Minecraft Legends

Minecraft Legends

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aPairOfSocks 18 kwietnia 2023 o 16:42
Current List of Gripes with the Game.. Feel free to add.
friendly mobs do not auto engage
ramp building is abysmally unintuitive
2x cheaper to spam smaller flames of ender
removing flames of ender despawns your mobs
protection towers destroy your own projectiles
mob pathing sucks - often gets stuck under something and doesnt move
commanding armies is just spamming and hoping things work
flags shouldnt stick around as long as they do
no highlight for commanding army
zero incentive for mob variety
iron ore is barely visible
no seed input for world generation
no village building options at all
complete inability to damage enemy placed objects as a player
friendly mobs have collision and push you around when trying to build/spawn more mobs

too small of inventory space for gold and lapis, especially taking into consideration it despawns super quickly after a raid. This makes completing a raid on enemy bases extremely unrewarding ( this is a really bad game design choice imho ) In MC items despawn ***IF*** youre in the chunk that theyre in for 5 minutes. In MC Legends it despawns in 10 seconds ( for resources you only get from finishing off raids mind you xdd )
Ostatnio edytowany przez: aPairOfSocks; 18 kwietnia 2023 o 17:54
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Wyświetlanie 1-15 z 23 komentarzy
aPairOfSocks 18 kwietnia 2023 o 17:27 
To be completely honest, in the current state of the game, I don't feel like a commander at all. The mobs are too stupid to attack anything at all unless Im directly in the front of everything at all times, spamming the ♥♥♥♥ out of the Q button, while dealing too little damage to mobs to be of significance and unable to damage structures. Fights are taking massive amounts of damage trying to build a ramp because of how ♥♥♥♥ the system is and then just button smashing Q and E. Speaking of which, when pressing E to send your mobs anywhere, you'll overshoot the area because there is no indicator, and then your mobs will fall off something and just stand where they fell until you drop down and re-command them all over again. I know you can Ctrl then command but the mobs still dont do what I tell them to do..... It's frustrating.
StellarSkys 18 kwietnia 2023 o 17:29 
the lack of any amount of unit micro.
the restrictiveness of the crafting system.

i think the building should of been a lot more like dragon quest builders 2 personally.
Chubzdoomer 18 kwietnia 2023 o 18:25 
The biggest issue I've had with ramps is how little control you have over their rotation. It would've been WAY better if you could smoothly rotate them before placing them instead of having them snap to oddly specific angles (I can almost never get the angle I truly need, which ends up screwing me over).
Chubzdoomer 18 kwietnia 2023 o 18:28 
One gripe I have with the map, at least when using M&KB:
When you zoom in, there's literally no way to pan the map besides bringing the mouse cursor all the way to the edge of the screen. WASD should pan, and you should also be able to pan by holding down one of the mouse buttons and dragging the mouse.

As a result, I find the map to be a real chore to use. I always want to zoom in to get a better look at things, but then panning around is so cumbersome I just give up and zoom way back out and use the map that way. There's no excuse for that IMO, especially since the map is so incredibly important in this game.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Chubzdoomer; 18 kwietnia 2023 o 18:29
Euri 18 kwietnia 2023 o 18:41 
All of my gripes stem from multiplayer

Can we get a few different join types: premade/solo queue
Can we have monsters currently in combat not count as unowned for recall
Can we have some quick chat options in game
Can we see player kills/deaths in the end screen, I was curious how I had done but there is no info at all

I snuck behind the enemy base and had it almost dead (2%) and an ally recalled them I don't think it was malicious they were probably just recovering what they had when they died. We still won but it made the game last 20 minutes longer than it needed to.

Początkowo opublikowane przez aPairOfSocks:
complete inability to damage enemy placed objects as a player
I don't think they're likely to change this with how mounts work. You'd be able to just get the beetle and climb to the top of a portal and smack it.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Euri; 18 kwietnia 2023 o 18:45
Oopsy 18 kwietnia 2023 o 18:46 
no in game chat with a team based pvp system makes like 0 sense complete cluster f
No' Name 18 kwietnia 2023 o 19:33 
How about a way to Despawn monsters, rather than you know, send them into Lava or something.

Being able to create monsters, and have such a small limit is beyond rtarded, with no way to despawn them to reform, and organize an army.
StellarSkys 18 kwietnia 2023 o 19:34 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Humor:
How about a way to Despawn monsters, rather than you know, send them into Lava or something.

Being able to create monsters, and have such a small limit is beyond rtarded, with no way to despawn them to reform, and organize an army.

wait i thought i saw a way to despawn them at their alters. maybe i was mistaken though as i didn't try it.
Chubzdoomer 18 kwietnia 2023 o 19:45 
Początkowo opublikowane przez StellarSkys:
Początkowo opublikowane przez Humor:
How about a way to Despawn monsters, rather than you know, send them into Lava or something.

