Bakery Simulator

Bakery Simulator

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Bakery Simulator - Demo - Feedback/Opinions/Suggestions
Please note that the demo will be available on 16th June - the thread will remain locked until then.

Hello everyone!

We really hope you'll have a blast with our demo!

As you might know the demo version of the game showcases only a part of the game - a game that we continuously work on as the development goes on.

In case you might have any feedback, ideas or thoughts after playing through the demo here is the best place you can leave it for us. Gathering all of your feedback in one thread will make it easier for the developers to check the feedback and possibly introduce changes to the game!

Your feedback remains very important for us and we are thankful for every message. Please use a form presented below when posting your feedback or opinion! Thank you!

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Feedback description:
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A mostrar 1-15 de 35 comentários
L33TN00B 17 jun. 2021 às 20:09 
I had a lot of fun with the demo! I'm excited to see what's to come. One thing that I did not enjoy was the delivery. Honestly, it took away from the game for me and felt like a waste of time. It would be better if when you finish and place the product in the delivery box, it gets automatically delivered or picked up. I know you spent a lot of time on a beautiful city, but the delivery part was not enjoyable. Maybe make it optional?

Something I thought was interesting and maybe could be added was that when making bread, there was no rising time involved. I would have expected some time spent allowing the dough to rise. As someone who enjoys baking bread, it would be nice to see that included.

Either way, I appreciate the chance to try out the game and include my feedback. It was still a lot of fun and I look forward to release!
Rade 18 jun. 2021 às 2:55 
Hello! Had quite a bit of fun with this demo, looking forward to seeing what the game looks like when it's finished. I agree with the person above me that I didn't care much for the delivery aspect, and also think it could be optional. Maybe grabbing a delivery driver to deliver it for you could eat into profits, or take an above average amount of time? Fits into the time limit mechanics, and could still force you into doing it yourself if you took too long baking.

Otherwise, the only minor(and I mean very minor) gripe was moving the box that has the delicious looking baked goods a foot to the left into the blue mat area. It's an extra step that I don't really understand why it needs to be done. That being said, it's such a tiny extra step that I'm not going to be bothered if it stays in.
Marcus 18 jun. 2021 às 5:37 
I had fun at the beginning of the demo. Everything is new, so you try and figure it all out. But in the early stages it showed it was a lot of simplistic mechanics. I don't need Cooking Simulator physic based type of gameplay, but in my opinion this is the direct opposite of that. It felt a lot like I was just clicking buttons to kill time. I missed a real challenge, and that is probably also due to only working on one project at a time.
I had an issue with the kneading minigame on the golden loaf mission, and didn't retried the demo to see what happens passed that point. Could be a big miss for me, but what I played made sure I didn't want to go through that process again. It feels as if most of this game is a waiting simulator. You weigh your ingredients, you put it in a mixer and press a button. you mix with a huge margin of error (so no challenge or stress), you then plop the dough on the kneading bench (and have to do a simplistic minigame with a clunky control scheme), to then wait at an oven... and then the worst part... DELIVERY MISSIONs. If you take anything away from this piece of text, the delivery missions have to go — at least in their current form. It pulled me away from what I wanted to do... work in a bakery on multiple orders within a certain time frame that gives a certain sense of achievement when you managed to complete all the orders.
A suggestion to add to the game... the proofing process. Yes, I know proofing a dough is an actual waiting game. But if you make it a good time management gameplay element, it could really help a lot more.

Free suggestion: Coming from somebody that worked in a bakery... Have the orders you pick be the 'delivery' of the NEXT day, and make it a management game between finishing up the proofed dough (mixed the day before) and the newly mixed dough for tomorrow's production. At that point the player will have to make decisions (if multiple orders are allowed) to mix the ingredients to have the order for tomorrow proofed and ready or finish up the current delivery, if time becomes an issue. The player also have to remember how many proofed doughs they have in the proof chamber, because if a big order is waiting and they take a big order for today, it could lead to extra challenging/stressful situations. Personally I would remove the delivery driving, but would extend the crate preparation for a offscreen delivery that always comes around at 6:30 exactly. It just adds to the overall challenge and feeling of achievement when you get stuff done.
Live Motion Games 18 jun. 2021 às 6:30 
Originalmente postado por L33TN00B:
It would be better if when you finish and place the product in the delivery box, it gets automatically delivered or picked up. I know you spent a lot of time on a beautiful city, but the delivery part was not enjoyable. Maybe make it optional?

Something I thought was interesting and maybe could be added was that when making bread, there was no rising time involved. I would have expected some time spent allowing the dough to rise. As someone who enjoys baking bread, it would be nice to see that included.

Thank you very much for your feedback and suggestions for the game - we'll be sure to discuss them within the team. Could you please let me know if in your opinion driving is something that you would like to see completely marginalized or perhaps there is something that you would like to see when the delivery is happening? Imagine for a second that delivery stays in the game as it is - is there anything in your opinion we should do to make it more fun?

