Maximum Football

Maximum Football

Recruitment/Attendance System
Okay so I've wanted a system like this for a long time in a football game. Since playing Madden 08 way after release. They had a very rudimentary version of it when you make a team, right. That doesn't involve any real depth. Based on solely on the population number of the specific city that you picked.

So this single thing. Which would be a MF'er to put together I admit. Could be used as both a system fro recruitment and for attendance of your teams. The easiest way to get it done would just be a bubble. Like I'm showing here. A more complicated way would Be to use highways and distance based off of that in a much more system. Bubble is fine though.

Essentially you would just have to put in all the states and all the counties. And the population numbers of each of them. That's the really hard tedious part. But then you could work the attendance numbers that a school could get by the actual population of the surrounding area. Which is the thing that maddens didn't cover at all.

So in function though. You'd just enter your team county. And based on the reputation of your school and your success. You would have a bubble around your school. That would expand out when you were doing better and contract when you weren't. So you could do the numbers a couple of different ways. One would be if any part of your bubble touched a county. It would include all of that county. Another and more complicated way which I like more would be. That the percentage of the country inside the bubble. Would be the percentage of the population of that county. That would be included. So say there's 100,000 people there your bubble covers 10% that's 10k people. That would be include in whatever the total number is.

SO. A full on and off for this would probably be good. As some people wouldn't want to deal with, all this. But it is something I have thought about for years.

Also. Potentially being able to grow the population in the area if you have enough sustain success. And generally that number would take much longer to shrink. Than it would to grow.

But this is one of those dream features that I've hard for a very long time. And has just kinda sat stewing in my brain for years and years. And this is just an idea. And I know making that, and balancing that. To make it workable and fun is a whole other thing.
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Okay. So I was thinking if you were to do this. And you did do country selection as well as state. Having the default be set to the highest population county. And giving that information, as well the information that it could take longer to grow a team in a low population area. Would probably be a good as well.
And I spaced. Meant to say this as well. That it would also be a more accurate way to portray and simulate the weather system. As one part of a state can be green with tons of trees, and another part could be a desert. Like California and Washington.
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