Outpost: Infinity Siege

Outpost: Infinity Siege

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Autoloaders in general suck / Those new Mechs are amazing, give us a way to build.
To be fair, the Autoloader system isnt fleshed out even remotely, just remove the part, where they have to be connected to the turret or give us drones that supply ammo from storage if you wanna keep it. Also with the new missions come some damn amazing mechs and stuff, give us a way to build them to be integrated into our bases.
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
Butcher 17 Aug @ 10:07am 
Originally posted by Imperius:
To be fair, the Autoloader system isnt fleshed out even remotely
Do you have any examples or an explanation to substantiate your claim?
Neon 17 Aug @ 2:20pm 
Originally posted by Imperius:
To be fair, the Autoloader system isnt fleshed out even remotely, just remove the part, where they have to be connected to the turret or give us drones that supply ammo from storage if you wanna keep it. Also with the new missions come some damn amazing mechs and stuff, give us a way to build them to be integrated into our bases.

You get auto loaders later on that do pull ammo from your supply. And even auto loaders that can feed other auto loaders. Sounds like you just need to keep pushing into the game to get to them!
Imperius 18 Aug @ 3:59am 
I have everything and everything is also fleshed out when it comes to my base designs. But not being able to controll the stockpile of ammo being produced, and overflowing belts or a simple overview on how every part is stocked, just makes it annoying. But people like @Butcher seem to be fine with even a bad implementation, which he is entiteled to have his opinion.
Butcher 18 Aug @ 4:22am 
Originally posted by Imperius:
I have everything and everything is also fleshed out when it comes to my base designs. But not being able to controll the stockpile of ammo being produced, and overflowing belts or a simple overview on how every part is stocked, just makes it annoying. But people like @Butcher seem to be fine with even a bad implementation, which he is entiteled to have his opinion.
In this episode of "did you knew" - you can enable and disable ammo production at will. And simple circular design with belts forming a circle around the base ensures that all autoloaders use the same ammo supply.
Imperius 18 Aug @ 4:45am 
You dude are something else. You must be some special kind of person. Who wouldve guesed that you can turn them on and of and who wouldve known you can do a circular design .... Just stick with your opinion, its ok
Butcher 18 Aug @ 4:47am 
Originally posted by Imperius:
You dude are something else. You must be some special kind of person. Who wouldve guesed that you can turn them on and of and who wouldve known you can do a circular design .... Just stick with your opinion, its ok
Who would have guessed when you said that you are not able to control the stockpile of ammo being produced you did not mean that?
Originally posted by Imperius:
But not being able to controll the stockpile of ammo being produced
Honestly, a drone auto loader that does not need line of sight like normal drones. Just sky access is what I have wanted from the start. Though I am not sure they will ever add it.

it would solve 2 problems:
#1: Allows for more creative builds that are not the arch-typical min-maxed pyramid design.
#2: Allow you to recover items out of bounds and stuck items without the grapple hook loader line of sight issue.
Originally posted by Butcher:
Originally posted by Imperius:
You dude are something else. You must be some special kind of person. Who wouldve guesed that you can turn them on and of and who wouldve known you can do a circular design .... Just stick with your opinion, its ok
Who would have guessed when you said that you are not able to control the stockpile of ammo being produced you did not mean that?
Originally posted by Imperius:
But not being able to controll the stockpile of ammo being produced

Pretty sure he means a basic cap so you don't have to go look at the belt say welp that is to much. Turn off a few ammo producers wait a round or two go huh still to much shut down a few more and so on and so forth till you get a some what stable supply which then goes out the window if your guns start firing faster and then you have to go juggle it all again through a clunky interface or manually walking up to each auto loader. the new supreme is a little better in that you can use it as a 1 way conveyor but its still clunky and only really good at filling everything not even evenly filling everything just well it will get full when the total cap is full
Neon 18 Aug @ 4:21pm 
I think some people want this game to be AFK, watch your base do all the work.

Having to intervene and manage your base isn't bad design, it's just design. It's the way you're supposed to be playing the game. If you're not shooting you should be managing your base.
Originally posted by Neon:
I think some people want this game to be AFK, watch your base do all the work.