Originalmente postado por Rade:
Otherwise, the only minor(and I mean very minor) gripe was moving the box that has the delicious looking baked goods a foot to the left into the blue mat area. It's an extra step that I don't really understand why it needs to be done. That being said, it's such a tiny extra step that I'm not going to be bothered if it stays in.

Hi there! Thank you for your feedback and kind words about the game! Even if you think it's a minor thing we still appreciate you reporting it! We believe that every report matters and every single feature of the game can improved upon. I'll definitely bring that to developers attention! Thanks!

Originalmente postado por Marcus:
I had fun at the beginning of the demo. Everything is new, so you try and figure it all out. (...)

Thank you very much for your honest opinion about our game Marcus! We appreciate all voices - that includes criticism and constructive advice! We're gonna happily read through your description few times to make sure that we've gained understanding of what the game is in your eyes and possibly ponder what can we do in order to make it more fun. Much appreciated!
Silden 18 jun. 2021 às 11:36 
Please can you add an option for us to use the system cursor in the UI, I found the game one quite unresponsive, no matter how sensitive I set it in options, and the screen camera moved so fast. In addition I experienced game-breaking crashes with the following error:
Assertion failed: [File:Unknown] [Line: 198] Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost. (Error: 0x887A0005 - 'REMOVED')
Tommy 18 jun. 2021 às 13:12 
is it possible to redo the bread form? i missed the one it required while clicking and i wanted to do it again
fps are too low while driving. i played on 1024x768 graphics all normal, i have an i5 3570k amd hd 7750 1gb 8gb ram
The map is kinda bad or maybe is because i was looking at the floor to get 30fps.
i had to decrease my resolution to see the text more bigger too, it helped but still was too small.

Última alteração por Tommy; 18 jun. 2021 às 13:15
xipheon 18 jun. 2021 às 20:01 
Two related things stood out to me. There is a long wait for the oven so it would be nice if there's something to do while we wait. I also noticed how dirty the bowl is after you use it, we should be able to (have to) clean it so it stops bothering me having that dirty bowl sitting there.

Oh hey, we can wash dishes and wipe down counters while we wait for the oven! It could just be optional, like bonus money "saved" since you didn't have to hire a busboy to wash em for you magically between shifts.
Danteren666 18 jun. 2021 às 23:54 
Hi there! I had a lot of fun with this game! It ran very smoothly on my laptop and this was the first game I saw among the list of demos. The moment I saw it, I was super excited, first one to be downloaded and played. I can't wait for this game to come out in full production. I hope there will be lots of recipes and cake decorating too.

I gotta say though, the delivery part was kinda weird and out of place. It almost looked like GTA, but for Cake Boss haha. I am a horrible driver in video games so you can imagine how well I drove in the game lol.

Other than that, yeah! I can't wait for the full game.
meganraex 20 jun. 2021 às 11:20 
A really fun and chill sim game, can't wait to play some more! Would be good to get a bit more hands on with the dough etc. rather than just putting it in the mixer, maybe some hand mixing or something. Also I'm guessing/hoping in the full game we will be juggling other things while waiting for stuff to cook in the oven and not just waiting around.

It was really nice to see a game that had lovely graphics but can run smoothly on my laptop (950x) so I was really pleased with that side of things.

As others have said, the driving bit was a bit strange and unexpected for the game. I didn't mind it too much though it was a bit difficult to control at times. Also, please check where your NPCs passed their driving tests and maybe give them a refresher course ;P

Overall great job guys, looking forward to the full game <3
L33TN00B 20 jun. 2021 às 13:52 
Originalmente postado por Live Motion Games:
Originalmente postado por L33TN00B:
It would be better if when you finish and place the product in the delivery box, it gets automatically delivered or picked up. I know you spent a lot of time on a beautiful city, but the delivery part was not enjoyable. Maybe make it optional?

Something I thought was interesting and maybe could be added was that when making bread, there was no rising time involved. I would have expected some time spent allowing the dough to rise. As someone who enjoys baking bread, it would be nice to see that included.

Thank you very much for your feedback and suggestions for the game - we'll be sure to discuss them within the team. Could you please let me know if in your opinion driving is something that you would like to see completely marginalized or perhaps there is something that you would like to see when the delivery is happening? Imagine for a second that delivery stays in the game as it is - is there anything in your opinion we should do to make it more fun?

Honestly, I found the act of delivery driving completely unnecessary, tedious, and distracting from the game. If it stayed in the game and I was forced to make deliveries, this isn't the game for me. I'm trying to think of something that would make it more fun, and I can't. It is just something I do not want to do in this type of game and I was disappointed when it came up as an activity to do. I'm more into the act of baking and building a business.

Tamer 20 jun. 2021 às 15:50 
I found the demo to be quite interesting. Here are a few things I would like to propose for consideration.

