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'Punishment' law

There is a new law, or future civic I guess, that needs voting on in world congress (all new to me, this).

One of the choices ('Forfeiture') says you'll have "-20% Stability loss per turn on City or Outpost".

That sounds very harsh, and to me like all cities will end up rioting in a few turns?

The other option ('Physical Punishment') says "Independent People spawn on all cities", which also sounds pretty dramatic. Does it mean my cities can suddenly become independent city states?

Not sure which one to choose here. What happens if we simply don't vote? :steamsunny:
Alkuperäinen julkaisija: DNLH:
You are correct that it slows down rate of Stability dropping and it is a positive thing. The other option should say "+100% DELAY between two crisis Independent People spawn on all Cities", which means more or less that rebel armies should spawn less often when City Stability hits rock bottom.

It is 'per turn', because Stability isn't lost in an instant, if City, for example, gets hit with "-50 Stability" penalty, it means that its target Stability is now 50 lower and it will travel there across couple of turns. That Civic choice slows it down, so you have even more time to react when City Stability drops low for whatever reason.

EDIT: becaue I just noticed the last question in the OP, 'neither' is a viable option for a Civic as well, if for whatever reason you dislike it or it wouldn't benefit you (Irreligion, for example, is a Civic that I barely even choose, because both choices lock you out of benefit of Tenets and offer next to nothing in exchange). You are not forced to choose in every Civic, although most of them provide some kind of benefit, so more often than not it's worth it if you have some spare influence lying around.
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Bjørn lähetti viestin:
One of the choices ('Forfeiture') says you'll have "-20% Stability loss per turn on City or Outpost".

That sounds very harsh, and to me like all cities will end up rioting in a few turns?

When I read this again, it strikes me as it's the stability LOSS itself that is -20%? So actually a good thing? :lunar2019smilingpig:

So when you build a new district for example, the city will get -8 Stability loss, instead of -10? But then the 'per turn' part makes little sense...

Sorry for being a bit thick here... :rufussmile:
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Bjørn; 18.7. klo 11.49
i think its per turn 20% loss because i have had it happen then i had to put down rebellions which says 40% gain for 10 turns ,i had to keep putting down rebellions until i got to execute the leader but i don't know fore sure this game has so many different things that can happen to trigger other things to happen. All i know for sure is that ai players pull all the worm moves
Tämän ketjun aloittaja on ilmaissut julkaisun vastaavaan alkuperäiseen aiheeseen.
You are correct that it slows down rate of Stability dropping and it is a positive thing. The other option should say "+100% DELAY between two crisis Independent People spawn on all Cities", which means more or less that rebel armies should spawn less often when City Stability hits rock bottom.

It is 'per turn', because Stability isn't lost in an instant, if City, for example, gets hit with "-50 Stability" penalty, it means that its target Stability is now 50 lower and it will travel there across couple of turns. That Civic choice slows it down, so you have even more time to react when City Stability drops low for whatever reason.

EDIT: becaue I just noticed the last question in the OP, 'neither' is a viable option for a Civic as well, if for whatever reason you dislike it or it wouldn't benefit you (Irreligion, for example, is a Civic that I barely even choose, because both choices lock you out of benefit of Tenets and offer next to nothing in exchange). You are not forced to choose in every Civic, although most of them provide some kind of benefit, so more often than not it's worth it if you have some spare influence lying around.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on DNLH; 18.7. klo 13.33
:steamthis: That makes perfect sense, many thanks! :steamthumbsup:

DNLH lähetti viestin:
The other option should say "+100% DELAY between two crisis Independent People spawn on all Cities", which means more or less that rebel armies should spawn less often when City Stability hits rock bottom.

I thought the 'two crisis'-part was a seperate issue from the Independent People part, so I conveniently left that out. Thanks for clearing that up.

I actually took the 'Irreligion' Civic recently (Secularism), before I understood quite what it did. When I saw it had disabled all the tenets and canceled out the prerequisite civics, I was about to reload, but when I noticed everything looked good and healthy with the cities I just kept playing. Nice to get rid of religion related Grievances as well :letsgo:
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Bjørn; 18.7. klo 13.46
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