Being able to create monsters, and have such a small limit is beyond rtarded, with no way to despawn them to reform, and organize an army.

wait i thought i saw a way to despawn them at their alters. maybe i was mistaken though as i didn't try it.
Nope, AFAIK the only three options you get when interacting with spawners are:
- Spawn more creatures of that specific type
- Recall EVERY creature you've spawned, regardless of its type (basically like teleporting your entire army to your position)
- Delete the spawner and get some resources back (which doesn't affect any of the creatures you've spawned; it only removes the spawner itself)
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Chubzdoomer; 18 kwietnia 2023 o 19:47
StellarSkys 18 kwietnia 2023 o 19:52 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Chubzdoomer:
Początkowo opublikowane przez StellarSkys:

wait i thought i saw a way to despawn them at their alters. maybe i was mistaken though as i didn't try it.
Nope, AFAIK the only three options you get when interacting with spawners are:
- Spawn more creatures of that specific type
- Recall EVERY creature you've spawned, regardless of its type (basically like teleporting your entire army to your position)
- Delete the spawner and get some resources back (which doesn't affect any of the creatures you've spawned; it only removes the spawner itself)

ah yeah i probably missread the 3rd one
Weird Grim 18 kwietnia 2023 o 19:58 
"flags shouldnt stick around as long as they do"
The flag stays aslong there is a mob active with that command (probbely one got stuck somewhere), try to find that mob and rally it and the flag goes away.
"complete inability to damage enemy placed objects as a player"
That is intented behavior.
StellarSkys 18 kwietnia 2023 o 20:03 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Weird Grim:
"flags shouldnt stick around as long as they do"
The flag stays aslong there is a mob active with that command (probbely one got stuck somewhere), try to find that mob and rally it and the flag goes away.
"complete inability to damage enemy placed objects as a player"
That is intented behavior.

"""complete inability to damage enemy placed objects as a player"
That is intented behavior"

uhhhhhhh i mean, are you trying to say that because the devs intend it, no one is allowed to not like it?

like thats what this is, they do not (and myself actually) like that you cannot damage structures via the player character. just because its intended doesnt mean everyone likes it.

personally i hate it because fights turn into, "okay i killed the enemy spawners all thats left is some towers that do next to nothing, and now i get it afk for several minutes as the player ai's destroy stuff and i as a player am not allowed to do anything.
ReaperOne1Two2 18 kwietnia 2023 o 20:12 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Altaneen:
All of my gripes stem from multiplayer

Can we get a few different join types: premade/solo queue
Can we have monsters currently in combat not count as unowned for recall
Can we have some quick chat options in game
Can we see player kills/deaths in the end screen, I was curious how I had done but there is no info at all

I snuck behind the enemy base and had it almost dead (2%) and an ally recalled them I don't think it was malicious they were probably just recovering what they had when they died. We still won but it made the game last 20 minutes longer than it needed to.

Początkowo opublikowane przez aPairOfSocks:
complete inability to damage enemy placed objects as a player
I don't think they're likely to change this with how mounts work. You'd be able to just get the beetle and climb to the top of a portal and smack it.

Yeah, I really don't have too many complaints about the game other than the shared stuff in MP. Either they should introduce roles or make everything personal but split or something.

I had a 2 hour long match because the one person who knew how to play was on the enemy team defense and my teammates would keep recalling minions at like 70/120 capacity every time. I had to go farm out the end game golems and base rush them to end it despite having some pretty good sieges going on before.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: ReaperOne1Two2; 18 kwietnia 2023 o 20:14
xOnexEyedxWolfx 18 kwietnia 2023 o 20:17 
how about you let me off this god forsaken horse aND JUST LET ME PLAY THIS RPG SURVIVAL STYLE LIKE IT SHOULD BE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!
jacoby2041 18 kwietnia 2023 o 20:43 
Mouse acceleration/smoothing definitely needs to be removed/option to remove. I looked around in the game files for like an hour but I don't know ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about game files and I'm pretty sure I can't actually look at everything, I couldn't really figure anything out. Thought it could've been one of those invisible options games have sometimes that isn't in the in-game menu but still exists, but yeah, couldn't find it. Did see one thing for some of the cameras called "input dampening coefficient" or something like that, set to 0.25 but idk if that could be related or maybe it doesn't have anything to do with it. I don't want to go messing around with anything without knowing what it is, maybe someone else can chip in on this front since I don't know enough about it

Also did notice there are some graphics setting that aren't directly selectable in game that are affected by the preset options, would be nice to be able to choose those individually rather than only going by presets

Of all the complaints (aside from the aforementioned) I feel mob AI definitely needs improvement. They should aggro more on nearby enemies and structures, and if a nearby friendly unit/structure is getting attacked and the unit isn't doing anything they should come to help. Anything currently in combat shouldn't get recalled, and each spawner should only recall its own unit type unless all of that unit's spawners are gone. Units feel unresponsive a lot of the time unless you're constantly spamming commands, and they seem a bit too forgetful
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