see how that could be a 'fill in' option when first starting out in the game until you can upgrade and buy the machines to do it..... as long as you haven't got huge orders to fulfil.
It would be better to have to cut off pieces of dough and weigh them in a set of scales and add/subtract dough until you get the right quantity and then put it in to a machine.
Weighing the cuts of dough over the kneading mini game would be more realistic. But that's just my opinion going by real life experience.
Just something to consider maybe?
The bakery I worked in they used to weigh each piece of dough they cut off before putting it in to a bread or roll making machine, and then finally placing the formed bread or rolls in to tins and/or on to trays.
Just 'guessing it' like you do in the demo would lead to all kinds of different weights and sizes of loaves and rolls.
A set of scales and having to weigh things would be much more realistic.

Also, I'm not a fan of the timed orders/deliveries either. It's too easy to make mistakes if you're watching the clock in an effort to make the deliveries on time. Especially when you tie in how damned slow the car is. One mistake and you're doomed!
Personally I'd prefer to have a 'career mode' where things are more realistic, or a 'challenge mode' where you're against the clock. Give the player the choice.

Retarders and provers (proofers)?
These are important pieces of kit in a bakery, yet in the demo I see none.
Hopefully this is something that will be in the main game?
You mentioned having donuts in the game. Well, the dayshift guys in the bakery I used to work in used to mix the dough and then form it in to balls, and then place them in to the retarder to stop them rising until I (on night shift) was ready to fry them.
The first thing I'd do when I started my shift was take the donuts from the retarder and place them in to the prover to make them rise. If you didn't prove them you'd have tiny solid balls of dough rather than nice fat round fluffy donuts!
Nobody would buy solid lumps of dough.
I also didn't see any signs of a donut fryer. Raw donuts anyone? ;D
Hopefully this is an upgrade available later in the game?

What are the plans for cakes?
Bakeries do far more than make bread, rolls, and donuts.
Viennese whirls/fingers, cream slices, swiss rolls, sponges, cupcakes, cookies, iced finger buns, sausage rolls, pasties, pies, teacakes, hot cross buns, bakewell/apple tarts/pies... etc etc.
So many other things that bakeries make than just bread and rolls.
All of the above we used to make on a daily basis, and I used to fill/finish all of the cakes/buns.

I was really hoping to see some cakes to fill/finish in the game, but from the demo (and what I see on the store page) it doesn't look too promising. :(

Also, the mixing in the demo could do with a little work in my opinion.
Using the different size scoops is 'doable', but if we're going to keep the system we have now then it might be an idea to have the 'current quantity' shown in the recipe rather than just the 'total quantity'.
For example, making the two loaves of bread you have to make in the demo, it requires 660ml of water. That's 1x 500ml, 1x 100ml, 1x 50ml. If you lose track of where you're got to half way through then your only option is to remove the entire quantity and start again. If you had the 'current' quantity in brackets beside the required quantity then it would help eliminate any confusion.
Just a small quality of life improvement to consider.
However, if you have scales in the game and measure each ingredient individually before placing it in to the mixing bowl then you'd know for sure how much you have.
In all honesty a set of scales should really be in the game from the very start. I was kinda shocked to see such a basic yet vital piece of equipment missing.

So, to wrap things up.....
I'm sorry if this sounds like I'm trying to really bash your game. That's not my intention at all. (although it very much sounds like it, I guess.)
It's really just trying to point out what is ideally expected of a 'simulator' over more of an 'arcade sim'.
The game has huge potential and huge promise, but there are several areas where improvements could be made.

My biggest worries are the 'driving' and the 'timer' for orders. Make both of these optional and it would make a huge difference to the game in my opinion.
Like I say, make a 'career mode' where there is no timer and life is more 'chilled out' and more of a 'simulator', or a 'challenge mode' where you are pitted against the clock. Both are doable, but just make it optional.
Personally I don't like the timer and it does kinda put me off the game.

Also the driving. It's Just not enjoyable at all as it is. The car accelerates and brakes far too slowly, and the AI traffic doesn't help matters there either.
And then there's the traffic lights showing all the colours of the rainbow all at the same time. Stop or go? It's all a gamble! ;D
I deffo think it should be optional to either drive yourself, or hire someone to do it for you.
I have a ton of driving games. I'm looking to buy a bakery simulator, not another driving game. (and a messy one at that, I'm afraid to say.)

So I'm sorry if all of this sounds kinda harsh. Please don't take it to heart, but take it as constructive criticism which is how it's meant to be intended.
Like I say, the game has a ton of promise. It just needs a few adjustments here and there to make the base game far better than the demo would suggest.

All in all I did enjoy the demo, but with a few improvements from the ideas listed above the game could end up being awesome! :)

I agree with everything you said for sure.
Thank you very much for your passion for the game and profession. We're going to do our best in order to create an amazing game! While I understand your thoughts about the demo we want to bring that feeling of waiting for another big thing to you and that is why some of the functions and features were not included in the game. We hope to amaze you with the new and fresh functions in the full version while currently we work on making sure that your feedback is properly applied to the game.

And as I said before - there's no need to worry about stating your opinion as long as it's polite. Only by welcoming all the comments with so many information can we make a great title. Cheers!
I think it's a good start, it just needs a little more work/tweaking and perhaps more time to be worked on but I think it'll be so worth it in the end when it's complete. It is a cute game so far and Looking forward to seeing the end result! :)
İlk olarak binxiegirl tarafından gönderildi:
I think it's a good start, it just needs a little more work/tweaking and perhaps more time to be worked on but I think it'll be so worth it in the end when it's complete. It is a cute game so far and Looking forward to seeing the end result! :)

Much appreciated! More work is indeed coming to the game so we hope you'll enjoy yourself much more in the full version of the game! Thank you!
I guess when they brought this to the team, they just passed this right into the trash can, without looking up. If the beat the clock is still not an option to turn off. We are looking for a bakery game not a racing game.
İlk olarak bbray tarafından gönderildi:
I guess when they brought this to the team, they just passed this right into the trash can, without looking up. If the beat the clock is still not an option to turn off. We are looking for a bakery game not a racing game.

I have the same opinion.
Nothing has changed.
And this suggestion has been over a year ...
En son Javito tarafından düzenlendi; 3 May 2022 @ 8:57
The actual released game saved my demo progress if that tells you how much 'work' was done since.
... and we were told the demo wasn't going to be much like the final release.
Lying to people isn't the way to build trust and make people want to buy from you.
It is, however, a good way to go bust!
En son EssBee tarafından düzenlendi; 3 May 2022 @ 9:51
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