Having to intervene and manage your base isn't bad design, it's just design. It's the way you're supposed to be playing the game. If you're not shooting you should be managing your base.

Well then it is badly designed because if what you say truly is the intent then its not working i can afk i just run the risk of crashing the game because using physics enabled resources moving around the game world in significant numbers is never a good idea.

Unless crashing the game 20 rounds into an endless run is the intended game design?
Butcher 19 Aug @ 1:34am 
Originally posted by nosrepatsuj:
Originally posted by Butcher:
Who would have guessed when you said that you are not able to control the stockpile of ammo being produced you did not mean that?

Pretty sure he means a basic cap so you don't have to go look at the belt say welp that is to much. Turn off a few ammo producers wait a round or two go huh still to much shut down a few more and so on and so forth till you get a some what stable supply which then goes out the window if your guns start firing faster and then you have to go juggle it all again through a clunky interface or manually walking up to each auto loader. the new supreme is a little better in that you can use it as a 1 way conveyor but its still clunky and only really good at filling everything not even evenly filling everything just well it will get full when the total cap is full
So, essentially, you want some sort of logics device which can be linked to various outpost components, poll their state and make verious decisions?
Originally posted by Butcher:
Originally posted by nosrepatsuj:

Pretty sure he means a basic cap so you don't have to go look at the belt say welp that is to much. Turn off a few ammo producers wait a round or two go huh still to much shut down a few more and so on and so forth till you get a some what stable supply which then goes out the window if your guns start firing faster and then you have to go juggle it all again through a clunky interface or manually walking up to each auto loader. the new supreme is a little better in that you can use it as a 1 way conveyor but its still clunky and only really good at filling everything not even evenly filling everything just well it will get full when the total cap is full
So, essentially, you want some sort of logics device which can be linked to various outpost components, poll their state and make verious decisions?

Actually the ability to link ammo producers to device states would go a long way it wouldn't be perfect but it would allow for modular design like having a bank of ammo producers that would turn on if autoloader X had Y fill state. Then turn off when it hits X fill level.

I would prefer an if then based on the number of ammo pieces on the belt but that would be very messy to try to code.
Neon 19 Aug @ 10:17am 
Originally posted by nosrepatsuj:
Originally posted by Neon:
I think some people want this game to be AFK, watch your base do all the work.

Having to intervene and manage your base isn't bad design, it's just design. It's the way you're supposed to be playing the game. If you're not shooting you should be managing your base.

Well then it is badly designed because if what you say truly is the intent then its not working i can afk i just run the risk of crashing the game because using physics enabled resources moving around the game world in significant numbers is never a good idea.

Unless crashing the game 20 rounds into an endless run is the intended game design?

So you can't hit 'ESC' and clear the ammo at least once in 20 rounds? It's like 3 clicks. That's not bad for a game that is not advertised or intended to be an AFK cookie clicker like game. It really sounds like you want a completely different game then what this is. Why play a game with first person and guns if you don't intend to do any shooting or at the very least run around your base and manage it.
Originally posted by Neon:
Originally posted by nosrepatsuj:

Well then it is badly designed because if what you say truly is the intent then its not working i can afk i just run the risk of crashing the game because using physics enabled resources moving around the game world in significant numbers is never a good idea.

Unless crashing the game 20 rounds into an endless run is the intended game design?

So you can't hit 'ESC' and clear the ammo at least once in 20 rounds? It's like 3 clicks. That's not bad for a game that is not advertised or intended to be an AFK cookie clicker like game. It really sounds like you want a completely different game then what this is. Why play a game with first person and guns if you don't intend to do any shooting or at the very least run around your base and manage it.

it crashes with just 20 boxes on the belt some times. Physics enabled resources are never a good idea.

As for wanting to "AFK" no i just don't want to have to micro manage my base there is piles of junk loot that need picked up and scraped in endless and in return to dawn base the whole point is to be out gathering resources not in your base micro managing production.

Also as your not a dev maybe you shouldn't be telling other people how to play the game.
Last edited by nosrepatsuj; 20 Aug @ 7:42am
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