Crysis Remastered
Exact difference between Crysis and Crysis Remastered?
Just reinstalled my old Crysis again and playing it after 10 or more years. Enjoying it 3440 x 1440 on 45" OLED :) The video sequeces are pixely but I dont care for them. Alt-tabbing has a bit problems, sets the game each time to windowed mode instead of directly tabbing to steam or firefox, and then I need to activate fullscreen again. That's for sure a little annoyance.

What's exactly is better in the remastered version?
Отредактировано Gordon✪Gekko; 2 июл в 7:53
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Crysis Remastered is made by the same developers which gave us the amazing Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary, so you can expect just as good quality here!!! 😆 *sarcasm*

The game is trash, and not worth the money they wanna charge for it. Stick to the original. 👍
Yes, your opinon got clear :steamthumbsup:

Has somebody more hard facts to add to the visual and also to the general and particular technical improvements of the enhanced edition?
Автор сообщения: Gordon✪Gekko
Yes, your opinon got clear :steamthumbsup:

Has somebody more hard facts to add to the visual and also to the general and particular technical improvements of the enhanced edition?
It's not an opinion, it's a fact. C1R is objectively worse than the original, with a bright shiny colourful exterior hiding all of the mess that got swept under the rug, left to fester, because Crytek/Saber are sloppy af... and if you can't see through all the nonsense they spew, then you're as dumb as it gets.
Отредактировано Pfeuff; 2 июл в 17:45
Hello Everybody

After considering one day,

getting insulted and threatened here and on my a profile by PFEUFF, who explained in an additional post that if can't take insults and threats I should not be on the internet (this post he deleted then afterwards),

I bought the Crysis Remastered Triology and it seems to be a wonderful game, worth the re-buy. Apart from cutscenes, which I don't care for, the textures overall got better. Some particular things, like cliffs, look a little bit worse.

Alt tabbing works now instantly.

Full buy recommendation! :cchappy:
Отредактировано Gordon✪Gekko; 3 июл в 7:52
Insulted and threatened, here? Hardly. On your profile? Oh pray tell, where did I leave any such comments on your profile, hmm? You mean like the blatant insults you in fact did post on my profile? Get over yourself, vanity is an ugly trait. I also didn't delete the post, it was done by a steam mod which you had to go and bother with this nonsense.
Отредактировано Pfeuff; 3 июл в 10:14
C1 Remastered still suffers from single thread CPU issues and the result is large frame drops in many scenes with top tier CPU & GPU combos.
There's no excuse in my opinion don't even bother with a 'remaster' if this is the case.
Автор сообщения: Chris
C1 Remastered still suffers from single thread CPU issues and the result is large frame drops in many scenes with top tier CPU & GPU combos.
There's no excuse in my opinion don't even bother with a 'remaster' if this is the case.
The only annoyance so far is that they remapped the keys.

And strangly I can't run Crysis and Crysis Remastered at the same time.
Maybe the original Crysis now also uses the new engine and there can be only one instance of it?
Отредактировано Gordon✪Gekko; 4 авг в 14:20
They destroyed the AI for some reason, it's much better in the original. Weird change actually.

For instance:
In the original, most enemies would gasp if you decloaked infront of them.
In the re-master, they will start shooting you half a millisecond after you decloak.

In the original, enemies had a view distance range.
In the re-master they have seemingly don't, and can spot you at any range.

In the re-master they also seem to be very, very accurate at range aswell.

Things like decloaking, shooting a guy, and then cloaking again, which is a very fun tactic, simply does not work anymore because of this.
Отредактировано -=|Kenlaboss|=-; 6 июл в 13:28
The difference is in the remaster they added support for DLSS, HDR, and Ray Tracing.

Note: The HDR is FUBAR - It looks better if you install Reshade and turn on fake HDR

They also converted the actionmaps.xml from true xml to code so players can't fix it like we did in the original. So the suit mode shortcuts are FUBAR.

The original didn't have suit shortcuts, we added them in. Instead of adding them the same way we did it in the orignal, the devs came up with a way to fork them up very badly.

If you prefer a better looking but dumbed down version of the game, you'll like the remaster.
Автор сообщения: Sqrly
Note: The HDR is FUBAR
I see.
Go Arni go!

What I miss is the ability to save my games. And remapping the key was unnecessary, especially since I cant run both game at the same time as re-beginnner it confused me.
I might go back to the original. but you know, I wanted to buy Crysis 3 and the only version in the steam shop is the remasterd version. for only 3 dollars more I got the whole remastered trilogy, it was worth a shot.

What I really find astonishing is when devs totally NOT listen to their community though obviously most people here are very unhappy with the remastered version.
I mean if I would program games my priority goal would be to make the players of my game happy. Therefore it would only be logical to listen what players want and about what they complain, or not:conf:
Отредактировано Gordon✪Gekko; 10 июл в 9:41
Автор сообщения: Gordon✪Gekko
What I really find astonishing is when devs totally NOT listen to their community though obviously most people here are very unhappy with the remastered version.
Steam reviews for Crysis Remastered are mostly postiive. Crysis 2/3 Remastered are very postiive.
Few unhappy people may create an illusion as if everyone hates it.
Good point. Yes, after I got attacked here and other places ceaselessly by this Pfeuff piper and many other came to complain as well I really got the impression that this is a very sad, very unhappy and deeply frustrated community :steamsad:

I am now really glad to read that this is not the case. Games should make people happy and satisfied after all. What else is the purpose of gaming.
Отредактировано Gordon✪Gekko; 10 июл в 11:08
You sure know how to blow things way out of proportion Gordon✪Gekko. It amuses me how you keep playing the drama queen, and remain ignorant to the blatant flaws of these low effort remasters that look like 10% of the budget was spent on production, and 90% on marketing.
The lighting is better, shadows are nicer, textures are much sharper and detailed. the reflections/shaders look much nicer too. The game also runs at 90-100 fps (running at 1440p, high to very high settings). Which, the original even on my current rig runs like garbage still. So that is a major plus for me. Most of the bugs that pissed me off from the og version are fixed. I don't get crashes anymore like I did on the og version. I still see some bugs from the og are still present though. Like bodies rattling and shaking, clipping through walls etc. That is not a big deal to me and it's not game "breaking" in my eyes. Overall I think the remaster is worth a buy.
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