As others are saying, the driving aspect of the game detracts from the core nature of the game as a baking simulator. If you are intent on keeping it a part of the game, my recommendation is to make driving deliveries yourself an optional process, adding an option to have customers come and pick up the orders themselves. As a suggestion to incentivize players, consider adding a bonus in the form of delivery fees should they decide to take the delivery option.

Also, will the game be composed of a fixed number of hand made or partially generated orders, or will there be an infinite cycle of procedurally generated orders, or some hybrid of the two? In my opinion, this game is prime material for infinite cycled gameplay. Doing so can dramatically increase its replay value as it guarantees there will always be something for the player to do.

From what I understand, orders from restaurants and other businesses are not usually the sole source of income for bakeries. It is often the case that they sell their baked goods to customers walking a shop that they run. Will something along the lines of this be possible in the future, perhaps as a bakery upgrade? It may give the player a good change of pace after they are done with orders for the day.

Overall, great job with the demo. I will be following the development of this game with great interest.
So enjoying playing the demo, though the driving section could use some work. It feels like it breaks the flow a little? maybe because it needs smoothing out.

The BIGGEST thing for me, though, is that the game needs a "Restart Day" option. I got stuck in a loop of not having the required items because they hadn't been delivered and I accidentally mess up and have to order more, but the game's taken my money from the last order and not delivered.

Related to above, along with "order missing items", can we please get an option for "missing for this order"?

Can't wait to see the polished game!
Live Motion Games 21 jun. 2021 às 9:13 
Hello everyone! Thank you again for both positive voices about our games and feedback regarding what we should still think about improving! The driving in particular is something you're reporting and we still await further opinions in that regard. Thank you!

Originalmente postado por Silden:
Please can you add an option for us to use the system cursor in the UI, I found the game one quite unresponsive, no matter how sensitive I set it in options, and the screen camera moved so fast. In addition I experienced game-breaking crashes with the following error:
Assertion failed: [File:Unknown] [Line: 198] Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost. (Error: 0x887A0005 - 'REMOVED')

Thank you very much for your feedback and issue report. We'll take a look at the problem to see what is happening. Could you please tell us when did that particular issue occured?

Originalmente postado por Tommy:
is it possible to redo the bread form? i missed the one it required while clicking and i wanted to do it again
fps are too low while driving. i played on 1024x768 graphics all normal, i have an i5 3570k amd hd 7750 1gb 8gb ram

Technically speaking you can start over and throw the bread you deem to be failed to the bin. Thank you for the feedback!

Originalmente postado por xipheon:
Two related things stood out to me. There is a long wait for the oven so it would be nice if there's something to do while we wait. I also noticed how dirty the bowl is after you use it, we should be able to (have to) clean it so it stops bothering me having that dirty bowl sitting there.

Oh hey, we can wash dishes and wipe down counters while we wait for the oven! It could just be optional, like bonus money "saved" since you didn't have to hire a busboy to wash em for you magically between shifts.

Very interesting feedback xipheon, thank you very much for brining it to our attention. Much appreciated!

Originalmente postado por Tamer:
I found the demo to be quite interesting. Here are a few things I would like to propose for consideration.

Thank you for your ideas Tamer, those are quite interesting and I'll be happy to discuss them with the team. I'll be happy to check with you again with some responses as soon as I have them for you :).

Originalmente postado por Arnavet:
The BIGGEST thing for me, though, is that the game needs a "Restart Day" option.

Thank you for the idea, that would be an interesting option. I'll be happy to touch upon it while talking with the team. Appreciated!
Hadik 22 jun. 2021 às 6:48 
Hi, first of all. I really enjoyed the game. And looking forward to buy it when released.
But, I have faced a few problems:
1. When you have keyboard in different language the shorcuts doesn't work as it's checking for numbers like ''3'' but when I press 3 it writes ''š''. So, I had to change keyboard laguage to be able to cotinue with the game.
2. When you drive a car and you release a gas then it's not steering properly, you have to press at least little bit of gas to steer.

Suggestion: When I thought about it. The option to have automatic delivery system would be nice. For example in the end-game you could have multiple delivery people which you would hire for some percentige of the total amount you would get from the order.

I hope this feedback will helpful.

Última alteração por Hadik; 22 jun. 2021 às 6:56
Live Motion Games 23 jun. 2021 às 1:54 
Originalmente postado por Hadik:
1. When you have keyboard in different language the shorcuts doesn't work as it's checking for numbers like ''3'' but when I press 3 it writes ''š''. So, I had to change keyboard laguage to be able to cotinue with the game.
2. When you drive a car and you release a gas then it's not steering properly, you have to press at least little bit of gas to steer.

Suggestion: When I thought about it. The option to have automatic delivery system would be nice. For example in the end-game you could have multiple delivery people which you would hire for some percentige of the total amount you would get from the order.

Hey there! We are aware of the problem with the AZERTY keyboards - definitely something that will be fixed!
We also appreciate the suggestion - we're checking our options in regard to driving :).
Thank you very much for taking the time to write to us!
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